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The Apostle Paul is credited to have written 16 books of the New Testament and considered by most Christians to be the most influential thinkers of his time, shaping many of the doctrines of Christianity since his conversion on the road to Damascus.

He called himself the chief of all sinners, yet his writings are considered to be some of the most important religious texts of all time. But have you ever stopped to consider that Paul was no less man than any other biblical author, having the same proclivity to being wrong as any other man?

The Talmidim, or Disciple known as Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:16 that some things Paul wrote are hard to understand and many people twist them unto their own destruction.

In this message, we explore Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, where in chapter 11, he seems to make the claim that women who pray or prophecy with their head uncovered dishonor themselves. Is this the truth, or is it possible that Paul's writings were confusing because he was influenced by the Pharisees? By the end of this video, you'll see that Yahuah's word never fails to reveal the truth, and it always contains the answers for those seeking Him in Spirit and Truth!


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I like to wear head covering all the time, it makes me fell modest and humble, people respect me more and take me more seriously. Do not know how other woman think abot head coverings, but for me it is blessing to wear it. Shalom


I appreciate this, brother.
As a woman striving to obey Yahweh, and follow Yeshua, i searched Yah's Torah and even Yeshua's teachings for this particular instruction to cover my head, and found none.


Brother, you are saying exactly what I have been seeing and feeling!! I couldn't have said it better myself!!


”If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.“
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭16‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Fabulous video. You hit it right on the head with the talmudic teachings.


If we follow those who subscribe to the doctrine of women wearing veils, then it can be argued that the most often cited verse is 1st Corinth. 11:5, which states:

“But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.”

According to many of those who believe women ought to wear veils this verse supposedly implies that a woman’s uncovered head is a woman who does not wear a veil. Such a woman is either dishonoring God, their own physical head or her husband for failing to wear it which implies that they are in disobedience. Some have gone so far as to say it is a sin. Another assumption is that the woman being referred to already has long hair and since they conclude that the covering is a veil then it must be referring to an “additional” covering otherwise it would clash with verse 15 stating that God gave women long hair for a covering. Another conclusion is that women ought to be covered ONLY when praying and prophesying and for men to be uncovered, which would make it seem as though it were something that can be placed on or taken off like a veil. You’ve probably noticed by now it takes several assumptions to reach the conclusion that women ought to wear a foreign object on their heads, despite the lack of evidence.

* Does the Bible really give a clear command that women should wear a veil?

The first thing that everyone must understand when talking about this topic is that it DOES NOT say the word “veil” or “cloth” or any other physical headwear, as far as the KJV is concerned. It surely mentions that the woman’s head should be covered, and no one disputes this, but it does not say that it should be covered with a veil, a shawl, a bonnet, a cap, or any other specific headwear. The verses in question within 1st Corinthians 11 mention the words, cover, covered, uncovered, and covering, but that does not mean we can translate this to mean specifically a veil, a shawl, a bonnet, a cap, or anything else similar. In fact, it would seem more like an adverb rather than a noun. Nevertheless, the word “cover” is unfortunately interpreted by head covering promoters to mean a veil above all other types of headwear, even if there is no evidence to prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. To do so would mean that one is trying to read more into the verse than what is stated and is not truly seeking an exegesis of the Scriptures.

Some have claimed that they are referring to a physical synthetic head covering because the Scriptures seem to indicate that there are two exclusive conditions to wear one and that is when a woman is either praying and/or prophesying. But does this interpretation stand up to logic?

If we were to believe that under certain conditions a woman ought to wear a physical head covering, then it stands to reason that under OTHER conditions a woman should be able NOT to wear one. For example, if you are going to argue that a woman ought to wear a veil because the Bible claims there are two conditions, then it is logical to presume that any other condition would ALLOW them to be without one, like speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, healing the sick, casting out devils, etc.

Now if a head covering promoter should claim that there are MORE conditions, then they admit that there aren’t really “two” conditions thereby nullifying the two-condition argument.

The reasoning behind why the “two-condition” argument is important for veil promoters is because if these words were actual conditions, then it would seem as though the covering were something that can be placed on or taken off. So even though it does not literally or EXPLICITLY say anything about putting on or taking off a veil. Veil promotors form this belief based on what they believe to be IMPLIED and not by a direct statement. Many people like to believe this because they ASSUME that praying and prophesying are two conditions instead of seeing them as mere examples.

* Praying and prophesying were meant to be viewed as examples, not conditions…

Now I can understand how someone can mistakenly conclude praying and prophesying as conditions in verse 5, on the surface, but once you read the rest of the verses in context one cannot reach that conclusion. If they were meant to be conditions then why would Paul say in verse 7…

“For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.”

If the reason for men not to cover their heads in this verse is because he is the “image and glory of God, ” then why assume Paul was saying that there were only TWO conditions in verse 4? Wouldn’t 7 override any supposed conditions? Shouldn’t that make you question that perhaps Paul was just giving a couple of examples? But let’s continue.
Verses 8 and 9 give us another understanding that Paul must have been referring to praying and prophesying as examples because he adds the order of creation into the mix.
“For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man CREATED for the woman; but the woman for the man.”
If Paul states that the creation order has something to do with the reason as to why women ought to cover (in long hair) and men to be uncovered (aka have short hair) then we can conclude that this doctrine must be bound in NATURE. That is to say that it must have taken place since the creation of Adam and Eve and BEFORE the manufacturing of veils or hats, and BEFORE the creation of churches, which is another reason why hair easily fits the mold.

This is confirmed when reading verses 13 and 14 when Paul asks you to make an observational judgment that if it is comely (aka pleasant looking) for a woman to pray uncovered (in short hair) and that even NATURE teaches us that a man with long hair is shameful. Why would Paul ask you to think that something as unnatural as a woman without a hat would look off and then say something as natural as long hair would look off on a man? Paul was saying that not being covered in long hair especially while praying looks uncomely and in the same breath he continues and says men with long hair also looks naturally wrong.

* So Is the Covering Long Hair or a Veil? …..

If we examine all the verses from verses 4 to 15 without bias, we should at least agree that at certain points the verses are referring to physical heads and hair. Now some have tried to argue that the covering is somehow Jesus or men (some erroneously add husband here as well). But since the passage in 1st Corinthians 11 already states that the man or Jesus are already referred to as the heads one should not mix things up and add that they are the covering especially when this word is referring to something else entirely, Plus it wouldn’t make sense if we were to replace the word covering, covered or uncovered with Jesus, man or husband.

So, do the words “covered, ” “cover, ” “uncovered” and “covering” refer to long and/or short hair or some kind of foreign head covering? Some will even say all the above, but if we carefully examine verse 15 we would be getting a clearer picture of what was being referred to in the earlier verses when it mentions these words.

“But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her FOR a covering." KJV

So if the covering is long hair, then the words “covered” or “cover” (which are synonymous with “covering”) should be understood as long hair as well. If that’s true, then to be “uncovered” would mean “short hair.” If so, then we can get a better picture of verse 4 when it says that it is shameful or dishonorable for a man to pray or prophesy with his head “covered.” Note the similarity of verse 4 to verse 14 that’s because they are both referring to being covered in LONG hair.


Shaul wrote the epistles filled with the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy spirit) I don’t think the Talmudic understanding could distract his explanation..His was more wise and requires much wisdom to understand his epistles…About Head Covering I think it’s clear enough that He begins in verse 3 in 1 Corinthians 11..by stating the order of Authority right from YAH to the Woman..the head covering to a Woman shows She’s under His husband if married and under her parents if Not..Men don’t cover their heads because Y’SHUA is above us making men be under his Authority ..Should a woman cover her head? Yes..why

1 Corinthians 11:10
It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels.

Is there anything in Torah showing Women did cover their Heads? Yes but lost in Translation ..in Hebrew ? Yes
In Numbers 5:18 Talks abou how a woman is dishonored after caught in adultery..The High priest Uncovers her head ..in Hebrew it reads ..הכוהן את האשה לפני הי ופרע את ראש האשה)..the text part to focus is UPARA ET ROSH(ופרע את ראש)which means The High Priest Uncover The Head of the Woman..In English translation they say “Loosen her Hair” which is false since no word for hair in the Hebrew but rather “Head” so this is one of many which proves indeed women wore head coverings in the time of Moshe and they were dishonored by removing the head covering if suspected in adultery.Shaul understood this well and still applies to date to all Believers of YAH…Shalom


Yahusha said we should be spreading the gospel to all nations. His commandments are written on are heart. Yahusha uses Paul and the disciples for a example of this. I don't recall Yahusha saying go out and teach old testament scripture although all scripture is profitable for teaching all people who accept it as Elohims words to us. I'm not against old or new but I believe they must be together to have a more in depth explanation of history and Yahushas word. Same with the apocrypha and Enoch. All is needed for deeper understanding. HalleluYah 🙌


God uses your videos for confirmation I tell ya! I've been studying head covering all week as well as if the holy spirit been bringing it to my attention. I came to the same conclusion that it's not required however I personally feel like the holy spirit would like me wear a head cover for a purpose. Not to make me more holy but as reverence to the work God has called me to. Ive been told I look like Dolly Parton 😹 so to not be a distraction and as a symbol to others when I'm working for the Lord all glory goes to God and attention on Jesus! God bless!


There is a lot of pressure for women to cover their heads in the Torah community. I prayed about it and was led by the Ruach not to cover my head. I tried it here and there, but it never felt right. I felt like my connection to Yahuah was hindered unless it was linen fabric. I believe the synthetic fabrics that are worn on the head for long periods of time could be harmful to health and also potentially blocking our connection to our Creator. Synthetic fabrics are known to be problematic to health, yet linen seems to be life giving to the body which is probably why the priests were told to wear linen. Makes sense that the teaching to cover is not in Torah or backed by 2 or 3 witnesses in scripture. Yet it is pushed heavily and looked down upon if women don't cover their head. The topic about head covering is about Spiritual authority in the home, and that our MessiYah is the covering/atonement for our sins, covering our nakedness/sins when we repent and turn away from them. The husband is the covering for the wife and husband and wife are the covering for the children, as our MessiYah is the head covering for the husband Spiritually. And Yahuah is the covering over our MessiYah and the entire family. This is about authority and Spiritual covering in the home and family to receive the favor of Yahuah upon the family when all are walking in order and obedience. Shaul/Paul was talking to a specific group of people and telling the temple prostitutes of the time that they were to cover their hair if they had shaved or short hair and to be silent because they were causing problems within the Temple, usurping authority. Temple prostitutes had short hair in rebellion and were sometimes cross dressing to entice people in the Temple to commit certain types of sin. Shaul was telling those women to be silent as they were troublemakers and to cover their hair if they wanted to hear the Torah and not to cause problems within the Temple. He was speaking to a certain group of women at the time and in that location about how to be acceptable and not to cause problems or be the focus of attention. That if they wanted to change their ways and come to learn torah then they should learn quietly and cover their shaved or short hair so as not to draw attention to the fact that they were rebellious prostitutes. This was not meant for all women.


The best explanation I've seen yet of this topic. Thank you. Praise Yah.


Dr. Stephen Pigeon uses the cephyr Bible. He is awesome.
If you don't know him - please check him out


@77ministries I wonder if this also applies to 1 Cor 14:34, and 2 Tim 2:11. Are those also Talmudic traditions?
This issue of head covering has been on my mind for a long time, but I've never felt convicted to cover full time. Only on occasion. This video was extremely helpful. Thank you for your research.


You are wrong, Num 5 regarding an adulterous woman speaks about uncoverring a woman’s head to perform the test of adultery. In this context there are 2 clear things, a married woman and uncovering her head. This at the very least shows, Torah expected a married women to cover there head AND they are only commanded to uncover there head when it is in regards to the accusation of unfaithfulness. You need to rethink this teaching. This is the second witness of Torah the first being Rebekah’s actions of covering herself when coming up to Isaac, sending him the message to him that she is his wife. I don’t know why so many in our community is against this Torah / clearly historical practice. Did you ever think MAYBE, it’s because women have never in the history of the world been so dominant and men so passive? I would be curious to know if you are married and if so who in your relationship is dominant. That typically tells the story!


While I am new to the study of Torah. I heard a teaching by a Rabbi on MTOI about head coverings but it was not in depth, but his statement about head coverings was that it wasn't a physical head coverings like a cloth of some kind but it was a woman's husband that was her head covering and he is supposed to hear her when she prays and if she says something that he doesn't allow he is to correct her. There is something I believe in Leviticus or numbers concerning this and in that writing it also says that a father does this for his daughter. Not sure like I said I am new to this so maybe you can clear this up one way or the other for me.


Today's woman needs to quit showing skin and too much makeup, especially married ones. No other man should see another man's wife looking hot
That should be done in the bedroom.


Shalom brother, Great teaching! Do you have a podcast?


What about when we are at home and just talking to Him? ❤


Paul was never appointed an apostle, he didn't qualify. He says that he met Yahusha on the road to Damascus, but Yahusha said that no one will see Him until the end of says. So who's lying, Paul or Yahusha? Remember Yahusha warned us of the lying pens of the scribes. Remember the author of confusion mixes lies with truths, so if Paul didn't preach some truths, no one would have accepted him, just like no one would have believed satan himself if he hadn't mixed truths with the lies.


The books of Jesher and of Enoch was scripture when the Son became flesh and are quoted in the canonized scripture. Paul said women should cover their head. Jewesses covered their head at his time.some christian women still do!
