Elon Musk: 'I Lost My Son To The Woke Mind Virus...'

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Mental Health, Psychology, Trans surgeries, Gender transition, Medical procedures, TikTok, Reaction video, Hormone replacement therapy, Therapy, Trans doctor, Trans kids. Transgender, FTM, MTF, Trans activism, Trans activist, Trans rights, Gender affirming care, Woke, Wokeness, Non binary, Testosterone, Estrogen, Pronouns, Jazz Jennings, LGBTQIA+, LGBT, LGBTQ, Elon Musk
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I perceive a subtext in Vivan's situation. I've noticed that often mothers turn their children away from the father, poisoning the child against the father, and helping the child "rewrite" the child's own history with his/her father to make the father look really mean and bad. Some of what Vivian posted sounds EXACTLY like this pattern. "He wasn't there." "He relentlessly harassed me for my queerness and femininity." Etc.


As an autistic person, I believed I was gender dysphoric, and that was a very embarrassing time in my life where I thought thought I was “non-binary “ the social worker at my school immediately affirmed my identity, which should have been an immediate red flag. Now, I’m more mature and I know I’m a woman I have a vagina, and a uterus. God made me just the way I am meant to be. Autistic people have social differences and sometimes co-occurring mental health conditions that contributes to making us feel more different and that’s why you may know a lot of woke “trans. “autistic people. Protect your kids from public school system and keep us an eye on your autistic children.


Two things can be true at the same time. Elon is an absentee parent, and he is correct that his child was influenced by trans-activist ideology. If you aren't present for your children, then they will seek validation from other people.


“I had to practically prove I was sui__dal to warrant medical transitioning.”

Yeah, I had to prove that before I was prescribed bupropion, and *that’s* not a drastic medical procedure.


I am a gay man in his 40s. I don't have autism, but I do have autistic traits and I also have depressive episodes every couple years, but I'm able to deal with them. I used to have long hair for most of my child and teenage years. I liked toys that would be considered "girly". I was bullied in school and called "girl" by others.

In my 20s I grew into myself and truly discovered who I was and I'm very confident in the man I am today.
If I were to grow up in todays day and age I would without a doubt feel very confused about being a boy/man and might have been influenced by trans activists.

This whole movement needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth. IMO it's the 2nd biggest killer of gay and lesbians kids after religious extremists, if not even number 1 by now.

Edit: Just to clarify when I'm talking trans activists I mean the same that Marcus refers to, not actual trans people and trans movement.


he obviously signed bc he trusted the doctors and was coerced with self-deletion of his kid


I agree. Puberty is transient. No one can solve a transient problem with a permanent solution.


Not the first child to from a rich background giving their parents the finger


An absentee parent is an absentee parent. Race or income have little to do with it.
Then children become victims of the "education system" and the agenda overall.


I fell for the surgery can cure my everything by listening to the media. People that I looked up to on television were doing the surgery and I had a horrible abusive childhood. I was also stuck in an emotionally abusive marriage and I was totally suicidal. I would have told the doctors anything to have this surgery and I was watching women go on television looking just like me and walking out on stage after 90 days looking like a runway model. I had gastric bypass surgery. I went from 355 pounds to 127 pounds and everyone was telling me I looked beautiful except my husband and my abusive family. My husband started cheating on me and the people that I went through surgery with started dying. Some of them were dying from complications and others were giving up and checking out. I couldn’t get that comfort that I used to from food and I was so angry at myself. I still saw that same obese woman in the mirror that I hated deep inside and I was heartbroken that the surgery didn’t magically make all my problems disappear. I went through the surgery before they knew that loosing weight that fast killed your gallbladder and I was in pain for years because doctors didn’t understand my body, a lot still don’t. I ended up getting a divorce and having a total nervous breakdown because I was more lost than ever and they lied to me, they just promoted the surgery to make money. I am years out now and I have finally learned to love the woman that I am. I remarried a wonderful man and I am a grandmother to three beautiful grandchildren. None of us knows ourselves, our media purposely makes us feel badly about ourselves. Turn the television off, throw away the magazines and turn off your phones and take your shoes off and walk in the grass. Grow a garden, get chickens and tell yourself you are beautiful. We are all supposed to look different because we are all uniquely beautiful.


its true. when i was a teenager i thought i was a boy and made everyone call me Chriss or id get so upset. I grew up a lil, lost a lil weight and went back to being a girl. Im glad i never ever transitioned.


If Xavier were 30 years old, I might be more inclined to believe that he's transgender because he says so. But a lot of things are apparent from his angry response post. He's a 20-year-old pre-adult who clearly desperately wanted--but got very little of--his father's attention while growing up. (I don't know how many siblings he actually had to compete with growing up--Elon is up to 11 now, I think?--but it was a lot, so no surprise there.) And Xavier mentions that the attention he _did_ get was negative instead of affirming of who he was as a "queer" child. (And this makes me wonder if Musk's Aspergers factored into is interactions and displays of affection, if any, with his children during their formative years. If so, can he be cut any slack, wrt his interactions with Xavier?)

Based on his angry posts, Xavier does not sound like someone who has spent time in some sort of therapy (like CBT) that might help him better understand of his family of origin dynamics, how he got to where he is today, and how to deal with feelings of hurt or resentment. Rather, he sounds like someone who has instead chosen to hitch his wagon to radical transgender ideology to deal with possibly being gay/queer (not trans) and his resentment toward his father.


when i was 12 in 2020 i genuinely forced myself to believe i was trans... not because i had gender dysphoria, not because i was just confused... but because i desperately needed attention as a very lonely and severely depressed child, who thought that being trans is something so cool. i'm a proud 17 year old bisexual woman now, and i am perfectly comfortable in my skin after i got my depression-anxiety disorder treated. i can be adam sandler core one day and then rock a beautiful dress the next one, and i am very happy to be myself... if puberty blockers were a thing in my country and if my parents believed me and let me get on them, i would've been so damn miserable right now


Anyone with an ounce of empathy should be able to understand Musk's sadness over his son's transition. People pretend not to understand it because they are so partisan.


This is so sick. When the kids grow up, and they decide they want a family… I can’t imagine.


Bet that had his child been born 10 years earlier, you'd have never heard anything about wanting to transition.


It sounds like Vivian still needs a lot of therapy. She has daddy issues.


These kids can get all this terrible stuff done to their bodies.
But I, as a 35 year old woman, cant get an ablation or a hysterectomy even though I want one.... BECAUSE I MIGHT CHANGE MY MIND


The education system in California is broken.


Mengele might be burning in hell but he's laughing in victory right now... Imagine if he was alive today, how revered he would be. It's disgusting.
