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Dr Zakir Naik | Terrorism and Jihad - An Islamic Perspective | CHENNAI | Full Question & Answer
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Terrorism and Jihad - An Islamic Perspective
(Kamaraj Memorial Hall, Chennai, India, 4th October 2002)

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I'm curious how Dr. Zakir feels about Israel. I'm not sure if he has spoken about it. But I'm curious if he feels that Israel is good or should exist or things like that


La ikraha fiddin.. There is no coercion in the matter of religion/islam...!!

Now.. There is no coercion in religion.. Have one and only one meaning.. which is..: There is no coercion in religion..!! Seriously..

So no person in this world is allowed to even take a look on any non-muslim..!!!

Allah Almighty made “His” Human Beings.. And He has been sacred each and every (His) Human being's life/soul in this world..!!

the only thing... which a person can do is..: just preaching of islam... and nothing else..!!! you know why..??? because... there is no coercion in religion..!!! Seriously… Very simple..!!

the moment any person deny any single word of the Holy Qur'an.. he is not a muslim..!!! a person who is not even a muslim.. how can he even utter a single world about islam..!!! forget about hells like killing or any other..!!!!

As.. if a person denies the following Verse of the Qur’an.. he is not a muslim.. So Simple..

Chapter#33, Verse#40 of the Quran..:

And know, O believers, that Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the seal of all Prophets. And Allah has indeed full knowledge of everything.

So now.. when the Verse of the Holy Qur’an is clearly saying that..: The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) is the last Prophet (Obviously the last apostle) of Allah Almighty.. any person who say that there’s another apostle after the holy Prophet (Pbuh) is not at all a muslim.. so simple..

Similarly.. the Moment.. I deny these Three words of the Qur’an.. and many of many Verses related to this Verse.. la ikraha fiddin... I Am Not A Muslim..!!! that is it..!!!

If i, nauzbillah.. deny any of the Qur’an word or verse.. I am not a muslim..!!! how can I be a muslim when I deny half of the verses of the holy Qur’an and believe in some verses of qur’an..???

no, i can’t be a muslim like this..///

The muslim is Only one.. who says/believes that every word and every Verse of the holy Qur’an is true..!! that’s it..!!

remember people of the world.. the last level of jihad/ struggle is allowed "only" when...

1. the ruler of a country/state says to do, as the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said…

Chapter#9, Verse#38 of the Quran..:

O you who have attained to faith! What is the matter with you that, when you are called upon, "Go forth to war in the cause of Allah, " you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the [comforts of] life of this world instead of the [the good of] Hereafter? But the enjoyment of life in this world is but a paltry thing when compared with the life to come.

2. When the enemy of another country comes to our border and threatens and afraid people..

Chapter#9, Verse#123 of the Quran..:

O you who have attained to faith! Fight against those deniers of the truth who are near you, and let them find you adamant ; and know that Allah is with those who are conscious of Him.

3. When Muslims and non-Muslims are face to face in the war, then Muslims should be undeviating and should fight with bravery...

Chapter#8, Verses#15 and 16 of the Quran..:

O you who have attained to faith! When you meet in battle those who are bent on denying the truth, advancing [for battle], do not turn your backs on them. For, whoever on that day turns his back on them - unless [he is] diverting to fight or retiring to join another troop [of the believers] - shall indeed have earned the burden of Allah’s wrath, and his refuge shall be hell, and how evil a journey's end.

But Otherwise... Islam is Peace.. Peace..!! And Only Peace.. And if you find any person, killing or mourning or Even Going Out in streets to celebrate the birth of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).. then even that is not Islam.. Peace and peace..!!! Islam is the Peace..

And Again.. any person who denies even a single word or a verse of the Holy Quran.. Obviously.. he is not a muslim..!!

That’s it..!! Thank you..


Ahmed deedat said that quote, about the car, in America before Dr zakir became a religious speaker. i'm a Muslim but did someone tell the quote or did he see that advertisement?


The first questioner looks like trevor gta5, no offense..
