Is Logos Bible Software Better with AI?

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AI and the Bible? Can we mix Artificial Intelligence and Logos Bible Software? In this video I review the 4 newest features that have been proposed in Logos Pro. I hope you like the review!
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Really appreciate this concise overview of Logos Pro. I am in the free 30-day trial and will quite likely subscribe. I’ve been using Google’s Gemini and Microsoft’s Copilot for a few weeks with great success to help me prepare for my adult Bible study class; including generating discussion questions. Hoping that Logos Pro will now be my “go-to” AI source. Like you, I respect those who are skeptical of AI in Logos, but I have no issues with it at all.


I am so thankful I discovered your channel and watched this video! My Church purchased Logos Silver for me back around 2015 and I've since upgraded to Gold [Reformed]; that said, I had no idea what the thing can do lol ... watching this video and using the AI search to go through my own library for illustrations is a real life changer...had no idea how to do that before lol I know it seems silly but it was so overwhelming watching Logos videos about all the features and then, on the other hand, the Mobile Ed courses [at least the one I purchased] to learn the features are like for kindergartners ....that said I'm much looking forward to continual learning of this tool - Thank you again Pastor Tanner - God is good!


There are some really useful things here! As someone who preaches infrequently I’m not likely to subscribe all the time but rather turn Pro on and off as needed. It seems like it would help me sift through my material a lot faster. My library isn’t huge and is generally pretty easy to navigate, but it’s big enough to at times get slightly overwhelming and confusing.


Love the suggestions on how to effectively use the summarize features of the new AI in Logos.


Thank you for doing this video. I have already subscribed and didn't know the extent of the features. Blessings!


Im using it and I love it. I work and go to seminary, and this saves so much time.

For instance, I’m walking along a guy who is struggling with the deity of Jesus. I typed “arguments for the deity of Jesus” in the search bar, and then used the summary to find articles that cover good arguments.

Then I found two that looked good, and got the info I needed in a few minutes by reading the actual entries.



I've been trying to shed subscriptions, so I was adamant that I would not add another one, not even Logos. Now your video has me ressessing that thought; maybe it would be worth it.


I absolutely love the new smart search! its a game changer indeed! i hope it just gets better and better in the coming years.


That's awesome! I like the new features, especially the Smart Search. The sermon illustration could be done on ChatGPT, but it is definitely more efficient to do it on Logos.


Thanks for this & glad I came across your channel!


I've engaged with ChaptGpt a lot before and it would sometimes get basic facts wrong but often times they're facts that you wouldn't think twice about, ones that need correcting but oftentimes the person receiving the information doesn't know enough about the topic to know that the information they received was wrong. So my question is, is that how can we know that the summarise tool is giving 100% accurate information? The problem with ChatGpt getting facts wrong wasn't because of the data inputted, it was the way in which it grabbed, chose and conveyed the data. The summarise tool on the surface seems to operate similarly in how it works. At 3:31 there's two conflicting answers for example. One says C.S. Lewis was an atheist, the other an agnostic.

I mean obviously it can only convey the data inputted in the book and one book might call him an atheist and the other an agnostic, but the problem of knowing you have accurate information still stands in this regard. This might not be much of a problem when it comes to basic study, but when it comes to preaching there's a higher level of necessity to get the information correct. Both in terms of moral honesty and also for the sake of the congregants/our brothers and sisters.

P.s. Thanks for your videos mate, I love them and they're very helpful.


This is completely refreshing in contrast to the cries of anguish against faithlife I’ve been hearing lol.


Great video, Pastor Tanner. Thank you!


Diggin' me some Pastor Tanner Logos videos!


How have I not heard about LOGOS PRO until now?


To be clear, this tool is NOT available yet correct? Thanks for all the great help!


AI is a very powerful tool, and it is already being used on many of our browsers. Logos use of AI has a lot of potential, but I cannot afford another subscription on my limited budget. In addition, it will take a lifetime for me to dig the depths of what currently logos has available in my very extensive use of the software.


I appreciate the video. Liked and subscribed.

With the search, could you find a way to only have it look at your library? Although I still like the AI feature overall, it seems to add way too much “not in your library, but you can quickly purchase it” noise (and I have a large library). I like the option of seeing what else is out there and available, but not by default.


Some good features.
Logos could do better offering resources at fairer price points.


Is logos going to continue to do the affiliate marketing program
