Stuart Hameroff - Quantum Consciousness (without interviewer)

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Since many watchers of this interview have commented about the interviewer, here's a version without him. Enjoy!

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It is good to hear Stuart speculate on NDE;s and potential transcendent properties of the quantum consciousness. The silver thread and golden bowl of the Bible makes me think the Golden Bowl is the transcendent quantum field of consciousness that persists in another dimension. But I am not a scientist. Pim Van Lommel's work on NDE supports non-local consciousness with retention of identity. Jung's speculation on afterlife included a sort of "lodge" where all your previous identities still reside "they neither die nor are they manifested" (Gospel of Thomas). All of this is non-scientific but sort of based in science and psychology. Years ago, in my blog I presented a speculative theory that as the proto-consciousness of microtubules develops into a systematic conscious field that extends to other dimensions, we sort of gain spiritual "weight" through systematic reflective/recursive thought processes, creating an identity that persists beyond the life of the body into another (or original) non-local, quantum dimension. Pim also gets you thinking about how consciousness is the life giving property of the universe and wherever it "leaks" through the material barriers and animates even the simplest life forms, the potential for consciousness impacting the stuff of the universe is unlimited. Consciousness is then, life itself and operates on many levels. Fr. Teilhard believed in the end, that evolution is a universal principle that works on every level, personal, cosmic, spiritual, and once engaged, it is creation itself.


Nice, this version is no longer extremely frustrating. Thanks dude.


Thank you Stuart for providing the most amazing insight into the big question


Thank You. THANK YOU! Hosts are narcissists that talk too much. This is the first time I've heard a video where the host was cut out. THANK YOU!!! I just want to hear the wise ones speak. Stuart is WISE.


You can also call the cosmoqauntum fabric a fluidic aether, the akasic memory/information field or vital force.


This guy gave amazing answers, *_amazing_*.


bless your sweet spirit for this upload. and all the humans loving consciousness!


Much better.  It seems a bit fractured, but it's preferable to the previous version by far.  Thank you.


thank you for the editing! fascinating


Good job on the editing. much more pleasant.


I think the interviewer is Everyman. Very interesting, but very difficult for us average Joes to comprehend! Do not be so hard on him, and thank him for doing this interview.


The meeting of two levels the top-down and bottom-up during complex interaction is what causes the collapse of the wave function or decoherence. So it constructs or stitches reality. Selective self-organization through attraction and binding of differential connections builds and rebuilds higher scales of reality, that can also be repixelated with refined information that constantly transforms at greater than plank scales and stored or conserved at plank scale.


in this interview he says the brain has 10 billion neurons and a year later in another interview he says 100 billion neurons.


Consciousness can solve the problem of qauntum evolution, nonrandom mutation in the context of genotype and epigenotype space. simultaneity is a reality in a timeless existance. This is how the search through genotype space at the quantum level can be traversed in a instance. what limits evolution is there are nearly endless solutions to a single adaptive problem, that is embedded in an environment with many environmental parameters that is heterogeneous at multiple levels/scales that can switch from one quantity to another like colder and hoter (fluctuation).Thats why a mutation can be good, bad or neutral in selection space or ecospace or superposition. All possibilities are searched at once at the qauntum level that forms highly structured geometry at higher scales. The cosmoqauntum fabric is conscious and alive.


When we have a machine that lets us see the quantum field, that's when we will really start to understand


so...when the emperor knows he has no clothes
and loses his poisonous laurels
then shall he love to naked be
beside the true God in heaven?
for GOD Is a box and i be the cat
which liveth and dieth not
and with zillions of curious kittens
happy that emperor is
dodging those weirdo photons
in a game of snakes and ladders
which dieth ever but also never
for light feedeth an reads info an in poesy speaks
its not what consciousness is
but what it does which is why it was.


Probably didn't mention slipping some of the ketamine in his pocket to experience what else consciousness has to offer. No wonder he specializes in this field.


This guy is epistemologically colorblind


talking like schizophrenic that make a little bit of sense.


@15:28, the notion of "conscious" material is understood as "Generic Cognition". This doesn't mean every material object is conscious, but that any transformation (motion, et al) is cognitive, at the very least "measurable" in principle. QM superposition @18:35 is explained the same way generic properties distribute "over" a logical domain, as with a Venn diagram. In the case of "entangled" particles, their entanglement isn't composed of "facts", but remains a generic condition applying to the entire domain covered by the entanglement, until such "facts" (eg spin) are determined at a particular locus. The "determination" can be a scientific measurement, or it could be a photon bouncing off the wall instead of the floor. The "Venn diagram" model doesn't require "alternate universes", rather a Venn diagram representing "sufficient (or infinite) potential" can model all "transformations" as internal selections of potential elements forming "rings", each subsequent, internalized "ring" modeling a quantum state. The entire "history" of an object can be modeled this way, essentially a Minkowsky diagram rotated 90 degrees and viewed "down" the temporal axis such that "time" is modeled as nested rings. The "Venn diagram" model, ie "Conspansion diagram" from the CTMU theory, models any/all transformations, including the universe as a whole, as regressing to a cosmological infinity of potential, ie "nothingness" from which everything (all transformations) emerge.
