Senate Democrats Get Personal in Demand to End the Trump Shutdown | NowThis

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OPEN THE GOV’T NOW: Senate Democrats are on the steps of the Capitol, demanding an immediate end to the 26-day government shutdown. House Democrats passed legislation to reopen the government, but GOP Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has blocked the Senate from taking it up. President Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers have warned that America’s longest shutdown is hurting the economy and could push it into a contraction.

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Trump needs visuals to get the picture.


My heart goes out to all the workers who are not being paid and struggling to pay bills and care for their families. I know thank you is not enough but I want you to know I am thankful that you keep working hard. You deserve your paycheck!! We must end the shutdown. We were never suppose to pay for a wall but now we are suffering for it and it's really sad that our government/president is holding it's workers hostage. We can come to some sort of agreement on border security after you give these people their paycheck back! It's sad that there are families and children suffering because they cannot even afford medical treatment due to the lack of pay.


As a life-long republican when the democrats start making FAR more sense to me things have completely gone off the rails. I just don't understand how ANY republican can support this joke of a "president".


“I will hurt these people if I don’t get my wall.” Powerful words


Electric Bills, Auto insurance, Gasoline, Water bills, Medical prescription drugs. This is inhumane.


I love that they’re trying to show THE BIGGER PICTURE in all of this!!!


Our country is going thru unnecessary situation someone needs to get Trump out of office


Many senate democrates and representatives are closely monitoring the shutdown from their beachfront hotel sweets in Pourto Rico, They feel our pain, and are with us in spirit, God bless them !


No paycheck gives people the Honest Opportunity to Reveal their True Political Colors. Let the Chips Fall where they Should...


Never open the government until chuck gives in!!!


In a September 2013 Fox & Friends phone interview, Trump blasted Obama for failing to "get everybody in a room."
"If you say who gets fired, it always has to be the top. Problems start from the top, and they have to get solved from the top, and the president’s the leader, and he’s got to get everybody in a room, and he’s got to lead. And he doesn’t do that, he doesn’t like doing that, that’s not his strength;and unfortunately he has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics and it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in a room and you have to get a deal."A few days later, Trump appeared on CNN for an interview with Piers Morgan, repeating that the shutdown meant Obama "is not leading and not getting people into a room."
Trump also said that further down in history "when they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time. They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington. So I really think the pressure is on the president"


I know you guys will get through this. Stay strong and together!! Sending some Canadian love Remember we are ALWAYS here for you when things get rough!!


i already said it before and i m saying it again .blocking salaries SHOULD be ILLEGAL for any président or congress ESPECIALLY for those who still obliged To work that case what's the use of blocking since they are actually WORKING....i'm sorry that is clearly abusive.


Sad that this is what it has come down to


This is so stupid. Both parties need to negotiate and compromise. STOP PLAYING THE BLAME GAME.


Not even willing to take care of home. All this money going to other countries while your own citizens suffer. These are people who pay their taxes contributing to the system. You actually have people behind this man with all of his evils. Know this...when he goes down "you" his supporters will go down with him. This country is on a decline and your president is being used to help bring it down. You will not recover from this one. My heart and prayers go out and up for those suffering. This too shall pass. We just need to help one another as much as we can.


I feel bad for border security personnel. Even they are not getting paid


Why don’t I see republicans out here asking the president to open the government?


My heart goes out to those people. This is so so wicked. Oh yes God see this is lowdown evil.


Next Trump will hold his breath until the wall gets funded.
