Why Bob Dylan Matters

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Why Bob Dylan Matters
Richard F. Thomas
November 16, 2017
Sponsored by the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities
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I threw my ticket out the window. I threw my suitcase out there too. I threw my troubles out the door. I don’t need them anymore. Tonight, I’ll be listening to Bob.


I did not realize that anybody ever said Bob Dylan did not matter. He certainly matters to me. Grew into an adult with Bob Dylan (1960s) and he still speaks to myself and my generation. (I am 70)


I’m 38, at 19 I really discovered bob dylan, I knew his classics and enjoyed them but I bought Time Out Of Mind on a whim during my very first break up and it was truly lyrical poetry to absolutely everything I was feeling, and long story short I had the extreme privilege of discovering Bob Dylan’s work going back in time and Blonde on Blonde, John Wesley Harding, and of course Blood on The Tracks saved me, I know that’s painfully dramatic And even worse, a cliche but it did, and I’m not ashamed to admit it, his lyrics still to this day challenge me and inspire me and at there best give me a reason to believe in a dream, even if it’s unreachable, I will forever love Bob Dylan and hope he is as relevant tomorrow as he’s always been since the 60’s, yes even with his 1980’s catalog too 😆😉


He's not that much different from the rest of us, yet he spoke for all of us, profoundly


Some people hate dylan because of his singing voice. One thing i think we can all agree on, no music performer from the 20th-21st century had his music written about, critiqued, dissected and discussed as much as Dylan


If you want to know why BD matters, just go outside and dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free... you’ll understand then


Bob is a multi-faceted artist and is an inspiration to all. He courageously set out as a teenager to seek his destiny. Therefore, his journey has inspired others to do the same. Kudos to Bob!💖


Who would have thought back in 1962-63 that Bob would win the Nobel Prize, be the subject of a course at Harvard and be compared to Homer. Well done, Bob.😉


I also want thank those who put together this evening about Dylan and posting it on line .
I have always believed Bob will do his utmost to be an enigma to those trying to
scrape the meaning of his beliefs and poetry into their own words . Bob can so simple and so complex
from one verse to the next or one sentence to the next . These very learned men have given a deeper appreciation for Bob Dylan's genius to me . Personally I believe Bob has very deep roots , spiritually
in his Jewish and Christian faiths . This was briefly mentioned in this post . Peter behind my Judy


I’am so glad Dylan is finally getting his due. I’ve been listening to him since ‘64.


"Why wait any longer for the one you love,
When he's standing..
I front of you."

11 or 12 year old music freak forming 1st time I heard that lyric.

What a simple, clever line.
The guitar sounds with the conga..

AM then FM radio.
Lay Last Lay played between The Stones, Sinatra, Simon & Garfunkel and Led Zeppelin and 10cc.

My record collection was Sgt Pepper's (parent's hand me down -worn out).
2 Elton John album's, (my 1st idol).

75% listened to KISS ALIVE 1 and 2. Days on end.
That's it. 🎉


Thank you gentlemen. I was a little reticent to watch this ( as a lifelong fan of 50 odd years) but thoroughly enjoyed your discussion and illuminating some ghost-like themes for me. Apparently, he's a good welder too.
Thank you again.


I really enjoyed this discussion about Bob Dylan. Thank you for all presenting this. Bob has brought me through so many hard times in my life with his words. He can put into just a few words what you are going through, where you have been, how you felt about it emotionally and so many other facets of your life. Something that would take you years or decades to explain how you felt or how you feel he can sum up in a few words. He is definitely a genius and the poet of our generation.


Duh? How is that even a query? Zimmy my hero for over 50 years & I am 62. You are lucky to have the medium to hear anything Bob ever did thank GOD


The part of the New Basement Tapes was mis-characterized in that they were never put to music (by Dylan), but rather were lyrics that needed melodies. The ad hoc "band, " the New Basement Tapes, Giddens, Costello, et al. provided the melodies. Dylan himself did something similar with a notebook of Hank Williams lyrics he had acquired, and lined up various musicians to put their own tunes to Hank's unfinished songs, one of which ('The Love that Faded') he did himself.


This Case Western discussion is most helpful! These people you host explain how Dylan lifts us all. The explanation of how he felt Tangled Up in Blue brought yesterday tomorrow and today in the same room. I need to read Richard’s book. Brilliant hosting.


Not what I was expecting to hear, but it's a very educational video. Dylan deserves every fan he can make


Act 1 - Scene 1 - They're selling postcards for the hanging.
Ac1 1 - Scene 2 - They're painting the passports brown.
Act 2 - Scene 1 - The beauty parlor's filled with sailors.
Act 2 - Scene 2 - The circus is in town.


It may appear on the exterior that Bob Dylan was lucky to have become such an Icon. That isn't quite true in the least way. Bob Dylan is a special sort of musician with a broad-ranging love of other art forms that intersects where his incredible talents have found a birthing.
He has interests in multiple musical types, including folk, R & B, Rock, etc., and variations of many of those. His mastery of words comes directly out of books he has read throughout his days and their lingering familiarity within him. It is the truth that accounts for his seemingly prophetic lyrics. Their context in his writing comes from his understanding of their place even in theatrical importance, as spoken lessons along the path of life are guided by knowledge of the truth, so shall Bob Dylan remain timeless oracle, imbued as such...


Don't think about If he matters, because it is no question for me. Bob Dylan is a living legend like nobody else, a mysterious unknown person, nearly everybody heard one of his songs, know his name but this man is invisible, don't talk with the press, television don: t allows photographies, videos etc.He only want to communicate with his art- very true, and convincing.Thank you for the Insight View..
