Pentium MMX and SetMul for smooth Retro PC Gaming

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Can we please take a moment to appreciate how much work that had to be? Wow:D thanks!


I once used Pentium MMX 133 MHz back in 1995. It was the best CPU of all time for overclocking. I overclocked it to 200 MHz and been using it that way in a couple of years so smooth never have any problem.


At first I wasn't sure if the comparisons were about speeding up or slowing down the CPU. Now I get it is all about controlling how slow you want the CPU to go. It gives a whole new set of options for compatibility with older DOS games. I can think for example that this would work great with a game like Life & Death 1. Thanks Phil!


Super Socket 7 boards are crazy expensive now, so this seems like an excellent option for building a DOS-focused machine. I had already been thinking about building a Socket 7 Pentium MMX, but now I want to do it even more knowing that I could slow things down for older games. Fantastic video, and my thanks to the awesome people at the Vogons forum who made these tools!


I remember back in 2003, I was repairing a friends pc, had an old mmx cpu. Loaded its ram slots and other cards, made xp run nicely


P200 MMX, 64 MB RAM, 3dfx Voodoo Graphics, S3 Virge DX (for 2D), SoundBlaster AWE64, 20 GB HDD, some fast CD-ROM with a floppy drive, Windows 95 and you basically have the best possible 1996 PC. All that's left is some authentic 15 inch CRT screen and beige case and keyboard/ball mouse and several (boxed) classic PC games.


Creating a batch file with those commands simplified would be a good command line option. Thank you for another wonderful video.


SETMUL is one of the coolest programs ever written. Quite a few platforms get some benefit from using it. Thanks for another great video Phil, I had no idea the Pentium MMX could be so finely tuned. I love learning new stuff about things I've been working with for 20+ years!


Oh that's very cool, I didn't know this. Makes a Pentium MMX much more interesing as a do-it-all DOS-box. If only I could find a decently priced mobo I can build one.. Still hunting a working board. :)
Top video, this is the kind of stuff I love to see!


Amazing video Phil, as always! This is why I love Socket 7 builds, they are incredibly versatile.
This is my current retro build, focused mainly between '96 and '98:

Pentium I 233 MMX
Soyo SY-5BT
S3 Virge/DX 4MB PCI
SoundBlaster AWE64 ISA
Quantum Fireball 6, 4GB HDD

I'm planning to add a Voodoo2 12 MB PCI in the future to enjoy some nice 3D acceleration!


I have an old Pentium MMX PC that I bought from an ebay seller just for the case (since I was building a Pentium 3 computer at the time).
The CPU was originally a K6 350AFR, but I have an old Pentium MMX 200 or 233 that I literally found stuffed in the back of a desk cabinet in 5th grade, and it works fine.
I might actually be able to try this!


I will try this on my Pentium MMX 166MHz build tonight. I have two P MMX 166 builds so maybe both of them. It's good to see Wing Commander being played. Classic! Thank you for another great video Phil! :)


You can further enhance this capability with some toggle switches allowing control of FSB and multiplier.


My First Retro PC was a gift from a friend in 2011 or so. A Digital Equipment Corporation DEC PC5100. Pentium 233MMX, 64MB RAM, Onboard S3 ViRGE, and a Crystal sound card. I had an ATI Rage II+DVD and a Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold that I'd salvaged from work, and I think this was an exceptionally good PC for costing me nothing.


Watching Wing Commander is interesting, it gives me an insight into the game I love the most from the DOS Era.
Strike Commander, and I can see the similar design elements, but I can't ever see myself tackling a space sim that black, there is just no landmarks.
At least in Strike Commander you have the ground and sky to look for and orient yourself... I am so spoiled after all these years of nice graphics :D


Yeeeyy just arriving home from work and a Phil video is waiting for me!


Back when you had full hardware/software control over every component in your system...


Hey Phil,
Thanks for another great insight into the slowdown techniques, the BPD switch was the last piece of a puzzle for my non-MMX P133 box.
Does your motherbord have the Soft Turbo feature invoked by CTRL+ALT+GreyMinus? There's usually an option called "Boot Up System Speed [Fast / Slow] in the BIOS if it's supported. This feature can actually make WC, TD3 etc playable in an instant (works in pure DOS only). If any of your S7 boards have it - this could make a killer material for time machine videos :)


I Love my Pentium 233 MMX and my P2 450, thanks man for more one excellent video for us.


Thanks again Phil! I really enjoyed this one if I didn’t already have a k6 system I’d be picking this one up.
