Elon Musk Was Right About GM | Going Out Of Business?!

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A lot has been said about the incoming recession, and Elon Musk has not held back his opinions on the American car company. Even though demand is high for EVs legacy car makers have plunged billions to catch Tesla and still can't make profile electric cars. Today we check out what Elon Musk has said and what it means for GM and it's customers.
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They could always go back to making cars people can afford and would last! The first company to do that will be on top for ever


I know someone who bought a new GM many years ago. They had ongoing problems within the first three months that the dealer couldn't fix leading to them wanting a replacement vehicle. This led to a conference call with them, the dealer, and GM Canada to try and resolve the problem. GM refused to replace the vehicle. When they told GM they were losing a customer, GM told them, "Oh well. We lose you and we gain another customer tomorrow. That's how this business works". No lie. I guess that attitude toward customers is catching up to GM. Let them die


Anyone can sell at a loss as long as the US Government is printing the money.


Eliminate all dealers and deal with costumers directly like Tesla does. We are tired off dealers scams. MSRP!!!


I don’t think I’m alone when I say “I don’t want an EV.” Also, after the Active Fuel management debacle GM continues to put this stupid technology in their V8 trucks and some cars. Ruining lifters and a class action lawsuit, why would buyers be upset?


My tax money goes to GM, but I can't get a damn discount or free car??? WTF?


GM spends $2.7 billion on advertising while Tesla spends $0. Never underestimate GM's ability to do the wrong thing and shoot itself in the foot at the same time.


the real problem with GM and some other car makers are they say "they're going to" and say a date 10 + years from now instead of "they are doing it NOW". GM needs to solve their major problems first. if they have chip shortages then they need to invest in making chips in-house or build vehicles that dont need chips. do away with the unnecessary tech junk no one really needs. other issues is dont build cars made only for the rich. gm should follow toyotas strategy.


I'd own older GM trucks and Cameros up to 2004. Anything beyond that, no thank you. The reliability isn't there and the price tag on new ones aren't worth it. The new ones are pretty much nice looking lawn ornaments.


At my job, I took a look around the parking deck the other day. Vastly more foreign built cars than American. That's not a shocker to anyone. What I don't get is how those who work at those American car makers will strike for pay raises and benefits that are already far and away better than anything they could hope to make considering many if not most have no post high school education. Those dummies are going to kill their golden goose. That is why I have no use for unions. Perhaps once needed, they are a relic of the past and need to go away. Those employees are greedy and short sighted if not blind.


All of the domestic automakers have ignored the lower end of the auto buying customers. What used to be the light truck market has turned into the luxury barge market. Nearly every family sedan has been discontinued due to tons of advertising in lock step with phasing out cars people can sorta afford.


Told Ya ...
GM, FORD, and Chrysler have been out of the "car" business for decades. Their only "cling" to the auto industry is Trucks. And that's only because the imports (Toyota, Honda, and Nissan) must maintain a segment of the American truck market for the domestics so they won't be accused of dumping, or some other such nonsense. GM is done, and has been for a long time. FORD will always be around, so long as the family retains ownership / leadership. Jim Farley's days are now numbered after he convinced the Family to devote their "car" component to go EV. EV is gone too. It's dubious if Chrysler can stay afloat unless off-shore interests keep it so, but I don't know why they would. If you think an off-shore interest will save GM, think again. The GM legacy cost is off the charts. The good news ... as these entities go away, so will the UAW. The socialist death grip will falter and die.


Barra is the problem. Paying her 30 million dollars a year sucks all the money, and causes the employees to make too little.


Domestic car companies did not need to get into electric car production they were told to.


Maybe if we made all the parts in America this problem would go away.


If GM closed 80% of its companies and finally came out with a line of reliable vehicles that might help.


Remember back in the late 80’s when USA automotive industry adopted their take on the TPS. Adopting the TPS into American factories was a major mistake. USA culture is not the same as Japanese culture. Understanding and implementing TPS like the Japanese was never possible. GM proved they were never capable of identifying that fact and it only took a little over 20 years for that, poor management and too many chiefs to bankrupt the entire company.
GM not only got a huge bail out from Obama’s administration, they also took Chinese $ at the same time that was never mentioned in the Media and was not common knowledge.


Interviewing Elon on why GM will go out of business is like asking Henry Ford a hundred years ago why GM will not make it.


Musk will win. Gm keeps increasing prices and increasing delivery time


GM was going down hill before the advent of electric cars, their quality was atrocious. and their dealers didn't seem to care.
