9 Negative Character Traits Often Disguised as Good Qualities

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Here are some negative character traits often disguised as good qualities. Of course, we all have bad qualities, some of which are so ingrained in us that they feel like part of our identities. Negative personality traits can be hard to spot, but they can cause a lot of damage in your relationships. This is because they tend to be self-serving and manipulative, which makes them difficult to identify and deal with.

In this video, we talk about what it means when negative traits are disguised as good ones, and how you can use your own self awareness to figure out whether or not someone’s being genuine with you. We also cover how bad character traits affect your self-improvement efforts and how you can overcome them so that you can create a more positive life for yourself.


The Dark Side Of Nice People:

12 Signs You’re Manipulative And Don’t Realize It:

14 Toxic Habits That Are Hurting Your Relationships:


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Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose

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Narcissism can be disguised as charisma.
Psychopathy (a particular peeve of mine) can be disguised as machismo.
Inappropriate behavior can be disguised as individualism.
Prejudice can be disguised as activism.

Who wants to add more?


I'm proudly left-handed, artistic, creative, good communicator, inspired to lead community projects. Then I shine with confidence and feel I have achieved something positive for the others in the group and passersby seeing our entertainment. Recent event? Host a Mahjong game table at a community club Las Vegas-themed Christmas party, raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Care. My little group of learners and improvers now has more members and another group can start up. I started learning how to play the game in May!


(FACTS OVA FEELINGS). One of Humanity's Very Worst Traits is that it First Causes and Creates the Very Thing that it then Punishes


I don’t do controlling people anymore . You can’t be nice to people who go out of their way to be mean to you and stalk you unhealthy . I got where I am by being a nice good person and by being honest some people could learn a lot from me . I know a lot of unstable people especially girls and my neighborhood. Now I’m meeting really nice people because I made the right choices


We appreciate all of your hard work and effort. May God bless you as a team.


More great lessons I’m learning thank you for the information ❤


Always a pleasure to engage your content! Excellent video!🌹💜🌍


Introspection and self awareness are just some of the necessary tools for the mastery of one's self . Some might refer to it as " woke ", but that's a false equivalence and mischaracterization of personal growth and development . Which is what this journey of life is about, for myself at least .


I'm glad in my 56 years of life I figured most of these out on my own, but it may have cost some of my credibility and status in the long run. I can be happy with myself and not concerned with others opinions of me. I base everything on morals and ethics.


Good Morning, B.D.! Thanks for another great list! I have a few things to reflect on... Mostly about being lazy and not letting things go.... I feel like I never to figure out when I developed being lazy because I used to be a very driven person and very successful... And I need to let go of the past because I know my mind goes back to it constantly when I'm around certain people... I knew that I resented them and why but I never took the time to think about how I'm holding myself back by being that way...

And this why you're the best channel (and voice 😍) on YT. I get the chance to discover new things to improve myself and my relationships. Thank you, truly. Stay well and stay blessed, my Friend. 💖


A bit of a thicket to negotiate here: I see a lot of these things in others, but picking them out in myself is certainly more challenging. This video is one to watch a few times over. 👌


Every quality has a downside. Nobody is perfect.
However, being honest regardless is always best. I hate to lie to people. If people are too thin-skinned and prefer to be lied to and gaslighted, I don't want these people in my life.
Because they will never be honest with me.


Nice content. Thank you for being one of my youtube growth teacher ❤️☀️🌙


Thanks for sharing this material. I am certainly looking inwardly and checking my motivation behind my intentions behind my behaviors and how I can be perceived.



Wow, this one really needed to be discussed. Great topic! Making some notes, lol!


Our words and actions can definitely impact others. Opinions for example. I walk with Jesus. I don't expect everyone to follow my path. That, or any other difference in opinions is just that. My opinion, their opinion. My motto, we'll agree to disagree. If someone can't accept that, I just move on, let it go. I don't accept toxicity.


Honesty often hurts people's feelings. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be said


This is so true! ive dealt with so many people like this in the past. so inspiring to watch your videos! My eyes are wide open now thanks to this video!


This is a great video, it's very relevant


Interesting list. I could recognise quite a few in others and some in me too!
