using HOW MUCH or HOW MANY when you ask for the bill - #howmuch #howmany #restaurant

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🤔 Should I use HOW MUCH or HOW MANY when I ask for the bill? This is a very common question for Spanish travellers when they have to order the check. That's why I've wanted to work on this video for a long time and here it is!

💡 I'm sure everyone knows MANY is for countable words and MUCH is for uncountables, and I think that's why people start thinking of the cups or coffee or the money, ... but the real problem is with the word we are not telling the key is on 0:50 minute of this video, we are not telling the word MONEY which is uncountable in English and that's the reasone why we have to use MUCH. But, please check the video, I'm sure you'll understand everything better after watching it!

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