Vaccines for Children?

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Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, Oxford Vaccine Group

Well at the moment we're not seeing any evidence, that I'm aware of, of any loss of protection over time

But we don't know yet whether boosters will be needed or not

We also have a virus that's circulating which will cause some mild disease in those who've had two doses,

and that will actually boost their immunity as well

So we're actually in quite a good place at the moment,

we're not seeing any failure over time, waning of that protection

I don't think we have the evidence to predict the dates


Cases and deaths decline

Vaccinations so far

Vaccine tracker

Delta now VOC in US


Prevention measures or medical countermeasures (MCMs)

Demonstrated failure of diagnostics

Significantly reduction in vaccine effectiveness

High number of vaccine breakthrough cases

More severe clinical disease and increased hospitalizations


G-7’s pledge of a billion doses

Dr Tedros

This is a big help, but we need more, and we need them faster.

Right now, the virus is moving faster than the global distribution of vaccines.

11 billion doses, 70% of people in low-income countries by 2022


Cases will rise

Prof Graham Medley

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, disease modelling

Government risks are primarily based upon the healthcare, and whether the healthcare can continue to function.

Could return to seeing hundreds of deaths each day?

I think that's quite possible it's not a certainty.

There is a lot of uncertainty, but I think that's quite possible

Over-21s in England

Can now book

Liz Truss

It’s incredibly important that staff in care homes are vaccinated.

We have got a hugely vulnerable population in our care homes and making sure that staff are vaccinated is a priority.

Vaccinations for children

Professor Calum Semple, (SAGE member)

We're talking about vaccinating children here mainly to protect public health and reduce transmission,

Teenagers, biologically more like adults (for transmission)

But the younger children really are not, they're about a half to a third as likely to acquire the virus.

Spare vaccines should be sent to countries who do not have enough doses

I'm veering on the not vaccinating children

China vaccine rollout

First dose, 44%

April, 4.8 million doses per day

June, 17.3 million doses per day

Yesterday, 19.8 million

Total doses, 923 million

Beijing and Shanghai, majority fully vaccinated

Correct technique in China

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All the 'doctors' jabbing kids will be sued at some point.


My main concern is: Why is mercury and/or Aluminum (the most toxic metal known to humans) present in vaccines for children? Regardless of part per million.. toxic is toxic. ☠️


About time people started to wake up. Yes they are coming for the kids now.


If it’s not for the patient, (do no harm) and the vulnerable are already then the motivation is the longer this goes on, the more obvious the answer will become ...


Teenagers, kids and babies.
Parents say NO!!!! Kids do not need it!!!


As far as children. I'm fully vaccinated and have no issues with the vaccine but no way am I giving my younger child or teen a trial drug with no history. If they were high at risk then that is a different story, but I'm not taking a chance to find out if 5 years from now this vaccine has some crazy side effect.


What about natural immunity?
Some studies show long lasting antibodies and if this a case there's no need for vacination, ivermectin as prophylaxis and go ahead to acquire your natural antibodies.


Care home residents need their vit D levels checked and corrected properly and not the 400iu the government dished out at the beginning of the year. Before mandating vaccination of all care home staff. You could give all residents and staff ivermectin prophylaxis!!


Yes the Chinese are doing the injection correctly but I don't think it is being done that way here in the USA. I want to Thank You again for providing such information for us all.


5:45 I disagree, because there are people who had zero doses of vaccine and didn't feel a thing during their infection, so it appears people who had 2 doses are sensitized to spike protein and are having mild allergic reaction which might become severe with each future vaccination.


Aspirating is like other safety practices, say looking over the shoulder before changing a lane or turning. You may already know for some reason that there is no conflicting traffic but do it anyway so won't forget the one time it really matters.


When i got my shot they aspirated before the injection, I'm from Italy btw
Bad news, the nurse didn't aspirate when i got my second dose :(


You give a demonstration about the importance of aspirating so as not to inject in the blood vessel, but you don't talk about the *dangers* of (what happens when) injecting the vaccine into the blood vessel?

If the MRNA vaccine is injected into a blood vessel free Spike protein is allowed to travel through the vascular walls, damaging them along the way creating blood clotting issues. The Spike protein has an affinity for reservoiring in the ovaries, the brain, and the heart.

Obviously nurse Campbell doesn't want to talk about that because he's pro experimental vaccine all the way. Neat little demonstration but the viewers didn't learn squat about *why* it's important to aspirate, PARTICULARLY with the MRNA vaccines.


If you’re skilled, it’s so quick there is virtually no impact in time. Shame the WHO doesn’t know/follow best practices.


when my mum went for her secound jab in the uk in suffolk she did draw back then gave the jab


Years ago the Manic Street Preachers sang, "If you tolerate this, your children will be next". How true this has become


As a retired nurse of many years that's the way we were taught. Thanks for the update Dr. Campbell.


I was taught to inject that way 50 years ago as a student nurse.


Dear Dr Campbell, please could you comment on the "Open Letter from Dr Tess Lawrie to Chief Exec MHRA Dr Raine – URGENT Report – COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans". Thank you.


Aspirate the needle. Why doesn't the AMA in United States acknowledge this? Or teach it.
