Can You Correct Adult Scoliosis?

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Adult scoliosis patients commonly ask if there is an approach that can correct their condition. Since research has yet to find specific causes of scoliosis, physicians cannot cure this problem.

The goal when treating scoliosis is to reduce the curve to stop the progression. The conservative approach can do this without the need for surgery.

Surgical procedures for scoliosis will also fail at curing the curve. It can only stop the progression of the patient's scoliosis.

After reducing curves, the patient must maintain a treatment program that helps sustain the results achieved. In adult patients, gravity plays a big role in making scoliosis worse. A maintenance program should be mandatory if someone has gone through treatment and has reduced their curve successfully.

The same principle applies to patients that have reduced the curve with surgery. These results are not permanent, and the patient still needs support to maintain their progress.

Adolescents with scoliosis are often more flexible and can easily improve with the right approach. Treating an adult patient with scoliosis might be harder due to stiffness. However, adult patients have the advantage of not rapidly worsening due to growth spurs like teenagers.

The initial focus in an adult scoliosis treatment plan is improving scoliosis flexibility. This type of flexibility refers to the stiffness often present on the scoliosis sites, which can cause a lot of pain in patients. Improving scoliosis flexibility helps reduce the curve and get pain relief from stiffness.

Being proactive right after a scoliosis diagnosis can prevent the curve from worsening. Treating a small curve and keeping it small is the best approach to thriving with scoliosis. Although treating a severe scoliosis curve is possible, it is also harder and takes more effort from both the patient and therapist.

You can get a focused, personalized treatment at the Scoliosis Reduction Center that aims to reduce the scoliosis curve and maintain long-lasting changes.

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00:00 - Can You Correct Adult Scoliosis?
01:02 - Reducing The Curve
02:10 - Long-Lasting Changes
02:48 - Modified Treatment Plans
03:22 - Scoliosis Flexibility
04:22 - Idiopathic Scoliosis
05:00 - Preventing Severe Scoliosis
05:44 - Degenerative Scoliosis
06:43 - Stop Progression
07:42 - Scattered Approach To Scoliosis
08:24 - Compression Over Time

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I was told that it was too late to help me....I was 12 years old. i am now 73. I've lived a mostly ok life, but lately I find pain when I get out of bed. In fact, I limp. But I take 2 generic Aleve and manage to live my life normally, which includes staking firewood. In fact, the more I move, the better I feel. But I do find that daily exercises help a lot. I've lost 1 1/2 inches in height over the years. I hope anyone who is able to, gets treatment as soon as possible.


Very informative, thank you! I'm over 60 and have idiopathic scoliosis plus degenerative scoliosis, the latter having developed after an injury in the QL region, about 13 years ago. It's now unfortunately a recurring injury due to weakness in that muscle. I wish I'd known about scoliosis reduction about 30 years ago! I've never let a chiropractor touch me, and I never will. I need to have physiotherapy more often to reduce the tightness you mentioned. My idiopathic scoliosis wasn't discovered until in my 20's and I was told that it was too late to wear a brace. I think they were wrong to say that. I believe that a wearing a good brace for a few hours daily, should be part of the reduction therapy along with physiotherapy and exercise. I bet that women who wore corsets probably had little or no scoliosis! But their back muscles would have been weak from lack of work and constantly wearing the corset. We each need to find the happy medium!


Unfortunately you're not in my country Trinidad and Tobago. Wish your services were available here.


you explain it in a easy to understand manner. thank you.


Hello. I wish I was closer to you. I'm terrified to let most drs nearby treat my scoliosis. I'm female (of course apparently), early 40s, been very healthy my whole life then, out of nowhere, I started having severe back pain & it was thought to be a slipped disc... After seeing a Dr I was diagnosed with scoliosis. Within a few months I became mostly handicapped, deformed; my legs are several inches off, my ribs are twisted & badly bent UNDER my hip bone, there's several bones poking out at the curve, my shoulders/breasts/face etc are badly uneven & I'm bent over at the waist all-day everyday, 70° curve, my nerves are obviously damaged since my leg goes numb & it sends sharp crippling volts to different areas, I'm exhausted, scared, afraid to be alone but refuse to go out butttt the pain is absolutely the worst part of this so far!!!! It is constant. I've gotten 'used to' half of it & can push through but there's a lot of intense pain & it changes in areas too.. I've lost 15 lbs which is quite a bit because I'm 5 foot tall (or I was). I'll stop rambling... For now. I hope to find a Dr in my area ASAP that I feel comfortable jumping into treatment with! I haven't given up on driving to FL yet tho


Hello Tony, I’m from U.K. I have been watching some of your videos and they are very informative. I am 49 year old female with a mild scoliosis, I have been searching for good chiropractors in my area, I did find a chiropractic and wellness centre, but after watching your videos I’ve come to realise that not all chiropractors have the extensive knowledge on scoliosis as they are general chiropractors. You mentioned about “CLEAR” I have searched CLEAR in U.K but nothing was coming up. I was wondering if you know any chiropractors in U.K that specifically treat scoliosis like yourself, the chiropractic and wellness centre that I’ve been looking into does say on their website that they treat scoliosis but I wanted to see someone that has the extensive knowledge, I live in Essex London, as you are a chiropractor you might know really good chiropractors in U.K that purely treat scoliosis patients, if you don’t know anyone then how can I know if the chiropractors that I will be seeing are really good, are their any questions that I should ask the chiropractor to find out if he or she has that extensive training and knowledge on scoliosis ?

Thank you so much Tony for all these great videos, I look forward to hearing from you.


thanks for the good info. appreciate it


I just had surgery and I would tell anyone please do not do it it's the most painful thing you have ever experienced


Hello, Tony. Im 28 female, and you gave me hope, that I can fix my back, thank you :3 Sad, that I can't visit your clinic tho 😁


Hello Dr. Tony, I live in Little Rock, Arkansas. I am 68 years oId. I believe that I have severe Scoliosis. I do not experience any pain only feelings of discomfort mostly on my right rib area. Do you know of a facility in Little Rock, AR that functions on the same level as your facility or close to it.


Good I for you this is very informative I am 62 and Neuromuscular Scoliosis I had no idea you


Please Send videos for a workout with an S curve


Doctor cana to California we need you here 😢


Is it possible to completely get rid of a small curvature of five degrees?


Where are u located I'm in Abilene Texas


Hello. I have been in contact with your Clinic but I’m sure if I gave my age. I am 90+ years of age, when I watch this video and listen to you and I do understand your reasoning. However, at my age what reduction can you expect to achieve. I live in Canada, travel for me is by train, I can not sit for any extended period of time, like on a plane. How long might need to attend the Clinic for successful treatment? LK from Canada. Thank for this information 😊😊😊


Can you send guest some types of exercises to do, as I stay in India and can’t feel bad a doctor like you . All I can find are docs you tell me not to worry, but just wait and watch till I need a surgery. Please help


Hi ✋
Thoracic scoliosis in adults, if we know the cause of scoliosis, for example, because of the wrong sleeping position, the question is : the spine can be fixed ?


Can you recommend a treatment center like yours in NYC?


This sounds great only you are not in every state or city. So what happens to the rest of us? I found out I have Scoliosis just before I turned 69. I have gone from being very active more so then people in their 30, 40, and so on. Now I don’t do much of anything because of the pain. I want my old life back but it seems like that will never happen to hear everyone talk about it. It is very frustrating. I don’t know if I should brace or not. I see a chiropractor and he has helped with the pain but it does nothing for how I stand or walk. I get if you want to exercise you can but what exercises. I guess I want someone to tell me what is best I don’t want to have to figure it out on my own.
