Hannah B. Feels Like She's 'Definitely' Aged 5 To 10 Years Since Being On 'The Bachelorette'

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"The Bachelorette" Hannah B. talks with Access and reveals she didn't know the repercussions to revealing that she had sex in a windmill. And, she shares why she feels like she's aged since being on the show.
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1. This interviewer is the worst.
2. This headline didn’t even come out of her own mouth.


The person asking the questions is terrible!!!!


This interviewer sounds like daddy helped her get her job, I don't know how else she was legit hired... the "sell it to me girl" was beyond cringe, it made me want to retch.


This interviewer was brutal. She couldn’t find better questions 🤨 and was confused with the zoom in?? I thought Hannah spoke very well on this! She stopped and really thought about what she was going to say! She owned that she has made mistakes and there is repercussions but there is also victory! She stated maybe I shouldn’t have said what I said about the windmill but she was mad and it felt good in that moment. And yes we are all human say things we don’t mean do things that we wish we could have not done or done differently! I think this journey has made her grow tremendously and I only wish for her happiness! Good Luck Hannah can’t wait for the rest of the show! And no you haven’t disappointed and I’m ready for the juicy orange to unfold!


I’m confused with these questions and the zoom..


The cameraman zooming in when talking about the finale is gold


Why did that interviewer even ask that? Like out of all the questions lol. But I am proud of hannah for saying that she was speaking in the moment and acknowledging that there are repercussions to her words.


I really wish she picked Peter. They were so compatible and he was devoted to her and not part of the drama. Loved his family too.


The interviewer is just as condescending as Luke P.


Everyone saying the interviewer sucks, we’ve been saying FOR YEARS because she does the recaps with Ashley I and access does not get it.


Sadly she is with no one at this time.


Wtf was up with the zoom in? And this interview is weird


She mentioned how much she grew. She revealed that she had sex twice in the windmill. What a dramatic ending if she revealed that her tummy is growing too!


Wait... I just googled... She’s 24???? 😳😳😳


No, you did not sell the ending Hanna, but I don't think it needs it.


Hannah l think you are great! Luke is a sick man who has baited and baited and gaslighted you all season. I get it you got so fed up with him and he is sooo dense that you had to “yell” l had sex in a windmill to totally turn him off and make him leave ... but my favorite was in the confessional when you said “ and l did it twice “ AND THEN WINKED!!!
I really believe that this journey was needed for you to find yourself and grow. We really have to find ourselves and what we want bf we can start a mature, loving relationship. I’m soo glad that you stood up to Luke and his twisted values. I will be googling and looking out for you in the future ... bc l truly believe that the best for you is on its way.


She was Never weak she was just craving the 


Shes not in love with any of them even the guys are not really into her sad😀


You have penned some great sayings, Hannah. Proud of you for not sugar coating yr thoughts and feelings. And, for following through on your intuitions when you were "relentlessly" being persuaded not to. You had a tough season of being "strong armed" and you preservered--let 'em know who"s in control "of her own show". No one took the spotlight from you, but many tried. I like how you reminded them "it's all about me". Fame stealers from the start w/Box Guy and the guitar singer. They were obviously trying to shine over you and rename the show to, "it's really all about me."


What immaturity! Disobeying her Lord Jesus purposefully with joy and saying, "Jesus still loves me" reveals a lack of understanding. Jesus still loves you even if you murder someone. He loves every person! That does not mean He approves of our sin and disrespect and arrogance. When you experience the love of God through Jesus Christ and you invite Him into your life as Lord and Saviour, you desire to please Him, and when you fail, you confess and turn away from wrong-doing in humility, receiving His forgiveness and asking for His help to live and represent His word and way to the world. Go forth in victory with His love and forgiveness, but not having pride in your mistakes.
