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Title: Paige Layle

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Paige Hennekam
46 Kent St W.
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Related: autism, autism diagnosis, Paige layle, paigelayle, paigelayle tiktok, tiktok videos, autistic, autistiktok, autistok, autism spectrum disorder, Aspergers, Aspergers syndrome, autism in girls, dsm, autistic kid, autism mom, autism family, autism speaks, autism awareness, autism acceptance, ABA, ABA Therapy
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“If you don’t care about facts then thats your own problem” dude I DIED laughing. I’ve literally said this and my mom constantly tells me i have black and white thinking. Also the dryer thing was so funny. If I can’t wear a specific shirt that day because someone stopped the dryer it’s the end of the world. Thank you for making this video :-) it helped so much while I go through the diagnosis process.


My sensory issue is touching dishes that were left in the sink.
I just can't stand when oils and juices from all of the dishes combine and cover all of the dishes from all sides.


The “no common sense” thing gets me ALL the time, like how do other people just KNOW what decision to make without guidelines and limitations applied, I need goals and a reason why so I can turn it into a plan and then finally list out the probable outcomes and route/s to get there to get ANY task done, no matter how big or small, I hate how slow I am at DOING things because I’m always stuck in the “but *why* ?” Stage of decision making. I ask my partner how he just knows what to do all the time and he’s never been able to give me a straight answer, I suppose he just reacts to the chemical signals his body produces that I guess mine doesn’t, I get really bad analysis paralysis because I have no clue wtf is going on most the time.


"I feel like an alien that has come down to this earth"

I've never resonated with this statement so much lol.


I remember crying for days when, as a kid, we were getting a new fridge. I couldn't handle it at all, and was only comforted when I learned we were moving the old fridge to the garage, where I would go and visit it for comfort LOL


I love how you acted out some of the scenes, it was really helpful to have those examples and for them to be portrayed in an interesting way :D


I specifically remember crying because i couldn’t find the driver’s ed manual online and i wanted to study before taking my permit test and everyone kept telling me that I didn’t need it because the test was “common sense” .. i would cry and people would look at me like i was over reacting and after the 17th time hearing “you’ll be fine, the test is common sense!” I absolutely lost it.


Pre-roll ad: “if you’re the kind of person who likes to live through the same routine then skip this ad now”. Ironic and poorly targeted for an autism channel


it's the first time i hear someone talk about "deep connections with inanimate objects" as an autistic trait. i'm 24 and this has been a trait of mine ever since i can remember. to me, they have souls, they have feelings, and they WILL get sad if i do certain things. i have NEVER met someone who understands this. people will make lighthearted fun of me for it, and, though it doesn't offend me, it does make me feel alone.


I have ADHD (and definitely have traits of autism) and I can so relate to this video. The routine and change part, I was dying omg this is educational and entertaining!! Go you Paige!!


I'm going to stop using the term "common sense" so freely now. It is something I didn't realize was generally neurotypical. Thanks for teaching me.


Well… that explains why I’m still super depressed and grieving getting rid of my toys and stuffies.

Also.. pretty sure the black and white thinking is a huge reasons to why I was misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

And one more thing. My aunt constantly shamed me and mocked me for not having common sense.. and this really just helped me feel not so bad about myself for it. Thank you. 💖


I was diagnosed with autism when I was 29 and I never had meltdowns when routines weren’t followed (when I was a child) but I did remind my mum that the routine was being changed every single time. It pissed me off but I didn’t have a meltdown at all…


I wasn't diagnosed until aged 50 but when looking back I had been broadcasting with so many autistic traits from an early age. It shows how much understanding of the condition has come on. One of my favourite examples is from primary school when we were asked to write an essay on how we help around the house. I remember it word for word! "I get out of the way!" A 6 word, one sentence essay that was precise and honest! I would have been 7 years old, 1971.


Omg I love that you played out different scenes to show what it could look like!


I feel like not having been diagnosed until I was 34 forced me to break some of those habits, but I'm definitely on the inanimate object train, because I have a blanket and we have been through some shit.


just sharing, my thing with routines is that if i don’t do something that is part of my routine i will be paralyzed and not do anything, my college classes are not happening so it’s really hard for me to brush my teeth, or exercise because if i’m not gonna watch my classes, doing anything else is really hard


"Emotional support water bottle" was the most painfully relatable thing I've ever heard lol


Paige you are a life saver, you’re the reason I’m talking to my therapist about autism. I’ve always known I’m different and finding you has made me realize I’m not “broken” or “wrong” and I am so greatfull!!


I'm ADHD with an autistic sibling, and there's some things that work really well with that combo (infodumping, wanting steps spelled out) and really Not. Like, I fundamentally hate things to be boring. Repetitive things are boring, so I try to switch things up at every opportunity. My little sister... not so much. "Hey, let's just dink around and see what happens!" "How about we don't" "Why not? It'll be fun" "I don't think so" lol. I forget stuff a lot too, so sometimes I'll say I'll do something and forget, which for her is breaking a promise. Breaking promises is basically a federal crime in her eyes. I actually really like that about her, I like her bluntness, and I admire how she can be so dedicated to one or two things that she figures out all the tiny details about it. We don't always get along but we love each other
