GMG Reviews - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Arcane Cataclysm by Games Workshop

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The Aelves of Hysh and the Disciples of Tzeentch go to war in this latest battle box from Games Workshop! Let's check out the new Warscrolls and take an advance look at what might be in store in the new Battletomes.

Big thanks to Games Workshop for the complimentary advance copy of the box to review.

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The Lumineth did the typical elf thing of getting real big for their britches in recent lore, and here some Chaos apparently to vibe check the elves.


Comment for the algorithm gods! Will you play through the box missions?


No double arcane bolt/mystic shield. Those ain't lore of hysh


This box plus a daemons of Tzeench box, and you’re on your way.


Kitbashing the curseling into a Chaos Marine sorcerer for 40K could be an interesting project.


Dawnriders and bladelords going up makes sense in they benefit most from shining company change. And even as lumineth player hurah for sentinel change. You still can reach enemy dz but more reasonable to protect with range and no no-los shooting good


Two factions I'd love to play but I have so many others languishing in Primer-only hell...


That Curseling should've been like Quato from "Total Recall" :D


so if you're playing that box the curslings spells will only ever matter on the cursling himself and the enlightened as the Tzaangor and acolytes already have a 6+ ward? Also the acolytes just seem worse now. they have a worse save and no longer wizards so don't help getting summoning points.


Double Speed of Hysh is the most exciting thing I’m finding with the Enlightener - at least for her rune ability. She’s an amazing wizard hero generally. But I can’t wait to make the cows move 24” and just rush across the table for some great hammer time!


The general trend with 3rd Ed. battletomes seems to be ignoring (or even lightly tapping down) units that were already good to emphasize/boost the less popular ones (e.g., Thralls over eels; Vulkites over Hearthguard). Thus, as a Lumineth player who despises Teclis and doesn't run Sentinels, I have been looking forward to the updates -- and encouraging people who get mad about Lumineth to do the same. I've had some serious elf-envy since the Idoneth book dropped, in which all the Isharann heroes -- even the guy in a bathrobe -- got a 4+ save/5+ ward, and all the troops gained a point of Bravery. I'm not sure who at GW decided that High Elves should be as flimsy as Wood Elves, but that ain't the fantasy standard I know. As is, they've still got Sentinels on a 6 Bravery. 6 Bravery! What are we -- humans?!

Sentinels weren't nearly as powerful as all the whining about them, but they needed an adjustment to be less "un-fun" and losing some range is probably exactly right. That said, their cheesiness, while annoying, kept them viable. They've gained native Battleline (it was previously conditional on having a squad of Wardens), which still encourages 30-blocks, but I'd remain leery of dumping 500 points into archers that are rather mediocre when compared to the rest of the non-greenskin world.

Removing the movement restrictions from _Shining Company_ is very nice. Is it worth an extra 15 points per 5 Bladelords? That remains to be seen. Likewise, _Deep Thinkers_ moving to once a game but happening in the same turn is very cool. The hope is that streamlining some of the rules gives some of the weaker units slight bumps in a positive direction.

That Curseling model is phenomenal. It is almost enough to make me want to play Tzeentch; I just never liked the troops or playstyle as much as the heroes and theme. The changes to Kairic Acolytes seem designed to push them toward mostly being cheap archers, rather than versatile filler bodies. We'll see how it pans out. Man, that Curseling . . . Maybe I could start a Tzeentch band for Warcry . . .
