Throne and Liberty Needs To Fix These Before It's Too Late | Review After 500 Hours

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Throne and Liberty Needs To Fix These Before It's Too Late | Review After 500 Hours

It’s been over a month since the release of throne and liberty and I’ve spent almost 500 hours playing it. I have 2 max level characters with my main being over 3700 combat power and an alt that is sitting at around 2500 combat power. I have experienced everything that throne and liberty has to offer content wise, both pvp and pve. So here is everything I dislike about the game. I absolutely love the game and I want to see it succeed, so hopefully developers take note of all the feedback and we get to see improvements in the short and long term.

0:00 - Intro
0:48 - Mega alliances
2:13 - Eclipse complainers
3:39 - Bots and RMT
4:46 - GvG for small Guilds
5:26 - Content schedule
6:25 - Random matchmaking
7:37 - FPS optimization
8:27 - Class balance
9:38 - Small issues and bugs
13:32 - Longbow Dagger issues and bugs
16:15 - Outro

#throneandliberty #amazongames #ncsoft #mmorpg #releasedate #gacha #p2w #guide #build

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Throne and Liberty is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed and to be published in South Korea by NCSoft. It was to be published in North America, South America, Europe, and Japan by Amazon Games
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I understand many of you won't agree with my stance on eclipse and gatekeeping. I have been on both sides of this. In KR the KR whales have been doing the same thing to all western players. They had eclipse and they gatekept everyone with their mega zergs, but did we cry and complain about it? We didn't, we grouped up, made our own alliances and fought for the bosses. But it seems on global most grouping up you guys can do is going on reddit and complain until amazon is forced to fix it. If you put 10% of complaining effort into trying to fight, you might get some loot.

EDIT - I am fine with the changes amazon is doing, don't get me wrong. I want this game to have longevity and if these changes to eclipse help retain players and help non hardcore players get more loot I am happy for that. I just don't think that complaining 24/7 on reddit and twitter is a right and healthy way to force changes from amazon. Other than that, if this makes people happy I am all for it.


1. A pvp item is being used to screw over literal pve content / players. (This is NOT what this item was intended to be used for)

2. Dude, it has already been proven that most if not all of those mega guilds including the people who have those skills like “eclipsing” have been farming bots for kills and have been cheating when it comes to gaining guild reputation or abusing the system to get ahead. It’s all over YouTube. I’m sorry but I do not agree with some of the stuff on this video. And this is coming from a HARDCORE PVP guy. NO GAME is going to survive off of hardcore players only. There HAS to be a balance between PvP and pve players or the casuals will leave and the game dies. Let’s be honest as much as I would like the game to be fully PvP hardcore players, it’s not and no game is. Casual players make up the majority of players in mmorpgs. It has always been this way.


I100% agree with the time schedule change. All major events should start at 6 in the afternoon and end around 11:12 midnight. Because that's when majority of players the adults are actively able to play if they have anytime at all and if they want to still I keep a player base during the day. It can be around 6 7 in the morning until four in the afternoon for all of the kitties, and people that aren't adults.


I don’t give a flying F. A game this massive isn’t going to cater towards a few hundreds players who like to gate keep a PEACEFUL world boss, when you got thousands upon thousands of other players who are going to those events expecting a PVE environment. There’s CONFLICT bosses, arenas, PVP events, boons etc for you to enjoy PVP…. But you have to understand that there’s PVE too. If not why even have dungeons and PVE events when (like you said) this is a PVP game.

The description of the game when I downloaded said “A free-to-play MMORPG in a dynamic world with massive scale PvP and PVE”, so if I want to PVE and not engage in any type of PvP is my prerogative. So the best thing the devs can do is add those portals so players like me can avoid those basement dwellers like the plague. Let them play with each other while the rest of the population goes about their business, enjoying the game however they want.


Just remove the whole alliance feature and limit the amount of ppl that can enter a conflict zone from each guild to like 50. At the end of the day this game just comes down to who has the most numbers


Yes this is a PVP game, but the eclipse is without any doubt the most toxic feature of the game and should not impact peace bosses.
It's a really self serving opinion to have when you're literally max gear and are in a zerg guild alliance, you clearly a spent a lot of money and time, 500 hours in a month is ridiculous.
Also you're actually wrong, people did complain in KR, but the culture is vastly different in terms of P2W... maybe do some research before blatantly lying. I wouldn't be surprised if you delete this comment to save your ego.

If you take a step back and don't actually buy all the packs and play as F2P and join a smaller guild, see how much fun you have waiting to do sanctum or otherwise bosses that rarely spawn in those instances and a eclipse occurs, even with 3000 CP 1000 evasion you will not have fun.... You are part of the problem that is the ecosystem of zerg guilds and mega whales.


complaining about guild allaince zerg and defending eclipse is the stupidest thing i ever heard. ur using 1 argument for the first and then saying get over it on the next u need to hear urself before u start talking


maybe you would change your opinion if you werent in the top guild on your server :)


All top guilds need to be agenst eachother no aliences in top 15


They have to adapt to the global audience, the KR version is basically dead and their only hope is global, that's why they are listening so quick. The bigger portion of the population are casual players, if you gatekeep them of content, they just quit, just like in KR, the only ones playing there are the hardcore players now.


100% agree. There should be no alliance system at all. Zergs literally just make it so the 4 top guilds have an enjoyable time with open world pvp events while the other 196 guilds don't even bother because there's no point in going to the meatgrinder. There's not enough territory in the game yet for an alliance system to be needed anyhow.


You got some L takes ngl, partly because you are privileged to be a hardcore player. Eclipse shouldn't be a "boss-gatekeeper" for PEACE bosses. Good on Amazon for realising this and making a change.

If anything the game needs MORE ways to GRIND loot, not more RNG and pandering to the established zerg alliances/top guilds. This game has amazing potential, and zergs don't see it because they want immediate satisfaction of dominating servers. Small guilds need a fighting chance or this game will end up cannibalizing itself to obscurity.


I like the small scale GvG idea, but what I'd really want is a dedicated riftstone or other siege pvp scenario for randoms that you can play all day long. I really liked the large scale pvp in GW2 and Elder Scrolls online since you could just join in as a random.
I'm in a small guild with friends and I know that we'll never participate in the riftstone battles with a mainly pve guild, but I also don't wanna miss out on the large scale pvp. The zerg pvp at conflict bosses is just a mess for randoms


some really good points in here, my personal favorite is the max mana and hp after death, its especially annoying in dominion events where u just spawn with half ur mana hp without any way to gain it back

I also hope killing a peace boss would reset cooldowns so u can immediately swap to pvp set, more of a niche one

Tanks are insane yeah, give daggers or bows some % max hp damage at this point to be able to deal with them lol

Death timer is so and so, in my experience its almost always a wipe into regroup, not a continuous ongoing fight, some bosses like syleys abyss fb also have 3 min sprints to them already


On the longbow does the Whirlpool work for you, mine doesnt show on the floor anymore since the first patch nore gives me the buffs such as speedup when i specialize into Whirlpool? The other spells affected by whirpool such as the knockback on Zypher Knock does not knock back the target anymore, nore do the other affected spells from whirlpool trigger theire corresponding effect for me when specializing into them in the skill tree. The whole Whirlpool Mechanic is broken in other words since patch 1 but worked on Day 1.


Megaguilds controlling riftstones, guild wars, ... it's bad but eclipse controlling world bosses it's good. Logic... in my server outside the top 3 guilds (which are in alliance) no body has ever touched Junebote, outside of guild raid. Why implement into the world the game boss? There are boss that are in conflict and some that are peace. Imagine playing PVE, you are almost maxed out but you do not like PVP and you have 3-4 hours empty because of empty hour, gigantrice and all boss conflict because of eclipse.


There are peace bosses and there are conflict bosses, it has a design that is meant to be fair, it is designed this way for a reason. You can pvp if u want, but u are not forced. Getting repeatedly one shot by swipers is not fun and will kill the game for many players.


IMO, the biggest issues are rmt, botting, the lacking of skill presets. Now, on my server, the person with the eclipse keeps switching on purpose, so it can be used more times, since the cd resets once it changes the ownership. I'm mostly a pve player and I don't mind the pvp on bosses. Another thing that bothers me a lot is someone being able to invite you to groups even if you are already in a group. One thing that I believe will have lots of complaints is after the siege, when the a guild takes the sollant and lucent from the castle, the big alliance and whales getting even richer will make many uninstall.
World boss dies way too fast, it should scale better.


the biggest problem is flashwave spam at conflict bosses, insane range, super safe and u hit 20+ people with it easily AND you can cast it back 2 back? wtf man


Absolutely please make content for smaller/casual guilds to fight over, ty for the vid
