Consciousness and the NDE: Author Debra Diamond reads an excerpt from Life After Near Death

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Debra Diamond reads an excerpt from her book: Life After Near Death: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Transformation in the Extraordinary Lives of People With Newfound Powers. The chapter discusses consciousness, our perceptions of reality and the near-death experience.
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Thanks for this Debra ! Glad I ran into this video. Subscribed! 👏🏽 🙏🏾


Here is the bottom line, We are not the body. It is merely a vehicle that We incarnate into to experience life in the physical world. We are the Spirit. The body is a completely separate being that has its own life force, intelligence, instincts, ego and agenda to live its life. We are the Spirit, We are part of Source. The only consciousness in the Universe is Source and we are part of Source, We are part of that Consciousness. Source sends Us here, on Its behalf, to experience life in a world that We helped to create. Source is so powerful that it can not incarnate into physical matter, so it divides itself multiple times, into groups and ultimately into individual Spirits, until it can successfully fit Its energy into physical beings. That is why we have a Higher Self. A small portion of Us, the Spirit, is sent to incarnate while the rest of Us (our Higher Self) is left in the higher realms to watch from above and guide the human as Intuitive thought. The Spirit makes an agreement with the human to incarnate into it and We act as a guardian or caretake of sorts. That is why there sometimes seems to be two thought streams going on in the human head. The human has their own ego, thoughts and instincts to survive. These are usually selfish, carnal thoughts, because after all the human is a living being of flesh and its main desires and instincts are to survive. At the same time however, the Spirit can try to influence the human with altruistic thoughts, and we try to guide the human along the less selfish path. The more the human listens to the Spirit, the more it will hear Intuitive thoughts, the human will experience synchronicity and the humans true path will unfold before it. The important thing to remember is, We are the not human, We are the Spirit, We are part of Source and as such we will return to Source when the human body dies. We come here simply to experience life, in this case life as a human, we are NOT the human. The human make its choices, they are NOT our choices. We can try to influence the human to do the "right thing, " but ultimately We are not responsible for their choices. We do not have to be "saved, " We are already part of Source. We do not have to "learn" as Source already knows everything and We are part of Source, so We already know everything. That is why many people who have NDEs say they REMEMBER Universal Knowledge, that they already knew, they do not "learn" universal knowledge. We do not have to pay for "karma" as We came here as part of Source, on behalf of Source, to strictly experience life in the physical as an observer of a HUMAN'S life. When the body dies we need to Remember who We truly are, so We can go back home and not get stuck in the mindset and beliefs.


it's funny because the Bible talks about consciousness I AM ! o Israel the Lord( consciousness) Our God the Lord is one!!☺
