NO WATER CHANGES - Tropical Fish Store Tour. Over 25 years, no water changes!

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‎ Ocean Aquarium is a unique tropical fish store. It believes in the natural methods of an aquarium. Relying on a deep substrate and live plants to keep the water clean. While many of us would consider this to be crazy, I can't argue with the results. So many healthy fish in this store. Plants are going crazy, the only fertilizer used is substrate fertilizer once a year and co2 injection on a few aquariums.

0:00 - Intro
0:12 - Fish store tour

#Fishstore #Aquariumfish #Fishtanks
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is it just me, or is the sound of a fish store wonderfully soothing? All that bubbling water.


Those perfectly aquascaped tanks we see on aquascaping contests are indeed beautiful. But this natural, uncontroled chaos of plants is so much more hypnotising. I agree with you, Cory. I could get lost for hours looking at these wild tanks. They are like little pieces of a real river.


This store is amazing! Their fish can be pricy but it's all worth it considering the health and quality of the fish. All plants and fish can be purchased straight from their tanks. The owners are very knowledgeable and have a deep passion for what they do. They won't sell fish to someone who they know isn't ready (such as not having a cycled or large enough tank for a certain species) yet they are willing to help and teach you to be apart of the aquarium hobby.


I'm just getting into the planted aquarium hobby and these tanks are an inspiration. I have a 5 gal with a deep substrate, heavily planted with starogyne, amazon sword, duckweed, horn wort, dwarf grass, 1 female koi betta, 1 amano, 4 neocardinia, 1 mystery snail, and a whole bunch of other hitch hikers. Honestly every time I try to do anything other than a small water change, I ruin everything and the tank has to completely reset... I feel like the secret is deep substrate, give the plants what they need, semi frequent small water changes, and a hands-off approach.


So I just went there today and had a wonderful experience
The owner is from Burma and told me that his father had a huge goldfish pond with 8" of gravel. From what I understood, that water was very expensive and that is how he learned the no water change method. I picked up some plants and listened to stories it was well worth the visit. Thank you for getting this little place on my radar Cory. I will go back for some fish, couldn't do that today because I was waiting in SF all day for my son's flight.


I used to live on Geary a short walk to this beautiful store im so glad to see it still operating after all these years the owner is awesome I used to live in this store practically everyday we became friends over the years when I lived there I was also in the fish business it was in the early 2000's I would love to someday bring my son back to see it one day so many memories


I live in SF and this is one of the more proud fish stores out there! Awesome video Cory!


Absolutely one of my favorite videos on this channel. I don't know how many times I have watched it.


I lived in San Francisco for several years and just lived a few blocks away from Justin Lau and his wife's shop. I visited every week to support his shop learned everything from them and I've never done water changes on any of my tanks because of his advice. His fish and tanks are literal proof the ecosystems shouldn't be disturbed. Fast forward I live elsewhere now in the country but follow the same advice. I didn't put a heater in with my Betta who is 3 years old now, he's never gotten sick. His tank is fully planted. My oldest tetras are almost 4 years old. The only fish I've had ever fall I'll were in quarantine after purchasing, because I hadn't noticed any illness after purchase. Never once after placed in my tanks. I'm so grateful I found his shop and listened to him!


The second time I've watched this video and I just love it. It's so incredibly soothing! I can totally see being stuck in there for hours and not knowing why they are telling me to get out they are closing. LOL Thank you for all the fish room tours!


I only use water hyacinths and never do water changes. It's the most effective natural filter for aquatic tank. It even can absorb heavy metals


Visited the store after watching the video. Very generous and genuine owners in sharing knowledge!


Its sad when you set up a new tank but then see a better looking tank than your new tank...


So beautiful - I love these natural planted tanks more than anything else. The fish look so good and healthy. Takashi Amano's work is stunning but I prefer this stuff. Thanks so much for showing us this!


I love that
Justin Lau is an amazing aquarist. I've learned so much from him.


WOW!! I could watch this video 24 hours a day!


Wow! Wish this was near me! You can plainly see this store owner truly loves his fish. The quality of the stock and the carefully crafted habitats speak volumes. WELL DONE!!


I would love to hear more about his substrate methods. Also, that co2 rig. Thank you for uncovering this hidden treasure. Beautiful tanks and store!


Every elitist fish keepers head exploded. When you said water changes don't happen. Should see the reaction I get on forums when I tell people I never do water changes on my 200 gallon tank with 45 fish in it.


I used to be about water changes. But then I realized all my tanks are heavily planted. I would test the waters and my waters were worse every time I did a water change compare to a top off. Yes I used Prime but iv notice in the tanks the flunctaions were up and down to much. Where as top off was better for both the fish and the plants. I add Seachem weekly for missing minerals. My babies are happy
