GMG Reviews - Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard by Games Workshop

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It's a new edition of Warhammer Underworlds time! This box contains a new style board, warband cards, rules and two brand-new Warhands and Rivals decks to usher in this re-formated system.

Thanks to Games Workshop for the complimentary advance copy of the Box to review.


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"Invalidates the previous purchases." That's exactly where I am. We have a crazy strong Underworlds community in my area, and I jumped in earlier this year (incidentally my first dip into the Warhammer universe). I have models partway painted; warbands I put together but hadn't gotten to the table yet; Decks I purchased and had only messed around with a little. And now so much of that is down the tube. All the decks I bought: not compatible. Warbands: when they get around to giving us the digital assets. I don't need or want more models. So they want me to pay 100 USD for a board and four decks? No thanks. Maybe I'll see if I can grab the decks only on eBay later when the scrolls for my models come out. But this is a real feels bad at the moment for me.


The price is what’s killed me for this game. If it was still 65 it would be rocking and rolling.


This was always going to come down to price point. They could have at least maintained the $90 US, if not drop it a little like their previous Underworlds Starter Sets. But no, it's their new "cheap starter set" cost of $110.


I can’t see the name of this wave of Underworlds and not have it sound like “Ermagherd” in my head.


I am still sad about there not being dope artwork on the cards... i don't want/need photo's of pro painted mini's on the cards. I'll keep playing the older sets/edition - I am not competitive in the slightest.


Great review/thoughts Ash!

As an existing fan that fell off after Direchasm, this new version does enough to get me excited and back in.

However, im 100% with you. Ive wanted a 40k version for years, and thought that once it started to decline GW would take the chance to make the switch.

The Underworlds models have always been some of their best (imo), and youre right. Doing the same thing but for 40k would basically print them money.

I'm still hoping we see this system ported to 40k though, as this new template seems easier to balance and adjust.


The biggest sin of this box is that the Starter Set for the previous edition is still being sold alongside it.


I played the first few seasons of underworlds and then it just got too big and unmanageable with all the different decks and rules additions. I think this reset is wonderful for new players and those who felt lost after missing a season or two. Really glad to have picked this up.


I feel a bit "had" with this new edition. It's supposed to be(well for me) a small casual game. Now to get into this game I got to get a box that has minis I don't want, got to buy 2 boxes of cards(8 teams total) to get 2 team cards and (cos I want them) got to buy 4 sets of minis to get 1 set I want.

That adds up to a lot of money. So I decided to just leave it...and see if someone else buys the box.

If not I'll just play the older version even less often.


Saturday Morning Reviews! 🥳🤩🎉🎊👏🏾
Been waiting for your review of this.


Your point about recruitment is particularly obvious in the Warhammer Community articles always focusing on changes, revisions and other minutiae that doesn't mean anything whatsoever to curious outsiders. That goes for pretty much all their content, but I always find it extra annoying when new editions are coming out.

Where is the short official video explaining the rules in 5 minutes? My only option is a 2-hour game session and articles that are impossible to understand.


Too expensive and no card art kills it for me. It just feels like another example of companies cutting corners everywhere while trying to maintain their insane profits.


The nail in the coffin for me is the loss of warband specific decks/cards. I'm always drawn to what makes factions/warbands different, and now that the only real difference between warbands is a set of ~3-4 mostly one time use abilities (plus different numerical values), any individuality is pretty much killed. I think I am officially done with GW after this.


I don't think this is iterating on a previous model, I think its ripping out the heart of the old model and hoping we don't notice. The loss of faction cards is a change that I think most of the big names in the underworlds community are being very "oh its not so bad" but I know that once we get the warscrolls for our old stuff, its going to be glaringly obvious that it was a change to reduce costs at the expense of nearly everything else. The card art as well, it just reeks of "we are trying to lower our production costs as much as possible and hoping you don't notice".


I'm excited for this new "edition". TBH I was expecting the game to be cancelled as opposed to getting streamlined rules.

The fact that the cardboard components of the previous edition are no longer compatible is definitely a con.

A positive point that wasn't mentioned is that all warbands are getting a new "warscroll" which means that I can use older warbands that were considerably outclassed by newer warbands with better rules/mechanics.

The fact that this game doesn't have a 40K equivalent is criminal.


GW already have a poor reputation re. Predatory game iterations that do little to move the experience on in a meaningful way, but seem optimised to make short term cash windfalls for the company (at the expense of the game/community). This release seems very much on brand for them.


I am hyped for the new edition. Its hard getting the rival decks since they dont stay in stock. The newer players we have now have a chance to get into it and not have to pay top prices for some of the decks or warbands.
So a cleanse is not the worst for me.


We can get it for 70 € around Discounted resellers in Europe pretty reliably. I was interested for a Long time and now have a Buddy really hyped for Skaven. So I hope it will be our starting point... Understand all the older Players disapointment though. I View IT like a Hobby Gateway... And Sort of Like a Euro Boardgame. Buy - have two or three Weekends of fun with IT... So yeah Overall interested...🎉


I decided to get the box and give it a go. I have some concerns about the game going forward, but we shall see. Thanks for the review and I'm looking forward to the playthrough


With the cost, i just dont see who this is for. Previous players arent happy about having to rebuy stuff and the loss of card art (the vocal crowd is really vocal about this). And as you point out, it doesn't really feel set to pull in new players. My fear is this wont do well and will be the end of Underworlds; not because the game isnt good but because of very corporate decisions.
