Some QRP Radios

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Here are several QRP radios that I own. I show each one and tell a little about them. Sadly, I don't own every QRP radio...
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Nice video, I have owned a FT-817ND for 5 years now and love it. I bought it used. If I had to do it over again I think
I would still go with the FT-817ND because of the all modes plus 6, 2, and 440. On CW with a wire antenna
this summer I worked portable from Narragansett, RI into Europe on 17m and 20m with 5 watts. Several
40m U.S. contacts . The local repeaters from 6-440 no problems. Your right on the internal battery. The voltage
doesn't support 5 watts and dies quickly. I use a portable battery or D.C. supply.
I take the FT-817ND to Aruba every year. With a 12 foot MFJ adjustable whip and magmount on top of the rental car parked
near the California Lighthouse, I have worked on 10, 12 and 15m SSB back to Hams in RI.


Thank you sir for those encouraging words. You saved me from quitting this wonderful hobby. I was about to quit out of frustration. I got my novice license 2 months ago (HJ3CRG) and I´m teaching myself Morse code. I love CW QRP. I have a Youkits EK-1A transceiver, a homemade dipole for the 40M band with an "ugly balun" (RF choke) and a single paddle key I made from junk parts. That´s all I can afford at the moment. So far I haven´t made my first contact because I get very nervous like you said. Now that I´ve watched your video I feel more confident. I don´t know any hams here or clubs or anything and all I hear at night are CW operators from the United States fading in and out in the 40M band. I don´t know whether there are other people doing CW here (maybe I´m the only one?) but I will persist until I make my first contact. I have subscribed to your channel and I´ll be watching your videos. Thank you and God Bless you!


nothing sounds better than a 30 years old Kenwood. You can recognize that modulation anytime.


Awesome video presentation, i Love and enjoy qrp myself and qrp rigs bec its a lot safe to experiment, design and play with different antennas...rf burns are not as bad as full size rigs 😆😂😆 ...73s and happy QRP-ing


Years ago I had a Tentec Argonaut with a 2 Watt output that I would take on my bicycle, along with a motorcycle battery, a roll of wire and a small antenna tuner. I'd bicycle up into the Berkeley hills, throw the wire up into a tree, turn on the radio and tune it. I had quite a few SSB QSOs that way. Admittedly many were more-or-less local, but it was fun. Now that I'm living in a tiny condo I might start doing that again -- but with a car rather than a bicycle. BTW, my call sign is WA6YAG. We met on field day in Alameda where I was taking photos.


your videos have taught me so much, not lic, yet but as soon as I am QRP is what I am doing. Cool stuff


I am a new ham (still waiting for FCC to issue my license -- passed all three levels). I am learning code because I want to be able to operate in that mode without a computer. On the amateur radio subreddit, someone mentioned the Elecraft line of radios. I started researching them and noticed that they build some of the best receivers in the craft. I found a used KX3 and saved myself a few hundred bucks on a like-new radio. It's sitting on my desk monitoring the local 2m repeater as I write.

I like the idea of QRP operations and am looking forward to taking my radio out in the field to spend a weekend camping remotely, listening to the radio, playing with my dog, and being away from town and out in the wilderness. This will be fun.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and expertise. I have a lot to learn. I'm looking forward to watching your other lessons.


0:30 transmitters are the same. Indeed they are. You know your stuff. Transmitted is just an alternating current. So true. Finally someone who gets it!;-)


I've played QRP since I was first licensed in  1970--first radio was a TenTec PM-1,   I finally arrived at my ideal radio. My Elecraft K2 is a 300 serial number, but has been updated. It still has the best receiver I have ever had in any radio. Bill WB4TJH


I bought the Elecraft KX3 in early 2012. A fantastic radio! When the KX2 came out the in 2016, the KX3, with amp and panadapter became my base station rig. Cannot say enough about the KX2, it's my goto radio all the time. Started working on improving my Morse (really needed to) and came across a KX1. Elecraft stopped producing them in 2018, but this is a great Morse only QRP radio. '73 KJ6KYQ


Terrific rundown, thanks! Actually, the KX3 is the radio (in kit form) that I'm about to buy. It feels like a big investment for me, so it's very comforting to hear you wax poetic about it. Truth be told, I'm feeling a bit like a kid at Christmas! :-)


Well done! I will say that with the optional filter installed, my FT817 (non-ND) still holds its own pretty well compared to my KX3! I love them both equally!


I have to agree, the KX3 is top of the line for QRP. I have the KX2 and my KX3 sits in the shack. My Go To radio for portable is now my KX2. Either way, both radios are top of the line. You have a nice collection of low power radios. I love my Elecraft QRP radios but still like my Icom IC703+ and just can't part with it. It does a fine job.

Barry, KU3X/QRP


I had an FT-857-D and absolutely LOVED IT! I gave it to a friend, on the condition that He got his Ticket, but he has Yet do do some point, I’ll either get it back from him, or purchase Another one, it’s a GREAT, Full Featured Rig!


Nice video!
My 73! from West Siberia de UA9OTW/QRP


Very well done sir. Both informative and interesting. 73 to you.


Good review Cliff. I can see myself going for one of those KX1 Elecraft radios. 73


I'd heard and seen enough Elecrafts that I decided to buy one. Until, I saw the exorbitant price! Screw that! I'll keep pounding my HW-8 and SW-40.


great video! i cant wait to get a qrp rig! Thanks for making these videos. Please keep it up!


nice and worth comparison, wattage and price indicators are clear. i am not so fun of build kits, so i would go for a line-assembled one ! thanks for info
