Hannah Brown Reveals Why She's Not Happy

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Hannah Brown opened up about why she’s not happy
As we all know, Hannah’s been through quite a lot over the last few months. Like even after not getting her happily ever after as the bachelorette.
I mean, the girl shot her shot with Tyler Cameron on national television, spent the night with him, and then he started dating Gigi Hadid like 2 days later.
It’s been rough.
But that’s not to say Hannah doesn’t have a lot to be happy about right now as well. She’s on this season of Dancing With The Stars, she’s now friends with Demi Lovato, I mean, the girl definitely has stuff going on.
But, I will say, if I went through everything she went through emotionally over the last few months, I don’t know if I’d be totally okay either.
And yesterday, Hannah actually opened up about this on her Instagram story, saying QUOTE “I want to share today’s devotion with you guys. A lot of people ask me, “are you happy?” these days. And to be honest, I hate that question, because I’m not some of the time. Nothing about some of the circumstances I went through recently made me happy. I have moments of happy, but happiness is fleeting.”
And before you start to worry that Hannah is not doing okay, she did finish off saying, QUOTE “However, I choose joy. And joy is so much better. It infiltrates the soul. It’s healing. Joy is the goodness of God cleansing my heart. Regardless of circumstances, I pray that today we all choose a little joy.”
I think we should all choose joy too, Hannah. And on that note, that is all the news I have to share with you right now. But in honor of Hannah’s post, I think we should spread a little joy down in the comments. What do ya say? Once you’re done with that, click right over here for a new video and as always, be sure to subscribe to our channel. I’m your host Renee Ariel, follow me on socials @ReneeAriel and I’ll see you next time!


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Don’t let people run over your happiness


She is being picked at so much for her mistakes. She is 24. She has room to grow. Let's leve it at that.


I feel bad for Everybody, just stop making jokes and ragging on her - Hannah should have done this, Hannah should have done


Hannah has a wonderful smile she is really funny when off script with the camera and show theme as seen on her bloopers (pigeons). DWTS should teach her new tricks and pump that bod. Enrollment in acting school is highly suggested and keeping a low profile too.


she doesn't know what she wants that's why she is not happy and honestly we had enough of her


I am tired of hearing about hanna and how miserable she is ...girl when you whated to be the bachelorette..and you got the gig and now you complain....why are you crying all that money you were paid 100k ....stop complaining or winning about the show or about tylee ..u damped the guy on tv and he has movwd on so should u..stop winning girl..u made your bed now lay on it


I just wasted 1:32 of my time watching this, my bad I don’t really care about Hannah B!


He’s seeing stars right now so Hannah should move on. I wish she would give Peter another shot... after all he’s the only one she got intimate with, right? Plus with him being a Pilot, they could jet all over the world. That seems right up her alley.


To be happy is the moment, and to feel joy is more like an attitude


Sick of hearing about Hannah B. She got what she deserves, Cameran got his payback, Yep you got dunked!! Well deserved!!!


Hannah should get back with Luke P lol 😂
