Watch this before you argue with a narcissist | The Narcissists' Code Ep 1113

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Prepare yourself for a this mind-blowing breakdown on arguing with a narcissist and the tactics that some of them will use to win. Gain a deeper understanding of the psychology behind a narcissist's need to engage in conflicts and learn how to protect yourself from falling into their manipulative traps. Before you argue with a narcissist, make sure to watch this video to equip yourself with the knowledge needed to maintain your emotional well-being. Hit subscribe to stay updated on all the insightful episodes of The Narcissist Code!

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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Truth is … Your happiness is their misery & Your misery .. is their Happiness … most miserable ppl on this planet !


My ex used to joke about his “sarcastic nature“. I realize he uses this as a way to appear like he isn’t being mean when he really means everything he is saying .


Arguing with a narsisists is explosive and pointless especially if you are a fiery person yourself


My friend has narcissistic traits and when he tries to get a reaction out of me I simply say “If that’s how you feel then congratulations.” The anger he felt was just out of this world. The rage was unbelievable I had to cut ties. Don’t give them any type of supply.


I wish all narcissists would make the inner work that Lee's been doing for years.
Self-aware narcissists are very interesting people.
I wish all the best to the narcissists willing to attend therapy n trying to heal from their undeserved chilhood trauma. They deserve happiness.


My now ex husband who is a narcissist tried to get a rise out of me the week he realized I wasn't going to take him back (again) & was officially served with divorce papers. I was surprised with a back dated bill from the lawn care service provider & they stopped service at the house. I suspected he had a hand in it, so I proceeded strap on a face mask, pop an allergy pill & mowed the lawn myself. That same evening when he came to pick up our son for visitations, "out of the blue" he commented, "yard looks good whoever did it." I replied, "YUP!" & walked away.


It is so immature! But I understand it because most narcissists lack emotional intelligence and empathy.


I saw one of your shorts with a link to the full video, which i watched. I left a few supportive comments in the commentsof the short, and you know exactly who came after me. None of the people who came attacking me had watched the full video. I was almost embarrassed for the people reacting to my comments because they were behaving exactly as you descibed in the full video. Actual examples of exactly the behaviors you described. It was an amazing experience to see it happening right in front of my eyes. Theres a lot of people who need to hear what you have to say and i thank you for putting it out here for people to learn. I've already recommend your videos to a few people and will continue to. Being a narcissist and being involved with one can cause so much harm and the sooner its identified, the better for everyone. Thank you for your time and information. I hope you and yours are well and continue to be as i join your journey in wellness.


The funny thing is, I always used to tell my ex that he was Bored because it always seemed like he was picking at me and making things up about me that weren’t true. He would do it all day long and continue into the late hours of the night when he knew that I had to get up early for work the next day. Now it makes sense.

Also, they will definitely expose anything that you’ve told them in confidence. My ex would try and do it especially when we were on the phone because he assumed that I had other people around me so that he could “blow me up”—I never did; but it showed me his true colors. He could never be trusted. He wasn’t a safe space for me to share anything.


Yes, we argued for NO reason! How ignorant


So when he used to say I'm going to just turn this car around and go home. It was actually because he wanted to go home and not because of what he said we were doing. It was his plan the whole time. I always thought it was.


Yes he would always start an argument over little petty things when we were on holidays.


A lot of this is good insight in arguments when NPD is or isn’t present. Thank you.


They unload the clip on you to release stress, and emotionally regulate.


And when they cant win with their non sense they will flip the script and leave you


Mr. Hammock you are so helpful in enlightening us about narcissists.


If you ignore a narsisists it will brake them, Mark my words


You've met my sister it seems 😂 I've turned the tables now and am currently giving her the silent treatment for a while! I'm taking back my power after years of her abuse and tantrums.


Thank you for this video i needed this, every lawyer email is to provoke me and i just want him to leave me alone


My husband is giving me the silent treatment now for three days. He had a tantrum while we were out to lunch with my mom, cousin and our kids and he stormed out before the food was served. I was so embarrassed and it was so awkward. He still won’t even listen or talk to me. immature!!! I’m so over it!
