Touring A 900-Year-Old Manor: Frozen in Time, but Warmed Up for 21st-Century Living | Visitors’ Book

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The World of Interiors presents Visitors’ Book with Lady Edward Manners. Gabrielle welcomes us into Haddon Hall—an 11th-century English manor house—where her and husband Lord Edward Manners reside as the current custodians.

With medieval features perfectly preserved, Gabrielle talks us through how together with Edward, they breathed a new lease of life into ‘the most perfect house to survive from the Middle ages.’ Watch the full episode of Visitors’ Book as we explore Haddon Hall and discover how it has been rejuvenated for modern-day family life.

#Medieval #ManorHouse #MiddleAges #HouseTour #InteriorDesign

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This is what old money looks like.not a criticism by any means.The work that's been done to this place shows both respect, knowledge and impeccable sense of style


I'm not a 'big country houses' girl at all, but Haddon Hall is just magic. Pure magic. So glad to see it's current guardians have a genuine passion for the spirit of what is undoubtedly a living building.


Forget ‘old money’! Realistically, in today’s times it costs families enormous amount of money to just maintain these magnificent places. I admire them immensely. Thank you for loving and treasuring your home and the gift that it brings to all of us and will continue to do so with your love and passion. 😊❤


Absolutely beautiful, I'm so glad it's being lived in and looked after. The lady of the manor more than lives up to her title, bravo.


As an American, I can’t even begin to grasp living in a house over 900 years old. When I was a teenager, we lived just outside of Boston. I babysat for a family whose house had been built in the 1690’s. That’s as old as it gets here unless you’re talking about the Native American cliff dwellings in the west.

Haddon is beyond beautiful. How amazing it must have been to go through that time capsule piece by piece. I’m a total Anglophile, fascinated by British history. Places like this are irreplaceable.


A treat and a treasure. The home, videography and soundtrack are flawless. I could listen to Lady Edward Manners speak all day. Thank you for this tour.


What a national treasure. Love her furniture choices, nice contrast.


I travelled to england in 2009, stayed with friends in the Peak District and visited Chatsworth and Hardwick Hall. I enjoyed those, but my friends then suggested i also go to Haddon Hall.
It was the highlight of my whole trip, i stayed there for hours, there was no "touristy " feeling and the feeling was of it being lived in. Its so nice to learn that it is actually really lived in.


To be constricted by the past is preserving the past. I am very pleased that this family values the historic built environment. While this family preserves their past, this family preserves our past. Thank you.
John in Bethel, Missouri. USA


The fact that Haddon was closed during Georgian/Regency and early Victorian time may have spared it frm the disastrous house fires that claimed big houses.


Each room is beautiful. The use of color it fantastic - those sofas with blue pillows. Divine. This is the life I always thought I would have, when I was growing up. Perhaps too many of my mother’s Barbra Cartland novels. I try to live well, and beautifully, in my tiny hovel here in New Mexico - nobody driving by would guess what it’s like on the inside. But there’s still a big part of me that feels like a fish out of water just scraping by waiting for a great house of my own. sigh


Visited Haddon in 2023 and was in the tea shop when Lady Edward Manners came in with her son. It was obvious who she was. She grabbed a croissant or two as I recall and left. She was lovely. Haddon is spectacular. Some of the rooms in the video you see on the tour, but others are familial access only of course. Well worth the trip to Haddon.


Magnificent!!! It's a perfect jewel from Medievel Times!!! You've succeeded in transforming such a beautiful medievel castle into a home in the Modern Era!! A Masterpiece!!!


We had the same lavatories at my boarding school, although the wood was polished. The bowls had a blue design on the white porcelain. Thank you for this video. I had previously only heard of Haddon Hall as the pattern of a beautiful fruit/dessert bowl we were given as a wedding present.


Been their . Seen that . And its even better than it looks in this video.
Haddon Hall is grand, noble, historic, but almost warm, cosy and welcoming all at the same time .
Please visit if you can, you wont regret it .


Haddon Hall is one of my favourite places to visit. First visited as a teenager in the 90s. What a lovely voice Lady Manners has and what devotion to the house!


I was in the Peak District a few years ago for just 2 days. I had to choose - Chatsworth or Haddon. I chose Chatsworth (which was awesome). The Peak District is absolutely charming so I will return and next time I look forward to a wonderful visit at Haddon. What a great introduction this was!


Absolutely beautiful and amazing! Love it when so much of the older items (furniture, paintings, fixtures, etc) still survive and used.
It is a lovely way to incorporate the old and new.


Those English mists are magical on the landscapes


Went Haddon years ago fell in love with it immediately it is magical
