I Tried to Save 100 Wroetoshaw Shots and Conceded ____

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SUBSCRIBE TO THE FOOTBALL CHANNEL @ciarancarlinfc as that's where more content like this will be in the near future!

Today, @w2s and @WorldofJcc were invited to try and see how many goals they could score against my from 100 shots.
▶ SECOND CHANNEL @Ciarán Carlin FC !
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The no look shush as Harry hits the best shot of his life is insane


W2S gave it his all in this video lol. He wasn't just there for the sake of it, props to him


Harry's goal at 5:10 and JCC's goal at 5:37 are absolute bangers. Banger video Ciaran


This had some of the best youtube goals I've ever seen! The goalkeeper wasn't terrible either 😉


I have never seen harry try so hard and be so good😂


5:10 Harry wroetoshaw Lewis, that is pure filth, possibly the best I've seen by a youtuber, beautiful is an understatement ❤️


Solid goalkeeping! Nice reactions and you're not afraid of jumping, which is usually the biggest hurdle. Especially the saves on the knucke balls were very impressive! Some small technical tips to improve as a goalie (I was one for about 10 years in junior leagues, I was also about your height):

- bend your knees a bit more when waiting for a shot, it'll help you reacting on shots when you have to jump, you're also able to jump a bit higher for the top corner ones
- when diving for a ball, try to bring your chest between the ball and the goal, if you need to extend your arms, still try not to twist while jumping, it'll help you track the ball
- for the low ones, it's just practice, they are the hardest to get right. Generally, it's the same with high balls, try to keep your chest steady and don't twist your body, so you can cover as much area as possible. I had goal keeper training to practice that, but you can also get a mate to just pass the ball to either side of you, you saving the ball, roll back to the friend and repeat. Your sides will be hurting after ten minutes of that, but it really helps. Alternatively, you can do it alone with a wall, just stand about 5 meters away from the wall, pass the ball against the wall and save the rebound. It really is just practice though, there are surely some goalie drills on youtube
- When the ball is going to a corner, try to take 1 - 2 side steps before jumping, you can cover a lot of ground and you're able to judge more precisely where the ball is going before you commit
- Unsaveable shots are unsaveable, jumping for the sake of it is completely unnecessary and will tire you out
- A bit more advanced, because you sometimes got wrong footed, look at the way the player approaches the shot, unless they scuff the shot, you can usually see where they are shooting (unless you're up against top players, but on YouTube there are maybe 2 - 3 that can reliably deceive you with their approach), it's especially helpful in penalty shootouts.

Sorry for the long comment, I'm always happy to see someone wanting to be a goalie, it truly is the best position on the football pitch. And the main thing is just practice, practice, practice. And I hope my english was understandeable, english isn't my first language. ☺


that freekick by harry is actually discusting, the fact how he exucuted it and how much of a good goal it was, no keeper on this earth is saving a shot like that and the goal itself is stunning, harry is actually a baller


What a video! Thanks for having me on ❤


Harry is such a legend I’ll support anyone he decides to collab with


Been loving the content recently ciarán, keep it up


The biggest thing to improve on is overlapping. If a shot goes top bins you have to use the hand that's further away from the corner it's going to. If a shot goes top left, you have to try to save it with your left hand. It sounds insane but this actually increases your reach by at least 10%.


That no look goal might be the filthiest goal I’ve ever seen

Looking forward to seeing more Footy vids like this!


U can tell the lads were so happy during this, love to see it!


One of my fave vids. You’ve improved a lot mate!! Love to see it.


Keep up the good work bro!! Trust me Harry gave his all. Subbed


Harry gave more here than all sidemen vids, love it


Love this mate! How would you feel about a Goalkeeper Battle between you and me? 😏


W2S really is everywhere except his own channel lmao, great video tho


JCC got some strikes on that left foot🔥🔥
Actually Interested on watching him more on football videos
