Obsidian - CSV JSON Importer

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In this video we look at how to bulk import data from a *.csv file. Farling has worked his magic again and created a plugin that imports data from a *.json or *.csv file and it's a fantastic way to very quickly create 100s or maybe even 1000s of topics very very quickly.

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I happened on your video not even realizing this plugin was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for the clear & concise presentation.


That was really helpful
Thank you Josh!


Has anyone created a template file for Simplenote's json export they can share? Thanks!


Thanks for the the videos. New to Obsidian and I'm finding these very helpful.
One question: at timestamp 7:25, you're showing JSON/CVS Importer in the toolbar at the far left. Mine does not show this.
Do I have to set up something else to allow that to show there?
( this is my first plug-in used with Obsidian, therefore first time I should have something non-standard in that left menu bar)


Do you know/think if this could be used to import a world map saved as a JSON file to be used with leaflet, or would it have to be converted to a JPEG first?


Are the Handlebar templates still working after the latest Obsidian update to Properties? With the JSON/CSV Importer it was very helpful to get names imported as notes, but associated data like tel numbers, addresses, etc were not included. When "---" is entered at the top of a note a new drop-down menu appears. Any ideas?


Thanks for the video! I need to bulk load database definitions and this looks like the automated method I needed. I'd also like to use for fun stuff like you eventually. By the way, did you intend to have each word of Name be a tag? Seemed unintentional, so I was wondering if you found a fix. Thanks.


Is it possible to have each column header import as a templater meta element so that each line is a md file with the templater header section filed out with the csv header and content of the line?


Does anyone have any clue why the plugin may just not work? I believe I've done everything as Josh specified in this video, but when I click import, Obsidian says "Import Finished" when, in act, nothing has happened and no files were created.


Somehow I tried to duplicate another vault with the same csv and template handlebar but it no longer works..is there a way I can send you the source files to have a look? Many thank!!


Thanks so much for this tool. I have years worth of notes trapped in csv files.
Question, when I imported all my quotes and apostrophes became ( ' ). For example it's became it's and I'm became I'm. I'm guessing it has something to do with typographers marks opposed to straight quotes. I'm not sure how to proceed. *_*

Either way, thanks for all you do!


@JoshPlunkett I am not sure if you will see this question as you posted this video some months ago, but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. The plugin created a note file for each line item in your csv file. What I need is for all of the lines in a csv file to be imported into a single note, perhaps arranged as a table of items. Do you know if this is possible? cheers -rabbit


This would solve a huge problem for me but someone it’s not working for me🤔️ I set everything and click import, a popup says import complete but nothing appears in my vault. What could I be doing wrong 🧐 Thank you!


Is it possible to update the tables with an updated csv ?


Is there a guide on how to upload JSON files? like the 5e Tools Monsters?


I have played with importing a list of words for a language I am learning. This video has been quite informative. Unfortunately, I have misdirected myself. Your function of a table is simply to look up info quickly. I was thinking I could add data directly to the table in Obsidian as I was studying a word. In read format, I can read the data just great. When I put it into Write mode? the structure of the table collapses into the squished up md format. The md is formless and difficult to sort out if I have the right column to add data. I did install Advanced Tables. Can you or some point me in the right direction of either 1) how to clear up my md file so I can easily find the column I want to input data, or 2) can someone point me in the right direction as to a plugin or technique I may have missed .


doesn't work now (April 2023). It says "import finished", but it doesn't import anything


Hello josh, do you offer private training/mentoring? I need help to set up a project


I have absolutely no clue why this doesn't work for my file. TT


It does not work in 2023. Do you know what could be the cause?
