A mini quiz on tuples - LIVE python classes

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Take a sneak peek into Univ.AI LIVE class as Prof. Kuldeep Prasad conducts a mini quiz for his students on Python Tuples (programming language).
A tuple is one of the four built-in datatypes in python used to store collections of data. The comma is frequently used as the value separator (depending on the rules of the particular language).
The tuple data type is frequently used to represent a set of value characteristics in a relational database and to transmit a string of arguments from one program to another. Tuples can be nested inside of other tuples in some languages by using parentheses, brackets, or other delimiters. Other data types may be mixed in with tuples. Tuples are ordered and immutable meaning changes can’t be made to the tuple once it’s been created.
Dr. Kuldeep Prasad is working as a Research Scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. His research interests include the application of Machine Learning for modeling the spread of forest fires as well as understanding the effects of climate change. Dr. Prasad wants to accelerate the application of Artificial Intelligence to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges as well as use AI for social good.
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