[Video] How to be a funny tour guide and How to give a funny tour? Tour Guide Training

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Today’s Tour Guide Training? How to be a funny tour guide and how to give a funny tour

Being funny is one of those traits that many incredible tour guides seem to share. You don’t have to be funny to be a great guide, but a well placed joke or a good hearted jab can really make your tour a lot more fun.

People love laughing, being surprised and hearing about absurd people and places. A great tour is ultimately a form of entertainment and it is worth it to try and figure out how you can incorporate humour into your experience.

Luckily, there are lots of ways to be funny, but unfortunately, there is nothing less funny than someone trying too hard to tell jokes.

My strategy today is as follows:

1) Check out the above video for some tips on writing jokes for your tour.

2) I’ve found on youtube a tremendously funny English tour guide named Beefeater Bill. His tour lasts just under an hour, but is a great example of a tour guide being hilarious.

Hopefully, you find these videos helpful and they will at least provide you with a little inspiration for being funny on tour!

To connect with ‘Beefeater’ Bill Callahan you can use the links below for his website and twitter account!

-Kelsey T
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The Joke that I always made my clients laugh is Traffic Light in Phnom Penh City, Cambodia.
You already know the meaning of the traffic light right?
Green mean Go
Yellow mean Go slow or becarful
and Red mean Stop.
But in this City they are always
Green mean go
Yellow mean Go faster because it is almost red
and Red just stop, Turn Left and then Turn Right, No traffic and No police OK
There was a boy!! He saw the red light then he stopped, He turn left and right no traffic then he go!!
A policeman came out and stopped him.
Police "Did you see the red light?"
Boy"Yes I saw it."
Police"Why you keep comming?"
then I asked my clients DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE BOY SAID?
Boy"Because I didn't see
Then everyone laugh!!


well done! I will try and get better w/ my humor on tour


this collection of kelsey tonner "lead amazing tours" are very informative and has improved my ability to produce better tours.


I work as a guide doing polar bear tours, and one of our props is an actual piece of polar bear fur about 20cms around. It's uncanny how it resembles the hair style and colour of certain American and British political leaders. Impressions are discouraged in case of fanatical guests from the US, but suggesting it's the source for their hair pieces gets a few good chuckles.
Also: "Ladies and gentlemen, you came on this tour to see polar bears, but if you talk to me before my morning coffee, you're going to encounter a bi-polar bear!🤣


This was very well done, thank you! My tour company requires us to be funny, but we do write our own jokes.


nice tips man thanks ill use them in my next tour!


Thany you so much . your knowledge is so good . I try to my best. I am from Uzbekistan.😊



I am also Tourist guide in Myanmar
Thanks for sharing your knowledges


What I do, when I play the tour guide role, is I make my 'tourists' smoke a lot of weed before we go out on an adventure. It works all the time, they even laugh without jokes or by themselves. Its funny and its fun! 😂😁😊


Your accent is very understandable, even at fast speed! I wish all English speakers would speak like you...


Kelsey is so adorable. Thank you for the great info, but I think you are really just hypnotizing us with those blues. Seriously, your video's are really helping me in my guide career. I just have to not look at you and just listen. LOL


my jokes are about how dangerous could be an explotion visiting the top of an active volcano in nicaragua. best time to let them know is when we reach the top.hahha


I like your video.. Nice video.👌. I'm preparing of tour guide so can you explain me. How are the first step keep in tour guide.... 👌


Very useful tips indeed! I am studying to become a certified tour guide in Västerås Cathedral. With three stars in Guide Michelin, we get a lot of visitors from around the world and with its 1000 year heritage the place is incredibly rich in good and funny stories, short and long, about history, religion, art, politics and more. But how does one incorporate humour when guiding in a sacred place? Many decorum issues to consider! Does Kelsey or any of the wise commenters have any experiences to share?


Hola, do you anything about giving information for a tour? Gracias


Hi, I just started to become an adventure tour guide in Cambodia with VANA TRAVEL nearly 2 years, so could I get any recommendation to get a good or professional adventure tour guide? thanks in advance for sharing with me.


how?? i wanna that it. by i am from indonesia. and i know where place so beautiful here.


Thanks for sharing your knowledge but in my opinion I think it is very difficult to guide you since your a master


i am a tour guide and there are very intersting videos !! so usfule!!


Hey. I have one .. "I came to Colombia and I said I am an actor, and they believed me, so I was on Netflix for a while, but then they realized I am not an actor so I had to come to Lima and become a tour guide here"!
