What If Obi Wan Kenobi WAS Mandalorian

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What would've happened had Obi-Wan Kenobi been born Mandalorian? Would his family practice the ways of the traditional Mandalorians or would he be part of the new Mandalore? Would he find interest in Satine or would he be thrown down another path?

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Imagine a fight between mandalorian anakin and mandalorian obi wan


What if Abeloth was Anakin's mother? From what I can remember of what she desired the most, it's being reunited with her "family" (at least, in "Legends").

I definitively see her manipulating the Force and Plaeguis to be able to create Anakin in a attempt to re-create the Daughter & Son (Anakin being a perfect incarnation of the Dark & Light side of the Force).


"You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy Moth Gideon, not join him. You were to bring balance to Mandalore, not leave it in darkness!"


This was amazing. The complete 180 from Jedi Obi-Wan was both shocking and amazing to watch. From peaceful Jedi to hardened Mandalorian warrior. What an incredibly well made turn around in the video.

What if Obi-Wan turned Anakin back to the light during their duel on Mustafar?

What if Domino Squad survived the Rishi Moon attack?


What if palpatine wanted obi wan as his apprentice insted of anakin giving the fact he killed darth maul while beeing a padawan


What if Caleb Dume was trained by Jaro Tapal and Cal Kestis was trained under Deepa Billaba?

What if Jango Fett survived?

What if the First Order used a clone army like Kylo Ren wanted?

What if the empire never stopped using clones?

What if instead of Anakin staying in the chambers he executed Order 65?

What if Domino Squad survived?

What if Hunter had his inhibitor chip enhanced instead of Crosshair?

What if Jango raised Boba and Omega?

What if Echo made it out of the Citadel?

What if Ezra Bridger fell in love with Sabine Wren? (This one’s semi-canon TBH)

What if Bohdi Rook was a Death Trooper?

What if Cassian Andor joined the ISB?

What if Han never left the empire?

What if the Battle Droids became sentient during the Clone Wars? (Basically what if they stopped letting the republic win)

What if Ezra Bridger was a clone of Starkiller?

What if Ezra and Ahsoka killed Palpatine in The World Between Worlds?

What if Darth Vader turned Luke to the Dark Side in ROTJ?

What if Ahsoka became the Grand Inquisitor?

What if Ahsoka Tano left the order for Lux Bonteri?

What if the Separatists built the Death Star during the clone wars?

What if the Republic/Senate recovered the Death Star plans during the battle of Geonosis?

What if Cal Kestis was stranded on Lothal instead of Bracca?

What if the Death Star succeeded in the battle of Yavin 4?

What if Commander Cody led the 501st and Rex led the 212th?

What if Grevious died in the battle of Geonosis?

What if Cal Kestis found Grogu?

What if Barris Offe joined Death Watch after the temple bombing?

What if Dooku didn’t abandon Ventress?

What if Maul and Savage killed Palpatine?

What if Moff Gideon was used in Star Wars Rebels and Thrawn was used in the Mandalorian?

What if Ezra Bridger joined the Dark Side in Rebels S3?

What if SCAR Squadron was in the battle of Scarif?

What if instead of Bracca Cal Kestis landed on Mandalore and became a foundling?

What if Caleb Dume was killed during Order 66 but Deepa Billaba survived?

What if Mace Windu survived?

What if Captain Howzer was a member of the 501st?

What if the Rebellion used battle droids?

What if Obi-Wan turned Anakin back to the light on Mustafar?

What if Boba Fett never fell in the Sarclac Pit?

What if Sidious killed Maul but kept Savage?

What if the Nightsister Massacre failed?

What if Phoenix Squadron stayed with Sabine on Mandalore?

What if Sabine Wren became the ruler of Mandalore?

What if Jesse believed Rex about Ahsoka?

What if instead of being labeled as a “defect squad” each member of the Bad Batch was sent to different Clone battalions?

What if Alderran didn’t blow up?

What if the Sepratists mass-produced the Malevolence?

What if the Republic used droids and the Separatists used clones?

What if Qui-Gon survived?

What if Ventress turned back to the light in the Clone Wars?

What if Maul hunted Sidious instead of Kenobi in Rebels?

What if Luke and Leia died during birth but Padme survived?

What if Chewbacca was killed during the Battle Of Kashyyk in Order 66?

What if Han Solo fell in love with Hera Syndulla?

What if the Carbonite Chamber killed Han?

What if Rey was a descendent of Obi-Wan?

What if Anakin fell in love with Bo-Katan or Riyo Chuchi?

What if Luke never left Tatooine?

What if General Hux was force-sensitive?

What if Anakin, Palpatine, and Obi-Wan died during the crash from the battle of Courscant?

What if Order 66 failed? (I know a video was already made but I mean a redo like if it didn’t effect the clones at all or caused the clones to turn on each other instead?)

What if Finn was force sensitive? (Basically what if he was the ACTUAL main character of the sequels)

What if the Rebel Alliance approved the attack on Scarif?

What if Saw Gerrara didn’t sacrifice himself on Jedha?

What if Chirrut Imwe was a Jedi?

What if Anakin’s mother didn’t die?

What if Maul became an inquisitior?

What if Han and Q’ira escaped Corellia?

What if the assassination on Padme in AOTC succeeded?

What if the CIS won the clone wars?

What if Aayla Secura fell in love with Commander Bly?

What if Saw Gerrara died but Steela lived?

What if Ezra took up Palpatine’’s offer in the Rebels finale?

What if Qui-Gon lived in TPM but Obi-Wan died?

What if Yoda didn’t die in ROTJ?

What if Sabine was Boba Fett’s daughter?

What if Asajj had a new apprentice when she went to Dathomir? (Nightsister Merrin)

What if Grevious was in AOTC?

What if Obi-Wan captured Grevious instead of killing him?

What if the Bad Batch were at the Jedi Temple when Order 66 activated? Since they resisted the first time what would change?

What if Obi-Wan fell in love with Bo-Katan instead of Satine?

What ir Clone Trooper Kix was never captured by Dooku and exposed Order 66?

What if Fives survived?

What if Obi-Wan fell to the dark side after Satine’s death?

What if Ahsoka never left the order?

What if Thrawn was made Grand Moff instead of Tarkin?

What if Anakin and Padme adopted Boba Fett after the battle of Geonosis?

What if the Death Star 2 was fully completed?

What if Savage Oppress joined the light side?

What if Trilla never became the 2nd sister?

What if Lando didn’t betray the rebels in Cloud City?

What if Thrawn led the First Order?

What if Syfo-Dias faked his death?

What if the Death Star 2 didn’t blow up?

What if Boba Fett was hired to kill Leia?

What if Padme died in TPM?

What if Dooku told Obi-Wan about Palpatine in AOTC?

What if Ahsoka was at the temple during Order 66?

What if Director Krennic was Grand Moff instead of Tarkin?

What if Owen and Beru weren’t killed?

What if Maul found Anakin before Qui Gon and made him his apprentice?

What if Crosshair escaped mount Tantiss?

What if Boba Fett found the darksaber?

What if the empire won the battle of Jakku?

What if Bo-Katan was killed but Satine lived?

What if Din Djarin was rescued by the Jedi when he was a child?

What if Delta Squad disobeyed Order 66?

What if Din Djarin’s parents survived?

What if Ezra Bridger trained Luke Skywalker?

What if Phoenix Squadron went with Rogue One to steal the Death Star plans?

What if Jesse had his chip removed after Fives died?

What if Kamino fell during its invasion in the Clone wars?

What if Barriss Offee never betrayed the Jedi?

What if the empire built Starkiller Base instead of the Death Star?

What if clones never had inhibitor chips?

What if Reva killed young Luke Skywalker?

What if Anakin was never a slave?

What if Boba Fett was hired to capture Omega instead of Cad Bane?

Sorry for so many my bad💀


After seeing the recent finale of the bad batch season 2, now would be a providential time to cover:

*What if Steela Gerrera had survived and led the Partisans?*


Man, obi had a brutal childhood. Love the obi wan and Bo-katan shipping.
What if obi wan Kenobi was framed for the Jedi temple bombing.
What if obi wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were the chosen ones.
What if obi wan found out that he's the son of abeloth.


What if Mandalorian Anakin and Mandalorian Kenobi were in the same universe. I would love to see a fan fiction of them be force sensitive as well.


Dude... I think this could very well, some of your best works yet. The detail, and character arcs, is absolutely perfect. Please don't stop, your writing talent is becoming incredible!!


Loved this. You definitely defied expectations with this one. I would love to see more characters as Mandalorians. Mace Windu or Qui-Gon Jinn.


I liked his version of Obi-Wan he is such a fighter in any incarnation and this was really good and he is such a warrior.


Loved this one. You keep pumping out good what ifs, even if I disagree with in story choices. 10/10


What if Jango Fett raised Anakin Skywalker?

What if Anakin didn't build 3CPO, but a certain ancient assassin droid?

What if R2D2 takes over the Droid army?

What if there was a droid rebellion in the clone war?

What if Qui Gon Jinn's force ghost talk with Dooku?

What if Dooku, Qui Gon Jinn, and Sifo formed their own factor?


That was an amazing story. I love your attention to character details. As we know, Obi-Wan wanted to be the best jedi he could in our timeline, and here, he wanted to be the best mandalorian he could, which was exactly what he would do. I also loved that you made it clear that Obi-Wan was a wiser ruler than Bo-Katan, understanding that Mandalore cannot defend against the Empire. I do believe he would separate Mandalore from any imperial remnants or new republic if he survived till that point, which is possible. Although it is unclear if he was force sensitive here. I suspect that he wasn't, but if he was, that would be the the reason he could be that deadly, tho. Anyways that was a really cool story, I'm really looking forward to seeing the part 5 of the Sith Empire during the Clone Wars series!


What if Jacen and Jaina Solo were in The Force Awakens? Perhaps Kylo is their older brother, and the twins are about 19 years old. That would fit well with the timeline of episode VII and the age of Han and Leia in the new trilogy


What if Padame was born on Mandalore?
What if Luke or Leia was raised on Mandalore?


A Revamped list I compiled and edited/updated. Love you stories btw!

-What if Ashoka redeemed Anakin on Malachor?

-What if Sidious and Palpatine were separate people?

-What if Luke and Leia Grew up on Tatooine?

-What if Luke and Leia Grew up on Alderean?

-What if Thawn was a Republic General?

-What if both Skywalker Twins joined the Empire?

-What if Vader won the Darksaber becoming Mandalore?

-What if Anakin/Vader became a Double Agent after RotS, playing the Long Game like the Rebel Thawn fic

-What if Sidious abolished the Rule of Two when he made the Empire and recruited more Sith?

-What if Tenebre/Vitiate/Valkorion returned by themselves in the Movie timeline in the vein of Darth Jar Jar fic?

-What if Maul finally realized that Sidious was his true enemy and teamed up with Obi-Wan?

-What if Vader figured out how to use the World between Worlds by himself?

-What if Sidious and a Redeemed Vader survived RotJ?

-What if Vader killed Sidious in RotJ but wasn't Redeemed Leading the Imperial Remnant?

-What if Sidious was 5 towards the beginning reign of the Empire?

-What if Starkiller(Light Side) survived and trained the Skywalker Twins?

-What if Lord Starkiller(Dark Side) took Vader's place(after killing him in DS Ending) and took his place in the Original Trilogy(ignoring DLC)?


-What if Legends New Republic/New Jedi fought against the First Order?

-What if the Empire kept the Clones and treated them fairly?

-What if Vader and Thawn started an Imperial Rebellion separate from the Rebels?

-What if the Empire was Good and the Rebels were Evil?

-What if the Sith Empire returned during the Galactic Civil War?

-What if the Old Republic returned during the Galactic Civil War?

-What if the Eternal Empire returned during the Galactic Civil War?


What if Anakin fell in love with Bo katan. Also what if Anakin went to kayshaxx instead of Yoda. Also what if Anakin was trained by Bastillia Shan or Pong Krell


This "What if...?" question is especially intriguing to me after coming across info about how a number of fanfic writers have placed Stewjon (Obi-Wan's homeworld) in Mandalorian space, as a farm planet that supplied foodstuffs to Mandalore itself. Those same stories have Obi-Wan's parents as people who happily give him over to the Jedi Temple because he's Force-sensitive or sickly as an infant...
