4 Tips to Building Your Own Daily Writing Habit

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This video is a part of my How to Write a Book series. _

Vivien Reis
P.O. Box 352033
Jacksonville, FL 32235

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"If you want to be a full time writer someday, starting acting like one is some real genius in that quote.


this year I've decided to take my writing seriously. make my story really come into fruition. going to have to binge on like, ALL of your videos to help. thank you so much!


Just watching a few videos, I can already tell you will be successful at writing or at anything that you do. Your talent to organize, then re-organize, break complex things down, and synthesize back together is what is so greatly important as you build your own success. Love your channel, and I keep up with it. I can easily see you being the next J K Rowling, and just to think, I saw you first when you were starting out on Youtube. WWWWOOO WHOOOO !!!


I used to play a few games of Tetris before writing. These days it's Hearthstone or sometimes even just making myself some coffee.


Just found your channel and am I ever glad I did! I'm writing my first novel and struggle with writing daily!


thanks dear woman this is so helpful
I am just embarking on the daily habit after years of loving writing but not making it a habit ... this has been so helpful x


Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I really needed this because I'm so lacking doing this lol. My time is mostly at night because I'm a night owl from working many midnight shifts.


I don’t really have a habit. I just write whenever I get a free moment when I’m in the right mood! After I finish an assignment in school I always have a lot of extra time, so I just pull out my chrome book, and continue my draft. I usually write 1000-2500 words a day but it depends what mood I’m in. I just write whenever I feel like it so it doesn’t feel like a chore to me.


Really great video. You are such a natural speaker. It's really good advice to start treating writing like a job. And it is, not just with the writing but networking and marketing as well. I know of one famous writer(and I can't remember who it is) would leave his manuscript in the middle of a scene or conflict to give them motivation to write the next day. I thought that was a good idea, but I've never done it myself.


I have a goal of spending a few hours focused on my writing and it doesn’t matter if I write 2 sentences or 2 full scenes as long as I spend the time focused on my work I’m happy


I'm a big fan of your videos :) And I'm glad I found this one. I'm kind of struggling lately to get back into the habit of writing. I had more time to write my novels during the summer, but since school started, it's kind of hard to write consistently and still be creative... especially when writer's block gets to me. I finished writing my first novel when I was fourteen, and it's been 4 years since I started writing books. Some books took me more than a year to finish each one, and sometimes when I'm inspired, my writing was so spontaneous that I was able to finish the draft of a novel in a month.
I'm going to apply what you've shared. Thanks! Keep up the good work, Vivien


Hi Vivien, I've been watching a back log of your videos and just realized how similar our thoughts are. I am a morning person generally, but recently I just found out I'm most creative in the evenings - after dinner and before going to sleep. :)


Adding to "you don't know everything, " get excited about revisions. I think sometimes we tend to try to mark something as complete but with writing, if you have learned a little bit and go back and read your old writings it might become pretty amazing how you can tune them up. ✌️😁


Holy my God, your inspiring me of what you teach me is amazing and incredible like impossible until I can do it. My quote 'you cannot do it what you cannot do it until you can do it'. This is so my favourite quote.


I can keep trying to write from 6:00 in the morning but words only come to me during evening and nights. That's the same with brainstorming. The only good ideas I ever get are during evenings and nights .I think that's probably because my favourite time of the day is sunset. And I DO cringe on the thought of having g to do the setting every single day.I feel it takes the fun out of writing. But I still found very useful info in this video and thanks for that.😘


You are now in my inspiration playlist. Congratulations! Lol.


Thank you for Inspiring me Vivien.I will start now writing habit.I started before but suddenly i stopped it but now i got full power from your video and also got better guide line so i can follow your rules and keep me work on it.


Hi Vivien, in your future videos, do you mind adding an on-screen text for the pointers, please? Thank You!


I went through all of your video, it inspired me a lot. Hope, I will finish my novel this year.


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Making a habit is hard for me... I found out that I am most creative during nighttime, but lately I've been so busy that when the evening arrives I'm dead tired and I can't focus. I'll try out changing my writing time. Maybe I can make it into a habit and, I don't know, "program" my brain to be creative during morning?

I will also try out the pomodoro technique. It sounded interesting and I think it might help with my focus problem.

Once again, thank you so much for the video!
