If This is True, League Might Be Dead...

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Most of the people I know only bought skins from your shop feature I don't think they are gonna shift to 250$ skins


I uninstalled. Toxicity became unbearable even in ARAM games. There's no reward for tolerating toxicity anymore.
No honor prizes. No chests. No my shop.
I finally cured myself from League


The major problem here is the following: When performing an experiment you should always only change one variable at a time... But they change all the variables which leads to not knowing what actually worked


"My shop" was the only thing I spent my money on, now I don't want to do that anymore


I mean these skins have basically 0 value. So selling one for a 60% discount is still profit


I remember back in the day, during the first seasons of the game there was this pretty funny thing that, if you needed something like 3, 5, or even 10 RPs away from buying a skin. You could send a mail to support, asking "pretty please" for these RPs and attaching a draw of your favorite champion (even those awful paint draws), they would send you back a code to redeem those last RPs you needed for the skin.

Shame that riot decided to turn this way after what it was.


As soon as a company goes to public trading is when they are starting on a downhill trend. Shareholders only care about infinite growth and nothing else.


I love how you progress the conversation between the public and yourself, in these shorts. You took accountability for what arguments were made in that short, and then in this short, you address them in a very good fashion. You even go as far as to see the viewpoints of your viewers. That alone is better than most creators.


Rome wasn't built in a day, nor did it fall in a day. It took a lot of effort to build up the Roman Empire, but negligence and mismanagement by the leadership caused its gradual decline.
League of Legends is the Roman Empire.


One of the biggest points on the other short is that people who only buy once are really rare. There are people who will never spend money on a skin, but anyone who has bought a skin once now has entered that route, and usually buys something else like a pass or more Your Shop skins.
Your Shop was just a great way of pushing people into getting that first buy out there. Especially since it's based on champions you play.
Sure, buying a 20$ skin for your favorite champ hurts... but if it's 40% off... One skin can't hurt anyone, right?


You know where they lose profits? They lose them when they fire artists that create great skins that people are willing to buy at FULL price when they drop and then they create absolute garbage skins then throw the same champs (senna, yone, jinx, yasuo, zed) into skinlines in the hope that addicts will buy them. But who am i? Just a wukong main since season 4 who is still waiting for a legendary skin while yone gets 3 in 1.5 years, once competition shows up for league i am gone forever.


Can confirm that not once have I spent money on anything outside of the Your Shop discounts


Developer here. Riot answers to shareholders (Tencent). When Tencent asks where the profits are, Riot answers with "uuh, we're probably giving out too much stuff, let's work on a plan to reduce this". They want to avoid the actual answers, which are a decreasing interest in League coupled with recession. This is how Developer-Shareholder relationships work, it's an endless stream of white lies.


I could show Riot the biggest money leaks that provide no actual value to the company, similar to every other company that got to big. The management class compensations and bonuses. But since that cannot be touched, they make cuts customer-side and fire lower level employees to save incremental amounts off the top. I've never felt less inclined to come back to league than now and I feel like a lot of people share my sentiment, not really much to gain from playing if you're not streaming or a pro.


I and 10 friends in the group have uninstalled. League was sort of a "main game" for us for years, but it's time we let go of a sinking ship. No one of us wants to play this anymore.

Let Riot milk the whales dry, and let's see what the game will be like in several months.


All in all I still think hextech chests are the dumbest removal.

Out of the 130+ skins i got from them, i might have spent money on 3, maybe 4 of them, but what they dont take into account is the potential of nudging a player into a new champ that they might end up buying more skins for.

Back in 2017 i got shockblade zed in a chest. I already played zed sometimes but thats when i started actually trying to learn his playstyle. A few years later, i have purchased the galaxy slayer bundle with all the chromas, debonair zed, immortal journey, blood moon, project and empyrean. They lost 7.50$ by giving me shockblade for free, and in exchange, i ended up spending over 70$ on all the others, literally giving them back 10x what they "lost" in the first place


I at least know personally that the majority of skins I have ever bought have been through Your Shop because I simply don't have enough money to spend that I can buy skins normally, nor do I want to. But Your Shop has baited me into buying a lot of skins. It was actually one of the most lucrative things in the game for Riot when it comes to me, my brother and most of my friends including my girlfriend. Now that they removed it AND Hextech Chests, I will not be buying any skin from Riot ever no matter what it is. They're not getting a penny from me before Chests are back. This is out of principle.


There is a reason "sales" are a tactic that is proven to work for centuries at this point, my shop is nothing more than that, personally the only money i ever spent on league was on my shop and if it wasnt for that, i prob never would have, im fine playing my champs with default skin but my shop was smth that allowed me to justify spending some money on the game. Ive uninstalled since vanguard and I think i made the right decision, probably never coming back to league


Riot originally was founded to "Riot against the way the games industry is done, mostly in its monetization."

And now people are rioting against Riot for its monetization.

... Mainly because the founders of the company aren't leading it anymore. They're still there, but in passion roles rather than company ownership roles.


"League of Legends as a whole is in great danger."

