Lazy TikTok Girl Is Laid Off And Doesn't Understand Why

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A girl on TikTok shares her "Day in the life" video about working at Google where she shows herself doing little to no work and is surprised to find out she was laid off not long after!

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If you can fire 75% of your workforce and your company still runs fine, you're not running a company, you're running a daycare.


She literally filmed herself doing basically nothing during the whole workday. She was by far the easiest choice to let go when they had to.


When I first went to Google's HQ in Mountain View as a business guy, I was stunned by the utter lack of actual work. It was like visiting a daycare center.


The funniest thing for me Is that she thought she should have been consulted about the decision to be laid off.


Her first day of being unemployed was identical to her last day of being employed.


90% of HR staffs could vanish and nobody would notice. Generation of unparalleled narcissists.


I remember being excited to get my first real job with 9-5 hours in a well lit office. Not up on a roof sweating and hammering, not in a smokey bar, not in a windowless, dark, and loud factory, in an OFFICE with a DESK and a BADGE! And with a lunch break! You better believe I worked hard and did my absolute best to both be and look busy and professional all the time, because I didn't want to go back to sweat-labor all day outside or breathing smokey bar air all day inside.


what gets me is when she says "no one was consulted on this decision". You as the employee wont be consulted if you are going to be fired.


She did more work editing her videos than she did work at work


I remember when I was leaving a job to move closer to my wife’s family and I was given what was the greatest compliments I’ve ever gotten. My supervisor told me that he was really sad to see me leave. That while nobody was irreplaceable, I came as close as anyone he’d ever known or worked with. I was completely speechless and could only say thank you. It was both filling and humbling at the same time. I’ll never forget how I felt at the time and how it showed me that working hard and doing my very best was seen and appreciated.


I wonder which company hired her after *her not doing any productive work at Google*


I do not care how depressed I am, I will never post myself crying on social media. Social media is not therapy, it's actually the reason you probably will need therapy though.


imagine thinking you’re living an adult life while eating halloween candy getting free coffee and having meetings in sparkle rooms, then going to cry at disney land. i mean wow.


Losing your job is a terrible news, but seriously, whipping out your phone and filming yourself crying feels like a strange response to that.


A former boss who was a mentor and now a friend gave me the best piece of advice early on in my career. "Work hard to get to the stage in your career where THEY need YOU more than you NEED them!!"

I've spent over a decade getting to the level I am at now and have experienced redundancy/restructures along the way. Way to not be 1st on the chopping block is to show you add value to the company.

Don't think Google lost any sleep or even noticed she'd gone after being fired


How does someone like this get hired to be able to be fired? From what she puts out there, she is pretty much totally useless.


Her first day being laid off was just as productive as her day in the life at work.


In 1972 when I was 17 years old my mentor at work told me “If you ever start feeling real important go get a bucket of water and stick your finger in it. Then pull it out real fast, the hole that is left is how much you will be missed when you are gone, and that is true for all of us.” I never forgot that lesson, and it is as true today as it was back then.


She won’t learn. I’m sure she got a bunch of ‘likes’ and sympathy for her crying. This whole generation is ridiculous and when (and if) real life hits them they will have no clue what to do.


Reminds me of the old joke about the company which needed some contract staff to write a computer programme for them - but the only people they could find were cannibals. On the clear understanding that they were not to even THINK about eating other employees, they were hired. For several weeks, all went well, but one day the boss came round and said "The company janitor has been missing for several days; you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
The head cannibal said no he didn't, but asked all the rest of his team if they knew anything - and they all said no.
So the boss went off to look elsewhere. The head cannibal peered round the corner of the door to see that the boss was well away, shut the door, and then turned on his team.
"Right!", he said, "Which of you PILLOCKS was it?"
At this, one of his team looked a bit embarrassed, and shuffled his feet, and the head cannibal turned on him.
"You dozy BERK! You spawny-eyed WAZZOCK!! You GORMLESS PLANK!! For WEEKS, now, we've been stuffing our faces on HR staff, PR staff, carbon reduction monitors, and the like, and *nobody noticed* - and then *YOU* have to dob us in it!"
