Political union amidst cultural diversity in Europe | Joel Mokyr, Guido Tabellini, Guy Verhofstadt

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Six years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, large parts of the world are still waiting for a return to stable economic growth and for a reduction in unemployment and debt levels. In Europe, the recovery is particularly slow and fraught with regular setbacks, endangering the political and social stability in some countries and provoking calls for yet more unconventional policy measures.

Amidst this fight against low growth, high unemployment, and low inflation, it appears paramount to start looking beyond short-term solutions at how Europe could be put back on a sound economic and institutional foundation needed for its successful future.

At the Forum for Economic Dialogue 2014 entitled "Sound Economic and Institutional Foundations for Europe", leading international figures from science, business, and politics presented and assessed potential options for this and entered into open discussions with the audience.

Joel Mokyr, Northwestern University
Guido Tabellini, Bocconi University
Guy Verhofstadt, Member of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Belgium
Chair: Joachim Voth, University of Zurich

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