Session 9: Solution to 1-dimensional wave equation and different types.

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In this video we will talk about solution to one dimensional wave equation using Fourier series.

We will also see 3 different formulae based on different initial conditions.
1) Either intial displacement will be given and its non zero and initial velocity will be 0.
2) Initial displacement will be zero and initial velocity will be non zero.
3) Both will be non zero.

We will also need some Fourier series to understand this video, for that you can refer:

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4:40 if you are taking utt + c^2*uxx then c = sqrt(T/rho) but you have written rho by T 🤔


sir i had a doubt, not related to the above video, but a general doubt
like we represent cos(npi) as (-1)^n and sin(npi)=0 for
is there any way of representing cos(npi/2) and sin (npi/2) in some
simmilar way as above?


sir, wave equation is utt=c^2. uxx or uxx=1/c^2 utt right?
because in the video you have written the other way round.
