Fastest Intel Socket 7 CPU, Pentium MMX 300MHz on ASUS P5A-B & Voodoo 2 3DFX

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Here my second part about faked China Socket 7 CPUs. Here a Tillamook 300 MHz MMX Pentium. Benchmarking and Gaming on an ASUS P5A-B Super Socket 7 board with ET6000 and Voodoo2 video cards...
Great CPU and the fastest Intel Socket 7 cpu.

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Check out a teardown of such a china faked CPU


Really quality videos man, you deserve way more views!!


Even if it is fake I'd be interested in having one, I love the packaging


Very interesting, i actually never heard of these. I remember overclocking my Pentium MMX 233 to 266 Mhz back then but would have never thought that there is a 300Mhz Version albeit being fake.


Great video - good info without too much fluff. I have never seen these "golden boy"s but I think they're quite charming.
The P5A-B is a great board - it was the only one that got me a a normal P5233MMX to run at 310mhz stable. using the 124mhz fsb option x 2.5(+working cache). Maybe give this bus speed a try if you're bored.
The tillamook, supposedly, should function up to 400mhz, albeit it may be multiplier locked which kinda depresses its viability.


damn son i remember that bios start up, the total nostalgia.


I really like your videos man. I grew up playing with 486 and Pentium PC's.


I had dual p3 1333 Tualatin on a gigabyte board with an ati 9700 all in wonder, back in the day....


Wow memories. I remember buying a P5A-B brand new! Spending days upon days changing components and trying to over lock old processors. Nostalgia to the max!


Holy nostalgia I remember this board. My first PC loadout used the P5A-B as its back end. Intel Pentium 233 MMX, Asus P5A-B, 2x32MB PC-100, ATi Rage XL 8MB AGP and a Creative AWE64 ISA all with some 545MB Seagate ST3660A and some dialup modem. Test Drive 5, Septerra Core, TA Kingdoms, Oni, XSG, Subspace Continuum and whatever Japanese DOS games were my favorites on that system but the lack of storage and decent GPU capabilities made it a stuttering nightmare. By the time I was hosting .NET stuff I had upgraded it to the best of my abilities but had to get rid of it as it was a constant maintenance nightmare. I sure do miss the DOS games though. Hold onto these older systems if you can. They're not going anywhere and it's starting to make sense to continue using them as independent game compatibility client boxes. Just be sure to add a NIC and some USB capabilities and it's solid.


I wish you would come back and make more videos.. I really enjoyed them... thanks hope all is well!


Until today, I didn't even know they existed. Great video!


Since this is a Super-7 board, I'd be interested in seeing how it did on a 100 MHz bus speed. The problem with Socket 7 CPUs is that they were limited by the L2 running at the speed of the motherboard, which is why the K6-III was such a powerhouse in its day with its full-speed on-die L2. I used to tell people that any K6-2 over 400 was useless because it was so I/O limited by the L2.

The Tillamook was never meant to run at a 100 MHz bus, but I had a lot of luck with getting other Socket 7 chips never meant to run at 100 MHz bus to do it anyway.


I enjoy finding about about old PC tech I never knew existed.


I could watch these vids all day long. Good job! Very informative :)


Great content as usual! I'd like to have seen the difference between 66mhz and 100 mhz FSB -- both running the CPU at 300mhz. How close would this perform to a Pentium II? You said it runs cool. What about 350mhz? A clock for clock benchmark of Intel CPUs both running at 350mhz on 100 FSB would make one helluva a P55 vs P6 shootout video.


Pentium mmx golden dragon edition. Nice video.


I remember my first overclock was with a 200mhz Pentium chip. It wasn't easy and I think I managed a whole 25mhz overclock but it was great man. Then celeron overclocking like the 300a and 500PIII. Fun times.


Brasil aqui! Descobri hoje seu canal e é ótimo! Parabéns! Saúde e sucesso! ☺👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


I have a genuine Tillamook 266 chip that Intel provided for some lower power machines. With the suitable mods, it works great in a 430TX based board at 300MHz (4*75MHz). A nice boost for sure; Carmageddon II is pretty much playable which isn't really something that can be said for the 233 MMX which was the fastest official Socket 7 chip.
