Upgrade Spotlight: How to Avoid EMFs & Raise Your Quantum Energy Field – Quantum Upgrade – #1048

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Learn how to tune into your true self and inner power by harnessing quantum energy to ward off EMFs and increase your energetic vibration. Quantum Upgrade founder and CEO, Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling, shares how you can reduce EMFs and increase quantum energy in your personal spaces.

Philipp joined the show previously to bring you the science and benefits of quantum energy and energy frequencies. You’ll want to take a listen to episodes #890 and #1013 to learn more. This time, he explains how you can harness quantum energy via a remote service. Skeptical? Here’s how it all works.

Through years of research and development in tandem with its sister company, Leela Quantum, Quantum Upgrade has created a powerful source of usable quantum energy.

By using quantum entanglement, Quantum Upgrade has been shown to improve the function of heart rate variability, ATP production, and blood, among other things. Philipp mentions a recent study that found this quantum technology increased cellular activity by 20%, which has implications for athletes—a bioenergy-hacking tool!—and wound healing.

Everyday EMF radiation creates incoherent frequencies that put stress on the human body. This creates biological disharmony and depletes you of quantum energy. The Quantum Upgrade technology “tunes” your environment to surround you with optimal level of usable quantum energy—at all times. When you join the subscription service, Quantum Upgrade “associates” you, your home, phone, business, or even your pet with this energy source.

The remote service has been tested through randomized sham-controlled double-blind studies, and Quantum Upgrade has worked with independent testing institutes and labs to test their products.

Whether you’re new to exploring the benefits of quantum energy or already have some experience with quantum frequencies, there’s a subscription fit for you.

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Рекомендации по теме

I am saddened to see Dave 49 looking older than my father who is 67. What happened?


It’s fascinating. I signed up for the trial and whooaaa. Immediately felt the effects. I thought it wouldn’t get turned on for 5 minutes but I believe it did.


I got a regular quantum bloc last summer and stuck my head in it for a few minutes. I didn't really feel anything in my head but the next day I really started feeling the detox effects, like a sore throat, coughing, etc. I hadn't had a cold in several years and haven't had a cold since. It was definitely a reaction to sticking my head in a new bloc that I wasn't used to. My body suddenly had extra energy to clean itself out. I haven't tried the quantum upgrade yet, but I definitely will, now that I'm more used to quantum energy.


On day 2 of the subscription and my energy is absolutely buzzing, I can normally feel my bodies energies like heart chakra etc, but this has put it on supercharge .. blows my mind to have something like this available


Been a fan for a good ten years, listening on podcast…. been rather absent last couple years- but now becoming a regular viewer on YT… great stuff as usual !


God Bless you for making ALL of this content for free. I fell down your rabbit hole about a week ago when I am learning about losing weight. Please have a class on financial success, Dave!! We need help in this aspect too! Godspeed!


Well if this guy is anything to go by… he looks pretty well… look at his skin and face!
I’m sceptical because I like science but as an empath and healer myself I know what can be achieved when I get out of my own way and lock into the source. The quantum stuff is such an abstract concept though, but it does seem like the science is catching up 😅


QEF is a concept rooted in quantum physics that suggests everything in the universe is connected through an energetic field. Some proponents of QEF suggest that by harnessing this field, it's possible to create a protective shield against harmful EMFs

It's always important to practice caution when it comes to EMF exposure.


The double-blind placebo-controlled study of Quantum Upgrade is impressive. The fact that Quantum energy fields can be measured and demonstrated is fascinating.


Hi, Philip. The Healy does something like this. Also time waver medical devices do to. Have you spoke. To them or talk to them. There might be some joint synchronizes. I might try the trial. I wondering how much strong this is than the Healy.


It's amazing to see the positive effects of Quantum Upgrade on the body. very informative and eye-opening!


I mean if Dave wouldn't be intrigued I would never gave it a try. Even after 8 days of free trial I'm still sceptical. I would really like to be excited about it but yet No miracles happened to me so I keep my excitement neutral


the device you just need in house is just the air ioniser or air filter to filter that air with nano dusts


Will it work if you keep your phone on airplane mode frequently


I got the emf card the peace of mind card and the male health capsule. I like the concept but I haven’t been able to notice any effect
