Things You Will See for the First Time in Your Life - Part 35

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Tune in for some things you'll see for the first time in your life!

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When I was 13 I accidentally made friends with the squirrel who lived in the Mulberry tree in front of our house. We didn't have air conditioning in the house so I would sit on the front steps to cool off in the summer. One day the squirrel came down to the lowest branch and proceeded to stare me down. That went on for a few days until he hopped down to the grass under the tree. I had loaded my pockets with peanuts and threw a few to him. He cautiously moved to retrieve them, with a grab-and-dash movement. By the third day, he came right up to me when I came outside, waiting for his treat. He was a hungry little guy and loved the peanuts! We remained friends throughout that summer and I believe he trusted me completely. I'm 73 now and it will always be one of my cherished memories.


I know Ben the rescue guy! I live 30 miles south in Temple. I’m part of a web of wildlife rescue/sanctuaries. I’m just getting started though. My family has always had exotic animals, we actually have had a license since the 80’s. . It was cool back then to own exotics that other people couldn’t have. Now we can actually use it for good. I’ll soon be taking in rescues of all kinds and rehabilitating what we can to go back out to the wild. For the beasties that can’t be released… I have 140 acres dedicated to living their remaining life out in safety and happiness. Hopefully I’ll have time to start my own YouTube channel


Some years ago, I was going through an underpass, there was also a metro station ; when I was climbing up the stairs to go out, I heard someone playing a violin. I love listening to violins, chellos, contrabass. So I followed the sound up the stairs, and there was standing this beautiful young woman, playing the violin, trying to earn some extra lev (this is our money's name, I am from Bulgaria 🇧🇬). I stopped, gave her some coins, I just didn't have more, and spent the next, about, 15 minutes listening to her playing and it was so wonderful, so beautiful. I still recall those minutes with nostalgia and happiness. 🌹


That bird saying, ”pikaboo” every time it shows itself to the cat is so wholesome.


The musicians in the subway was amazing!! So beautiful I would love to experience something like that 💜


This is Ronnie. The brother to Rebecca. I am leaving this story under her account from her ph.
I fell into a different form of quicksand that is very deadly out in Mojave Desert in California.
I had just climbed out of the Colorado River behind a trailer park. I had been invited to have steak, eggs & hash browns for breakfast at this trailer park with some friends. I floated the 6-7 miles from Needles California to this trailer park south of Needles. The trailer park sits right on the River's Edge on the California side. After seeing some gentleman fishing on the bank, I asked them where was the trailer park at? They said you are here!
By the time I was able to get out of the river, the current pulled me into a peninsula just south of the trailer park. I was going to have to walk maybe 1000+ feet to the park. As I started walking, I came across an area that looked just like a flat dry lake bed. "Just like it!"
I decided to take advantage of the flat ground & cut across it. I could save myself the trouble of Stepping around all of the bushes, rocks & hilly Terrain. It looked like a perfect, flat, dry, lake bed.
Just as I stepped onto it, I immediately sunk up to my neck. I discovered it was a disgusting sewer cesspool that had a light layer of dust about 1/2 inch on top of it!
OMG! Can you imagine dying that way? 😳
No one would ever know what happened to you!
Thank God I still had a good grip on my blow-up raft I was using for floating on the River with or, that would have been the end of me!

It was very thick & hard to climb out of!
I immediately went back over to the River & bathed myself off very thoroughly for the next 20 minutes or so.
I could not believe this had happened to me. The ground looks so solid!
Not all quicksands are the same. This type of quicksand (as disgusting as it is), .. will kill you!


I’m pretty sure the Oscar the bird is smart enough to know it’s safe.
Parrots are incredibly smart


OSCAR's peek-a-boo show before a hungry cat is the cutest thing I've ever seen today. So adorable!


The parrot proves that birds are much more then just instincts...


That peekaboo parrot was hilarious, I didn't realize that Indian ring necks were capable of talking, I live in UK and there are wild ones, in my old flat when I looked out the kitchen window there were quite a few in the tree. I used to love watching them, they had a very unique chirp that's quite loud but lovely to hear in a place like England


The bear that found the camera should start its own YouTube channel.


I used to live in Aberdeen. My washing used to freeze solid regularly. Absolutely solid. I’ve snapped the arm off a shirt. We used to stand the washing up in the kitchen. It was difficult to get off the line once frozen over. My poor hands were bright red with the cold.


6:23 It is common to see performers do this on subway stations, especially in Manhattan. But I always tend to appreciate their talent when I encounter one of them.


*BeWare* Bears *love* the smell of fried chicken and they *particularly* enjoy the used fryer grease from KFC!! It works great for bait. 🐻


I've done that water-covered frozen lake thing. I won't get into why, I don't want to be judged. I thought I was going to need to swim at some point but I realized the water under my feet had ice... ice that was already cracking. So, I ran to keep ahead of the cracking. I got away because the guys chasing me fell right through the ice I damaged... and my friends that hid got away because the guys chasing us turned into a bit of a rescue from ice and escape from ice party. Here's the ironic part. Locals there still talk about "that kid who lived here for a while was so fast he could run on water" while the guys saying the lake was froze over are painted as bruised-ego liars who just could not catch him. I could go back and clear that up but, even after decades, I don't want to out myself as being part of that group. That guy who ran across that lake... was the ice cracking under his feet while he ran or was the ice too thick for that?


I was caught in quick sand while fossil hunting in a Polk County phosphate mine in 1993.
The wet sand buried me up to my waist. I simply laid back flat and pulled each leg out until I was just laying horizontal against the wet sand. I then simply rolled side ways to a dry area of firm sand to where I was able to stand up right. I definitely got pretty muddy but got out on my own. Never panick. You just sink deeper, trying to pull yourself out by staying verticle.


Congrats on 10 million subs I've been watching for over 3 years and your videos are so fun to watch I love to see what the future brings


I owned a company for 25 years everything my house my home then became homeless. I even lived in the woods for a year and I have my Grizzly Adams by myself. I never lost faith in God or Jesus I only cried once during that time it was winter when I was living in the woods. I had a house that was worth $300, 000 I have a short sale it and I got 125, 000 for it boats trucks and a thriving business and it all went in a blink of an eye and started my business a 24 year four years old I don’t electrician. I’m losing everything living the way I had to I finally came out of the dark it took about three years of praying and having faith in God. I don’t care what people think of me. The only way I got through the situation was with Jesus and God on my shoulder. Materialistic things is not what life‘s about life is short. And people judge books by their covers. At one point in my life I was knocking on your door and fixing your crap for you. In a heartbeat I was a homeless man sitting on a park bench with people spitting on me. People talking about me! But I was still better than those people because I had what they didn’t have that was faith that God was gonna pull me through this. Now I’m gonna be writing a book called skeletons in my closet. Now I possess two electrical licenses. By being strong, and never losing faith in the Lord. I was actually happier living in the woods and the big expensive house that built with my own two hands. What people don’t understand is human beings are very greedy they don’t care about each other and you always judge at face value. And you have to remember that lives in allusion and you never know who you’re talking to on the streets. I still cannot believe I made it through three years of hell starving dirty and people looking down at me and no one helping me except one person to give me a second chance and help me through the hardest times of my life. And that person was brought to me for a reason because God brought brought that person into my life I didn’t lose my riches or my house over drinking and drugs I lost my house and people not paying their bills and the government taking everything from me. The biggest lesson I learned from what happened to me is life is short life‘s not about materialistic things it’s about knowing there’s something more powerful out there in yourself. I’ve saved seven people in my life from dying I don’t know where I ever got the power to do this for people overdose in front of me and those black as night and he magically came back to life it might be the CPR learned I’m not sure but I can guarantee you this. When I blew myself off of side of a house with electricity at 24 years old by slipping off the roof with the lateral from the transformer from a telephone pole and I grab the side of the house I blew myself can come and there was Jesus in front of me staring at me he was in a white altar boy robe and he had a gold scarf went all the way down past his knees. And he looked exactly like the man you see on the cross. All she did at that point in time was just stare at me she was in the sky I could see his whole body, when I got electrocuted it felt like a tractor-trailer truck hit me in the chest in there he stood. Everyone man I know it says I should’ve died that day that’s a secondary of a 13 eight transformer. That’s 13, 800 V kick down to 120 240 with no breaker. How I survive there’s only one way it wasn’t my time I should’ve died that day. When I snapped back to I was still standing actually sitting on top of the roof with the wire still in my hand. I finished putting in the electrical service on the house because if I didn’t finish it I would’ve never been able to work on electricity again. So in short stop worrying about your life stop worrying how bad you think you have it because other people in life have it much worse than you have. I don’t care who is reading this because I’m a proud man and you can see that’s my boat next to my message that’s fine too. And her name was the enigma. I built that boat and I painted that boat know someone else is riding that boat I have a saw that cheap to. I came from a average life and I built everything I owned to living in a tent in the woods. If you could do that then let me know how much of a person you really are in the middle of the winter alone I’m still not where I wanna be in life but least one thing I’ve learned is everything that’s happened to me since I lost my house just change my life for the better that you’re a happier person now thanks for listening to my thoughts now I have to go to work for the day I start off every day by listening to a positive YouTube video to start my day life not about materialistic things nice about having faith in God whatever your higher power is. But I can tell you this Jesus really exist because I seen him for myself. My father is an American hero God rest his soul clock from President Nixon jumping into a river and shaving a kids life that was six years old fell into it. He was on the water for 15 minutes are you still came out with that kid. He has more awards on his wall what he did at 31 years old the president United States to the veterans foreign wars plaque and five others I was literally born 10 months after that incident happen with him. He told me it was like die to. He walked into the light in a tunnel in a little boy in his arms and I was he heard was a loud screeching sounds like something was talking to him and it didn’t have a language that he knew him to go back and he was going into a bright light at the same time. I’m the only one that knows the story I never told my brother never told my sister and he never told his wife what he told me. I still have my fathers cross made out of wood around his neck around my rearview mirror of my truck but I recently acquired to go back to work do my job. As long as you have faith in your higher power you’ll always be rich. The dollar in your pocket means nothing because you can be taken away in a heartbeat


Aww, Dababy the kangaroo wearing a diaper is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Hope, it gets to live a happy and secure life. Also, the curious little capuchin monkey is beyond adorable. It was like "I know there is another like me, but where does it disappear so quickly?". LOL
After a sad day, you made me feel better by uploading this amazing video. Thank you very much. You are the best.


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