Understanding the Rise of the Antichrist in the Years Before the Tribulation Begins

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I was heartbroken to learn of Dalton's resignation. My heart goes out to him. None of us are perfect. We ALL fall short. But our God is merciful and forgiving for the Bible says, "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. I pray for Dalton and may God continue to use him according to HIS divine will. Maranatha.


The persecution of the saints gives me anxiety. I'm not scared of death, I'm scared of physical pain and torture. Death is a sleep until Christ returns, a lightning bridge to the kingdom. Emotional pain I can deal with, but physical damage and torture has me scared. I pray that I have the courage and strength to endure through the tribulation.


Everyday on the way to work I pass a sign that someone has near their driveway. Just 4 words, it says, “Be Faithful Unto Death.” I love that sign and I love this content. Great teaching!


Finally! Someone who truly knows the scriptures. Someone who doesnt twist or interpret them to fit his or her own lifestyle. All the topics you cover are completely 100% backed up by scripture. You tell the Gosple truth exactly as it is. You dont sugar coat it, and you have really studied the bible in depth.
God bless you brother, really!


You are gifted in teaching us this part of The Holy Bible and our current times Thank you God Bless You !


Time and time again I find myself returning to your channel, actually drawn to your channel to watch, and re-watch your videos. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for that.
I have gained so much clarity on the scriptures, as well as peace, in listening to the different segments and videos. I cannot express enough how fortunate I feel to have discovered your channel.
It has had a very profound effect on my life and my spiritual journey.
Having the opportunity to listen to scripture being broken down so detailed and with discernment has been immensely helpful. Thank you. And God Bless.


I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”


I love the way you teach and I love the way you tie difficult scriptures together to give a grand "Big Picture" like putting together a difficult picture. This is truly your calling from the Lord and the Holy Spirit. More of this teaching is needed during these increasingly difficult times. "Praise our Lord and savior Yeshua".


I want to thank you for making this video. lately I have been quite afraid from many questionable/non-questionable videos. This clears up many fears that I once had. May the lord bless every soul and those who have fallen off the path.


Yesterday after prayer I was trying to listen to God and what He wanted to say because I don’t do that enough and I heard him say “ I am Yeshua, I am coming, I am Yeshua” and I was like 😮 and Ik many people have been having revelations like this to so guys we gotta be prepared cause our King is coming soon✨❤️


I just found this channel. So far it's fantastic and I'm so glad to find a church who isn't apostate. This teacher is very good and articulate. He goes precept upon precept, line upon line. This is how God teaches us. Thank you so much for this platform and I hope I can hear most of the teachings. I find this teacher to be true and sincere. Find a few good teachers on here and make sure they're scriptural. Then learn as much as you can - so you're not surprised or deceived. Jesus knows where we're going and how we're going to get there. Trust God!!


everything that i didnt learn before....
I downloaded this video and everytime i wanted to see....something was telling...me not now see later or tomorow....
Glory be to God....He gave me eyes to see ....and Blessed be you people that made this wonderfull job

Peace and love from Mozambique


Wow. What a Blessing to discover (I believe the Holy Spirit led me to find you my brother) this kind of true Biblical interpretation teaching from God's Word. I aslo just downloaded the FAI App you mentioned earlier in the video. Thank you so much my dear brother in Christ.


We are surely approaching the end times brothers and sisters. Hold steadfast!


Sometimes I wonder how close we really are. Is it 20, 30 years? Is it Less or more? I know no man knows the day or the hour but we can watch the seasons. I feel as though we have moved very quickly in the recent months.


Praise God for the Spirit of the fear of the Lord that its upon your ministry. From this comes the Spirit of wisdom. Maranatha!


Wow, I was guided to your channel and I am so thankful! You explain things line by line which makes it so much easier to understand. The Holy Spirit has been VERY active in me lately and this goes along with the other revelations I have bless you for being obediant and I look forward to hearing your other videos.


Thank you I did not believe we were going to be snatched away. I was praying for truth 🙏. But with so many people believing that I wasn't sure. Just like this flu situation 🤧. I believe it to be a bunch of nonsense but so many believe it that I struggle with doubting what God tells me.. I find it's important to stay more & more isolated in these times. I find it more peaceful to be away from most people & alone with God. Except for my husband, he is a blessing 🙌


Your right it is a post trib rapture thats the correct biblical one. God bless and stay strong preachers, teachers, prophets and Christians in these last days!!


I stumbled upon your channel and I am binge watching since I tested positive for Covid. Thank yoy for giving us a message that is prevalent more than ever.
