How to Easily Remove Silicone Caulk Without Using Chemicals

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Learn how to easily remove silicone caulk with our video. Chemical caulk removers can cause damage to the surrounding tile and countertop surfaces. This project can be completed with common household items.

For more tips on removing caulk visit:

These supplies make caulk removal a breeze:

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0:00 How to Remove Caulk Without Chemicals
0:12 Removing Caulk with a Razor Scraper
0:43 Using a Hairdryer to Heat Up the Caulk
1:08 How to Remove Caulk with a Combination of Heat and Scraping

#removecaulk #siliconcaulkremoval #nochemicals

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Videos produced by Home Repair Tutor are provided for informational, educational, & entertainment purposes only. Some of these projects, materials, and techniques may not be appropriate for all ages or skill levels. Home Repair Tutor does not make any claims of the safety of the projects, techniques, or resources listed on this site and will not take responsibility of what you do with the information provided by this site. Viewers must be aware by doing DIY projects on their homes they are doing it at their own risk and Home Repair Tutor cannot be held liable if they cause any damage to their homes. Home Repair Tutor cannot claim liability with all applicable laws, rules, codes and regulations for a project.
Рекомендации по теме

Super helpful for removing caulk. My only problem is that I am the wife. Wasn’t sure if I need to ask my husband’s permission to use the hairdryer. Apart from that, this was super useful.


This WAS helpful! I was struggling to cut through the silicone seal around an old sink; this made it much easier to cut through the caulk and be able to lift out the sink. Thank you.


Just tried this on the old silicone around my shower faucet. it comes right off! Really amazing tip, thanks for sharing! And the best part is, the hairdryer is my own - no need to ask permission. Hahaha!


Great video. Simple, quick and easy to do. Thank you for the blow dryer advice.


Wow! Worked like a charm. Had to remove decades old caulk between toilet and white vinyl floor in upstairs bathroom with little ventilation. I wasn't keen on using a chemical. I did figure out quickly I had to be careful to not damage the hot soft vinyl when scraping of the caulk. So glad I found your video. Thanks!


This is terrific thank you so much! I am so thrilled I found your channel.


I used a heat gun, quicker than the hair dryer but be careful around any kind of acrylic or plastic. Using heat was a great tip, I’d never thought of that and I’ve been a diy er for years. Thanks!


Thanks for this. First time searching this topic, first video I watched and I don't think there's much point in me watching any others. Such a simple tip. Cheers mate.


Thank You! I had sprayed my caulk with vinegar and it came off the tub relatively easy but clung to the wall enclosure. The hairdryer did the trick!


Looking for something like this for a problem we inherited from the previous owners: they had painted the caulk on the outside edge of the shower tiles. We ended up using a straight razor on both the tile & the wall side of the caulk; the hair dryer made the going a lot easier. Thank you for posting this.


Hey Trish, this is siliconized acrylic caulk that was used on our countertops. Sorry for the confusion. But I've had the same success on just plain silicone.


You saved me so much time right now thank you. I used a 5 in 1 tool scraper other than the razor scraper as in this video and it worked just as great


I Made a mess with silicone application on a PVC window .
Have several amputated finger tips but now you have saved my life, never mind the finger tips !


Your video saved me so much time and elbow grease. Thank


The caulking I inherited with my Condo was super old, super thick and dirty. The Silicone Buster that I bought and used
a whole bottle ($12 + tax) barely made a dent. The hairdryer? YES! Thanks you bigly!


this amazing! perfect!! just what I needed


Sweet idea! Since I was concerned about the chemical remover one, I was just scraping and scrapin -_- and now got a few marks I caused with the blade I can't fix. The rest I'll do this way. Thanks!


Thanks for the big tip. Thoroughly enjoyed your caulk video.


lol... no need for a handyman - I'm the handy one now. Thanks Jeff!


Thanks so much! I’ll definitely try it.
