Metro DATAVAC Electric Duster

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Metro Data Vacuum ED500 Datavac Electric Duster Review
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I work on high end electronics in the lab..some of the instrumentation is $100K plus. The service guy caught a fit when he saw me using compressed air in the can. He said you can actually freeze and crack components if you aren't careful. We do it very similar to what you are demonstrating now. Great vid Fred...


This is a great product! Very well made and solid! Just got mine from amazon and do not regret it! Worth every PENNY if you always buy canned air. The model I got comes with a socket bump that holds the accessories in place so you don't have to worry about the black piece of plastic blowing off like in the video.

My only concern is that this thing can get hot and blows warm-hot air but then again I was using it outside with 90F+ temps. So I would recommend you use this in a cool place.


Good video! I just got one for Christmas. It is much more powerful than a can of air. I'd been looking at one at Amazon for 55 dollars but my old lady bought this one at staples for 80$! It might get a little hot, but cans of air get really cold and are no good until they warm up again. This cools off faster than the cans warm up! Watch what you are pointing it at when you start, it will clear your desk of any pens, pencils and paper immediately! Great product!!!


Just so people know...this thing is more powerful than canned air so be careful when cleaning computer fans. Most computer fans are only rated to a certain RPM and this thing can actually spins them way faster than they are rated for. I usually hold it a little further back when cleaning the fans. This thing is a great product and will save tons of money that OCD people like me spend on compressed air dusters. I mean even on sale they are 4 bucks a piece. It's ridiculous. This thing is definitely worth it in the long run if you are like me and clean your computer frequently.


Metro makes good products. Have their larger blower to dry my m/c, and it works very well. I've used their commercial blowers for years, they are an industry-standard.


great review, fred, it is so appropriate, i just got mine in the mail wednesday from amazon. $46.46 less than the price of 10 cans of air. it works great much more powerful than the canned air and is environmentally friendly. i used it to clean my computer and it did a fantastic job. but do it outside unless you want a room full of dust. keep up the great videos. take care.


Had one over a year. Thing is amazing. I love mine. I found so many uses for it. Its 1000x more powerful than canned air.


Bought 1 of these on amazon a year ago. I found if you put on the attachment with the bigger hole, it blows a lot more. You'd think if you put on an attachment with a small straw or something it would blow the air out of there stronger, but it doesnt. It kinda bogs it down.

Ive also used this to dry off the engine compartment in my car after degreasing.


Unlike canned air, using this duster, the air comes out warm and you don't need to worry about condensation. I use this for cleaning out PCs and small air filters.


@MASKOAA Yeah the newer model has the stub now. Got mine from Amazon. I don't think the old model is on Amazon anymore according to the reviews.


How does this compare to the Airforce Blaster Sidekick if used to dry your motorcycle or a car?  Can you do a video of them side by side?  I was just wondering if this DATAVAC has enough power to blow dry the car like the blaster sidekick.




I was expecting you to whip out a 20 HP Air Compressor! LOL.

Excellent review as usual Fred.


When you say you want to make sure this is on really tight there should be a hole in the main black attachment that locks onto the Vacuum with a nob that you have to push down to pop in the hole.


What about static electricity? Since this blower runs off of electricity, will it produce static electricity? Concerned with using in a computer with all it's components and including around ram chips and other sensitive electronics. Specially in the winter when humidity is very low and static electricity charge is very high.


Woa! I just happened to see your vid. I clicked on it because I already own one. It rocks!


@dsgr2003 yea, when i worked at staples we sold Re-Air. Fred's correct, they didnt stay on the market long cause they just didn't have the enough air pressure/power to really clean anything.


another benefit to this product is you can buy replacement parts for it. Metrovac sells replacement motor brushes ($17) so if the brushes are worn can pull them out and put new ones in. You can buy a whole new motor and turbine assembly for ($35) as well. you also can buy replacement accessories as well. Alot better than the O2 hurrican canless system which is overpriced and is a throw away item


Another problem of my life is solved, thanks to fred!


Thanks for the review. I have just received it and... This Thang ROCKS!!!


Hi, I just got one of these. Question, does the black plastic part you secure onto the main unit have a little hole about the width of a pencil or little smaller? Mine does, I'm guessing this is some kind of escape whole as to not over stress the motor? Anyway, was curious if yours has that hole.
