Coping with Body Image Struggles?? | 5 Therapist approved ways to improve your self-esteem

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When you're a teenager it's typical to struggle with your body image. These 5 therapist-approved strategies from Teen Therapist Mallory Grimste, LCSW will help you improve your self-esteem. Which one are you going to try implementing first?

The Coping Skills Crash Course was originally a 2-hr workshop hosted by Mallory in 2020. It's just got a major upgrade where we're breaking down the different concepts into smaller videos with an interactive guided self-help workbook to follow along.

0:00 Let's talk about our bodies (and body image)
0:47 A Special Request
1:13 Coping Skill 1
2:37 Coping Skill 2
5:37 Coping Skill 3
7:25 Coping Skill 4
8:50 Coping Skill 5
9:23 Let's talk about Summertime Depression...

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Ever catch yourself thinking, "Who am I?" or "Why do I matter?"
🫶 Figuring out who you REALLY are is a total game-changer!!
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Psst- Wanna get in on another self-care secret? The Self Care Bundle is a collection of guided self help resources created and curated by Mallory Grimste, LCSW.

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*Counseling clients MUST be physically located in Connecticut or New York at the time of services. I don't make the licensing laws, but I do gotta follow them.

// let’s get social! Come say hi! 👋
Hi- I’m Mallory and my pronouns are (she/hers). I'm a Teen Therapist with a counseling practice based in Woodbridge, CT. This channel is dedicated to helping YOU improve your mental health!

The rates of teens struggling with suicide and self harm are rising and I want to reverse that trend! That’s why on this channel you’ll find I share a lot about coping with anxiety, depression, alternatives to self harm and how to talk to parents and other grown-ups about these challenges.

My biggest hope is to increase mental health awareness and break the stigma of talking to a therapist so teens can get the help they deserve and need right here, right now.

✨MINI-DISCLAIMER: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. The topics being discussed are meant as self-help for your own use. IT IS NOT PSYCHOTHERAPY OR COUNSELING. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you need to speak with a professional, you should find one local to you and contact them directly.

Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you.

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Something I like to do, and I guess this goes along with expressing gratitude for your body, is remember all of the things my body is capable of doing rather than what it looks like. Obviously there are things we can do to improve how we look. But what about all of the amazing things our bodies can do, regardless of how it looks? For me, it's my stamina with running and fast walking, with kicking butt on the rowing machine. Do I still have extra flab where I'd prefer not to? Yup. And yet, I am physically capable of a lot


I used to be really insecure about my bod and the one thing that turned it around is think if I see any other girl there’s no chance I’m gonna think she’s ugly andi decided that I’d completely ignore what I felt about myself and take a moment to appreciate other people and realize how beautiful everyone else is and eventually I convinced myself that if everyone else is beautiful then I must be to it sounds silly but it worked


Even though I'm not eating as cleanly as I would like I am still working on my body by consistently going to the gym. I've never heard of the 5:1 ratio before so thank you.


Great strategies but I would recommend removing the suggestion to find a healthier alternative to hot chocolate. I'm a dietitian and was hoping to show this video to a client with an eating disorder, but I don't want her to feel certain foods are "good" or "bad".


Hi thank you for teaching about body image we usually do it in life skills


Even though my waist isn’t as thing as I want it to be, it is strong and profile at my spine


Lately I've been trying to improvise and arrange on the piano. I find it's a way to express your feelings and I notice I go to it a lot when I think about my body, it's a way to be gentle towards myself instead of hurting and pushing through pain. When you improvise it's first being guided by sounds but then it's like being guided by feelings that moves like waves that direct ur responses. So in a weird roundabout way I feel I'm listening to my body, responding in a healthy way and having gratitude that my body allows me to play those keys to produce music.


Haven’t had desire to eat for while now… I don’t recognize myself


I am your biggest fan oh yes I want to change my body image


This is really helpful for me. I'm in hospital recovering from anorexia, so I'm looking for ways to change my way of thinking.


I have a video idea

Will u make a video about LGBTQ and coming out to people. If not that's ok it is for my friend she is kinda embarrassed
