Logos 10: How to buy or upgrade to the RIGHT level for you (Logos licensing explained)

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What version of Logos do you need? It probably isn't the most expensive option (thankfully), so in this video, I'll walk you through the different options and how to make your decision.

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I just got the starter, I had Logos 8 and 9 Platinum packages, and great commentaries I´ve been purchasing on my own. The starter gave me the timeline and the new engine for $21, great deal!


Thanks Darryl, as a longtime logos user, my strategy over the years has been to build my library with a long term goal that it be both wide and deep foreseeing that there will be stages in my life where I will want to research different things so I don’t mind acquiring books that I’m not currently interested in or currently using, knowing that one day I probably will and it’s always nice to find that search result from something that I wasn’t expecting from a book I didn’t even know that I had lol. And like you said, buying from traditions, that I am not a part of has often been the key to this, especially with the dynamic pricing it is a very affordable way to build out your library. it is also important to note that there is simply no cheaper way to get books then when they are in a base package so it’s always important to check for the specific resource or collection that you are looking for in a base package regardless, if that is a tradition that you are from.


Great video! I’ve been using Logos for a long time & started with v4 so fast forwarding to today this is the first time I did the upgrade without purchasing the extra books. I went with the Full Feature upgrade by itself.


Thanks for your introduction to Logos 10. I have Logos 9 Gold and have been a Logos subscriber since the late 1990s. It's a resource I highly value.


I have logo 10 and you make it easy to understand


Thank you for your guidance sir! Very much appreciated. Helped me make an appropriate purchase decision. In Swahili we say “Baraka Tele na Mungu akuzidishe” (Many blessings and may God continually expand your territory)


Thank you for your recommendations. It helped me get the Bronze + Standard Academic + Bdag/Halot. Thank you so much.


Thank you for your video. I am a Christian 1st but have Reformed background and lean heavily in that direction. I have wanted to purchase Logos since the very early days purely for personal research reasons but never had the money to be able to do it. Early this year I gained a permanent full time job and come across Logos again through personal study (watching a Michael Heiser video) and saw it had a huge discount. I ummed and ahhed for a few days and then went all in and purchased the Portfolio Edition without any other extras. Since then I have added all the available upgrades (Academic, Counselling, etc.) and Verbum (Yes it's more targetted to Roman Catholicism but as Christians we can learn from each other). Later I will add the Reformed package. I know it's expensive but I also know how much my father, who was a Presbyterian Minister, spent on print books and how much time he spent in them with them spread across his deask while he was writing or typing up his studies and sermons. You have made excellent suggestions for most people, I bought what was right for me at my time in life and my Christian journey.


Go gold or platinum and get it out of the way. You will appreciate it in the long run


Darryl, I would like more info about using Logos Greek resources without being able to read Greek well.


thanks for the help. I think i'm going with Logos Gold basic package. couldn't decide if i were to go the denomination route of just go basic but your video helped me! God bless you


Thank you, brother. This was very helpful.


I loved the logos course on beginning greek


One thing I noticed (is it the same for everyone) is that the discount is 15% for feature sets and 30% for base packages. So for me to upgrade to Logos 10 it's about the same to upgrade the package rather than just the feature set. My strategy used to be to explore the legacy libraries to see if any of those had more books that I'm interested in (and build on Reformed Starter and Academic Essentials - the latter I wasn't even aware of until watching one of your videos!).


I'm just wanting a version that has some of the more prominent English translations for comparison in addition to reverse interlinear and bdag lookup. Would love to know what I need to just have that set of tools


And it's good that you recommend the reformed library to methodists😄 I'd do that too


I am considering Academic Premium. It includes the full feature set and for about $100 more than full feature upgrade I will get a bunch of extra resources. Much cheaper than Gold the first of the standard packages to include full features. (Results may vary based on previously owned books and dynamic pricing) Academic professional would be nice as it includes BDAG but that is a pretty significant price jump again and would cost me around the same as Gold, so if I decided I could stretch that far would need to weigh up between these.


I use Accordance. However, there are things Logos does better. I just like the instant parsing in Accordance much better as I can see Hebrew and Greek broken down much easier than the tiny little parsing they do in Logos's lower left-hand corner.


I have logos 9 silver. So if I understand correctly I need to go 10 gold to get the ability to do searches on my extensive print library?


No use buying if it only freezes. Never works correctly.
