Homeschool Review || ACE Curriculum: ABC with Ace and Christie

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We started using Accelerated Christian Education or known as ACE last May. I decided to give the First grade curriculum a try with my 4th child. ACE has a 12 week program called ABC with Ace and Christie. This is a review and our experience with the ABC with Ace and Christie.

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Practical, Economical and, Creative Solutions for Everyday Life
I am a little flair of fun and crazy with 6 kids. We homeschool and try to keep ourselves in budget for life. I am constantly asked how I do it, so here it is. Here is a window into our life, I hope that it either makes you smile or helps you out.

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Shipping address: Just Sew Trish, PO BOX 284, Ft Ogden, FL 34267

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Loved your review. It's always so good to be able to peek in other curriculum. Looking forward to the math review! :o)


Thank you so much for sharing!!!  Trish you're an amazing Mommy!!  You are so not alone with reading struggles.  Adults and Kiddos alike... Learning to read & Language Arts in general..NOT an easy feate.  Not w/ English any way!  When they say English is one of the hardest languages to learn.. They're not joking!  My presh girl (8 yrs old on Sat. & dealing w/ Autism).. is seriously struggling.  I am on the verge of going with the "Logic of English" route.. & starting w/ the very first workbooks.  Just saying!  TY again for this review.. Greatly appreciated..


Thanks to this video I was able to prepare better for this curriculum, thank you!!


Christian Light Education just came out a year or so ago with Kindergarten II, it is very strong in three letter words and simple sentences by the end of the year. It also has a very basic math curriculum built in. It is designed to be used in one semester. I used this with my 4th born last year, and followed it with a combination of The Reading Lesson and Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons and they worked wonderfully as follow ups.

Thank you for your review. So glad that you found a math that fits your teaching style!


Thank you. I switched my oldest 3 to ACE. Wondering about K for my 5yo. I think we will stay with CLE for my Ker maybe into 1st, which I have used and loved with 2 kids.


Love your videos! You and Andrea "talked" me into trying the Ace. I just took advantage of the sale on Curriculum Express and ordered our first Paces. My 5 year old will be doing the ABC's and my 10 and 11 yr old will be trying the Literature and the Word Building to start with. If they love it, we may make the big switch for the coming school year. My 5 yr old is able to sound out simple 3 letter words so I am hoping we will have success with the ABC's...


yes a more detailed review of math please


thanks for the review! yes, we love leapfrog here that's how my daughter learned her sounds! i like your crazy hair! its my favorite style yet:)


I am definitely interested in what you are going to do for phonics. my 4 year-old wants to read, she knows her ABC's (thank you Leap Frog!), and has a lot of sight words. But we are having problems sounding out words and I want to find something while she still has this intrest in learning to read. At this point I know phonics is the route to go.
For you, if you can find them and stand the repetitiveness, Preschool Prep's Meet the Phonics are nice. We have the videos but I guess they have books as well.


our first child's reading and writing was polished before we started ace level1...i hope you find your module2 😊


You might like All About Reading and then review the ACE Reading. You can find AAR used on eBay. Or if you get it new and buy it from the company they will do box art. AAR is very hands on and has a lot of games. However you have to break up the lessons. They leave it up to you on how you break them up so it is best for your child. It would take us about 3 days to a week on one lesson. But it really helped my son learn to sound out words and not read like a robot. My son learned letter sounds from Leap Frop DVD, now on Netflix, Phonics Farm as well as Have Fun Teaching YouTube channel. Due to me getting frustrated, not the AAR program, we have restarted Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. Before AAR my son had a really hard time with 100 easy lessons. After 14 lessons of AAR lessons he is flying through 100 Easy Lessons.


Hey there done ace for 10 years. A with dot is armadillos even in all although filled by another constanant other than r


Hey Trish! Thank you for your videos, I appreciate all your help!
I have a question… I’m doing Abeka kindergarten with my son so he’s reading.. when we start level 1 for ace do you think we would need the manuals or could we bypass that?? It sounds like that’s more to help them read! I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thank you ;)


Hi Trish! i did im doing cle kii and ace math for k, do you think ill be ok with abc's with Ace and christy next year or should i continue on to ltr cle and then move him into all ace for second grade?


Have you fried Logic of English? Would love your review if you have tried it before! It's more phonemic awareness.


I have looked for a while on Facebook to find a page or a group for this curriculum. Could someone share a link or a name for it. PLEASE


do they come with any dvds of teachers teaching?


I know this is old, after finding Andrea mills videos I have decided to try ACE, do u recommend starting in Kindergarten then and not waiting till first grade ? We are only on week three of pre k right now, trying to plan ahead . I also struggled just like you . I have two in public school but am homeschooling my youngest so I am so worried since I struggled in math and reading comprehension
