How I Save 100% Of My Income

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For the last several years, I’ve been able to save 100% of my income. I’ll break down how I’m able to do this and how this is even possible, and the steps you can take to do the same - enjoy! Add me on Snapchat/Instagram: GPStephan

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For those that have stuck around for awhile or watch my older videos, you know that I preach and practice a few basic things….cut back on your expenses and live frugally, save as much of that as you can, and invest what you save long term. Doing this consistently is what leads to financial independence. This is something I’ve pretty much done since I was 18…I was the weird type of person who just got WAY more enjoyment being able to save money than I ever got from spending it.

Because of this, I kept my spending to a minimum, regardless of how much money I made. I re-invested all of that, and after about 7 years, my investments were throwing off enough money to pay for all of my daily expenses, allowing me to save 100% of what I made elsewhere. My thinking is that I can keep my spending strictly at what the rental income generates…and each and every year, my lifestyle can get a bit better because I’ll re-invest everything I make from my “day job.”

For all of you watching, it’s really important to do a few things if you want to begin replicating this as well:

The second thing to do is to figure out what you can cut back. For instance, I don’t need cable TV…as long as I have an internet connection, I’ve got everything I need. I don’t need to got to Starbucks, I make my own iced coffee at home. I don’t run the AC or keep on electricity when I’m not home. I’ll wait to buy something until it’s on sale. It’s these little tiny things that consistently add up to large amounts over time.

Third…Once you’ve reduced what you don’t really need, now work to increase your income. Sometimes cutting back isn’t enough if you’re just not making enough money. If this is the case, the reality is that you’ll need to make more money, there’s no way around it.

Fourth….If you think you don’t have enough time to make more money, then you really need to audit how productive you are during the day. In most cases, you’re wasting time somewhere…

Fifth…you need to save and invest consistently. This isn’t meant to be something you do for a few months or a year and then stop. Ideally this is something you can do long term and turn into a lifestyle.

Sixth…don’t get trapped with lifestyle inflation. If you get a raise or make more money, SAVE THE DIFFERENCE. You can live exactly as you have been, except NOW you can accelerate your path to financial independence.

So with that said, that was how I was able to save 100% of my income for the last several years - and why I continue to pretty much save 100% of my income for the very long foreseeable future.

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I swear I always think you titles are clickbait, and somehow you manage to deliver. You always seem to have a new and valuable topic every day, and it is nothing short of amazing. Keep up the great work, I love your videos!


Living at 25K per year in California, of course on top of housing, is the most impressive thing I’ve found in this video. Fantastic job. You are making several hundred K while living a life style of 40K salary, and this is exactly how wealth is built.


Graham you can lead a horse to water... but he's gonna buy that Java Chip Frappuccino with extra mocha


Graham, you need to do a lengthy interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger. He became a millionaire before becoming a movie star because he invested in real estate way back when. Please consider it. I think it would be an awesome interview!


When I get a t Rex head on my office table, that’s when I know I fucking made it and financially literate.


*Living the minimalist lifestyle is really what will ACTUALLY lead you to your financial freedom. Let those people talk. You will hear a lot of people say “live a little bit, you always save everything”, seriously let them talk and let the 8 figures in your bank account speak when you see them 10 years later at your doorstep asking you for a “short-loan”.*


Your analysis that pops up makes it so much easier to understand your point. I love how simple your style is


*Could you do an in depth guide on how you generate coffee?*


I save 30% of my job money 100% real estate money and 100 % or retirement planning money 💰


11:05 I'm living proof of this! While my peers were hitting up the clubs and going out every weekend, I concentrated on myself alone. At 36-years-old, I retired. I haven't lifted a finger since 2015 yet I have peers & neighbors who are well into their 40's, 50's, 60's whom are still working (not by choice but out of necessity) and are strapped for cash.

* I used to live in Hawaii. You're going to love it there!


23 years old and this year I will be able to save 100% of my W-2 income. It feels pretty damn good. Thanks for all your videos Graham, please continue to stay humble.


This IS NOT so stupid and I'm so proud of you for saving and investing!


Just now I had a feeling that I spend too much... and then this video pops up :D thanks Graham;)


Do you script all this out? Your videos are too perfect Graham 😅


I like how you state things clearly without covering things. Lots of people share without really telling you the how and what to do


Other YouTubers say “if spending money on things you don’t need makes you happy, then go for it!” but I like your assertiveness and emphasis on living below your means etc.


Thank you for making my life better. I'm glad to be given the opportunity to listen to you speaking what´s a matter to all of us. Among the people who live in wealth and financial freedom you´re an absolute exception and it´s very impressive to see you living still with your feet on the ground. Thank you that you exist and many greetings from Germany :)


"Income: money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments." - A more accurate title might be saving 100% of my salary.


It all gets dumped into that Ally online savings 1.8% APY baby 😎 then you pay yourself minimally. Smart moves man. That’s the 2nd tip on my “Where to invest” video.


I admire what u think, soooo spot on, i practically listen to ur utube every day, ignore any negative commons, you're the bomb!!!
