Does ACE Homeschooling prepare you for college?

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Using ACE and preparing the student to enter college. Is it adequate? Shared from an ACE graduate!

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THANK YOU for sharing! I just changed from ABeka to A.C.E. for my oldest going into 4th grade. I was a bit hesitant, but once the curriculum arrived, I knew, without a doubt, this is the curriculum for us. Your testimony is even more encouragement! Thanks again!


Hello there! I can say that ACE does prepare you for college! The transition from ACE to college a few months ago wasn’t too hard on me.


Thank you for this! I've heard a lot of negative feedbacks about ACE and I was completely lost. Hearing you talk about how it helped you prepare for College makes my heart and mind at ease. Now I am excited to enroll my daughter in School of Tomorrow! Thank you again!


My kids go to a small Christian school that uses ACE. I researched the curriculum before enrolling them in the school and loved the concept. Now I'm considering homeschooling and want to continue using this curriculum but wasn't sure if we should stick with this or use ABEKA which comes with video teaching for the subjects. After watching your video and many others about how properly use ACE in order for the curriculum to be effective according to its design I'm convinced ACE is the best choice for my family. For instance, in one video I learned about the color coding for each section and how that makes its easier for kids to set goals. I love that! If we do go homeschool next year I'll definitely stick with this curriculum and from what I've researched on their website it's fairly affordable compared to ABEKA and other homeschool programs on the market. Thanks for sharing!


Oh sweetie, I started homeschooling due to covid and after prayer and research we settled on ACE for both my sons (one in 7th grade and the other just starting out). My oldest son was in a special ed program getting c's and d's and now he is A's and B's, but I find myself so flustered with doing the kindergarten with my youngest. I love your videos and thank you for the help, SO many of us need it. I wish I could just call you for guidance LOL, but praise the Lord that he gives you the zeal to share all of this with others on YT. SO appreciated!! I still have to find a routine that works, it still feels like we are all over the place with keeping him on pace (my middle gets distracted to easily), but we are praying and continuously asking the Lord for help, daily! Thank you for this encouragement. I hope to find our groove with this so that we can one day help others who are just starting out like us. I am so thankful I found your channel! xoxo


This video is beyond helpful!!! I’ve been praying and trying to figure it if we should move to ACE. I’ve been searching our videos and this one is beyond helpful!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!


Awesome testimony! When you said it starts off slow I totally see that now! I love horizon curriculum and I supplement with it. That's why I ask the other question on an earlier video because I'm not sure if I should supplement since my boy is so young and loves to read but his spelling isn't as great as his reading just yet. But I love how you said the slow beginning set a great foundation for your children.


I graduated from a Christian school with ACE I went on to get 2 bachelor’s degrees and working on the master’s degree. The only thing that I wasn’t familiar with was in college the evolution study in my biology classes was foreign to me 😂


I did ACE from k-12. I have 2 undergrad degrees and am working on my masters. I agree with the statement that ACE teaches good study habits and encourages high achieving goals, but I do also see many issues. Particularly with science. It’s reading and language arts do creat good foundations. But both history and science, in my opinion, were lacking. It being my only experience other than college I don’t have much to compare to.


I love ace program. I love how it doesn't creat anxiety for testing, a failure.


We like ACE in our house as well. I did have a moment this year where I doubted this was a suitable enough program. The ease of use though is why I'm going back to it. I think the strongest subjects in Ace are truly the English and Math Paces.


I am 35, but I also graduated from ACE. I graduated in a global college top 3, 000 worldwide and with honors. It teaches you, like you said, how to prepare and be accountable. Also to figure things out and think critically. Lol


Beware of ACE. I was not at all prepared for the world when it came time for me to move out. Lots of book learning, but no training whatsoever for the real world outside the church. I still have zero friends today because I never learned how to interact with people in a non-church/religious setting. They tell you it's normal for you to be different compared to worldly people because we're supposed to be in the world but not of it. I tried going to a community college after I finished the 12th grade, but I couldn't handle it and dropped out during the first semester. I didn't know how to take notes, I didn't know how to follow a lecture teaching style, and I couldn't get used to how freely the whole class would interact and ask/answer questions.


In my experience, no! Not university! Community college with non-credit pre-entry level classes, yes. Want to know? Have your ninth grader take the PSAT or PACT. Or, if you’re in a UK background school, get an old copy of sixth form or A levels.


I don't DARE let my son score himself! He will cheat! I don't hover over but I do grade page by page sometimes. He LOVES this! I sometimes sit with him to help him thought things. We are just finishing up 6th grade and working towards 7th grade. Moving forward.. with maturity.. I may give him more independence to do thing this way.


Thanks for sharing. I’m currently using this curriculum and was unsure it would be effective. Thanks for confirming!


We love ace. It’s very sound for learning the three R’s in my opinion.


This is great to hear! I just went and observed a Christian school that is using this curriculum to see how they run things because we're very interested in opening our own Christian school! I would love to see more videos about this curriculum and specifically if you found any weaknesses where you think teachers should supplement.


What degrees???? Because it all depends. I was in ACE for 9 years and it didn’t prepare me for college. I truly don’t recommend that curriculum. There were people who graduated while doing 9th grade math and that’s not good.


I went to an ACE school and sadly, I never learned how to study. I didn't get good grades exactly. We did have to make and 80% but I don't feel like I really learned the material.
I wish you could do a video on how to study.
