Why did Joni Mitchell not like Bob Dylan?

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Why did Joni Mitchell say that Bob Dylan is a plagiarist?

The reason Joni Mitchell hated performing with Bob Dylan
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Here's the absolute truth: these artists put out their art, which we love. So love it. It doesn't mean we know ANYTHING about these artists, how they live their lives in private; they might be mean and trip up old people, slap little kids and cheat on their taxes. Or they could be saints. The truth is there's a whole industry out there trying to make money off of convincing us that they know the real truth about these people. I say don't bother; resign yourself to enjoying the fruit of their labors and realize they struggle with their burdens just like we do with ours. We should just focus on our own struggles to live better lives & be sympathetic to the struggles of others or at least that's how I see it.


I believe her. I never ever liked Dylan 😂


Joni and Quincy Jones (He proclaimed The Beatles stink and Paul is the worlds worst bass player) are probably two of the most clueless people on the planet!!


None of what she says is 100% untrue (well, I've not smelled his breath) but it misses the point - if you think it's easy what he does, have a go! - and as the commentary says, that's what folk music does. Bob always adds something special and raises what he does above whatever inspired him - except possibly biblical quotes, but they really are quotes - you can't plagiarise something culturally so embedded, you just reference it as a sort of shorthand. Truth is, life's richer for having both Joni and Bob.


They're both absolutely great. Why worry about a few idle words spoken on one occasion?


Artists are passionate people- who knows where the animosity stems from but she had a right to her opinion. I’ve not heard her say anything bad about other people- just him. I know personally as I get older I just say my truth more and more and let the chips fall where they may. With that being said, however, I hold a lot fewer grudges- time has softened my harsh opinions (and my memory of why I felt so strongly)and I find myself not wanting to carry others past trespasses. I hope she was at peace when she died. I think they both were amazingly talented!


I never understood why Bob Dylan had any popularity.


Poor Joni; her fame was never enough and her bitter complaints are a large part of her interviews for many years. She had so much yet cannot seem to see it. She was great. Dylan was also great. Move on.


Her lyrics don't come close to Dylan. She must be jealous


This is bullshit. They are the best of friends. They are painting buddies. They call each other all the time. She told my friend Gabe Gordon that when he auditioned to play with her on her next album (because he's very hip to open tunings). She could say what she did because she knew he would not consider it an attack, but just interview chat. They hate interviews.


Love Bob and Joni both. Joni made some distasteful comments about him, who cares? Old news.


Bob might have borrowed a lot of bits, but he makes such magic with them that all is forgiven.
He's worth more than any one Beatle, IMHO, if such things could ever be measured.


"Plagarism"??? (at 1.57). Really? Who wrote/narrated this? The Philistines? 🙄And Mitchell has always been delirious, anyway. She said in an interview that Dylan's Masters Of War (1962) was about "spitting on the graves of soldiers who died in the Vietnam war", except that the song was written before the escalation of the Vietnam war and it's obviously about what is now commonly called the "military industrial complex" (as the title clearly suggests), not common, young soldiers who were conscripted in the US army... Once she played her new album to Dylan and Dylan fell asleep; she never forgave him for that, lol! And the many "compliments" about Mitchell are pure hyperbole...


Bob is not only the greatest modern songwriter and story teller but he revolutionized the art form at great personal risk. He influenced Hendrix, the Beatles and Clapton and many others and we would not have had the sixties like we did without Dylan. Sure there may have been synthesis in some of his work but that is true for all of us. He even borrowed from the Bible so how is that a sin. Dylan's work is astounding.


Joni is a strong artist but her comments on Bob were tantamount to betrayal


I love Joni but she does come across as bitter. She has her Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio which can be a sharp toungue with invective. She also has her Moon conjunct her MC, the career point, in Pisces; a snappy disposition for sure.

Her Venus, in Virgo, is opposite the Moon, in Pisces, and her Saturn is 90° to both. A T Square and this aspect is a very difficult aspect. And Saturn there and in Gemini would make her curmudgeonly in her pronouncements.

Dylan has a Grand Cross in those 3 signs plus his Ascendant in Sagittarius. These people are gifted with _long travel suspension_ which allows them to override obstacles here.

Both are great but Dylan transcends all rock n rollers in any of their guises.


I rate dylan without rating Mitchell much but i find it really irritating when people assume that the criticisms of a less successful person of a more successful person can only be jealousy...If that was the case then no one would ever be able to criticise someone more famous than them even if they genuinely felt their art was sub par.


Mitchell was right. Dylan was a plagiarist from his first album, he modelled himself on Woody Guthrie & Ramblin' Jack adopting their styles - he even used a Guthrie tune for a tribute to him. Many of his melodies come from old black music to British ballads & Irish folk (Lord Randall & Patriot song are not disguised) going broader over time to latin & pop with lines stolen from poetry to film. He is said to represent the sixties but got the inspiration from his first love who was an activist. She ditched him when he cheated with Baez, many songs are misogynistic about women like Eddie Sedgwick who gave him shelter when he was a broke nobody. Joni is original, has talent, depth, able to change genres & rated as one of the best guitar players of all time.


Ask yourself "Who, from her past; does Joni actually get along-with/like/speak kindly of today"? Yea, NOBODY. Think about it. Must be everyone else. It can't be Joni, she is 'great'; must be everyone else.


In this video, Joni doesn't say anything bad about Dylan. I love the love she has for Dylan maybe someone should make a video of her smiling which will prove her love for Dylan🤗🥰.
