Stages of Crawling! Follow Along From 6 to 8 Months to See Baby Crawling Development!

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Thanks for watching this short video of my son learning to crawl! In this video, share 5 stages of crawling. All Babies develop differently so this is just one example. The progression of crawling can happen in many ways including, rocking, belly crawl, backwards crawl and the beaar crawl! These videos were taken between Cy being 6 to 8 months old. He is now a pro crawler and moving on to learning to walk! If you like these kinds of videos let me know!

A Little About Me:
I wanted to create this space so that people who have always wanted a sister and best friend have a place to turn! I create content on lifestyle, Montessori parenting and motherhood in general! I am a stay at home mom of 2 little boys, I recently moved to Orlando, and I love to share what has worked for me in hopes that it can work for you as well!

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Love, Holly

#stagesofcrawling #6to8Months
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This is a great compilation of your son trying to reach his final goal of crawling.


Awe my baby rolled on his tummy today at 6months!!I'm sooo happy as I was being given horrible information to begin with by a care giver who had thought he would never develop properly with his eyesight, hearing etc but it's all fine and now he's rolling onto his tummy, I think he is doing great! I am 47 so obviously I was worried about him but this was a huge development milestone today surely. I can't wait to help him crawl, just months ago I was being told I'd probably be lifting him into cars as he'd never develop properly. Pray God he keeps proving himself, my little soldier, such a loving baby boy, loves to be spoken to and holding hands. I could see eat him sometimes. Baby Julian, miracle child.


So cute!!! My baby is 7 months old and he’s all over the place spinning on his belly and pulling himself to move all across the room 😄😄 I love it 💜


So cute. Our son walking was one of my favorite life moments. 🤍🤍🤍


So fun to watch them learn & progress through all the stages 😍✨
