BROWNIE RECIPE | the simplest | the most delicious chocolate cake

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This is the simplest way to make brownies! The dessert turns out incredibly delicious. The most important thing is to choose good chocolate that you like, as it will directly affect the taste of the brownies.
You will need:
200g - dark chocolate (I used 75% cocoa)
200g - butter (82.5% fat)
150g - eggs (3 large)
100g - flour
300g - brown sugar (you can use regular sugar)
A pinch of salt
Whisk the eggs, sugar, and salt for about 3 minutes.
Melt the chocolate and butter either in a bain-marie or in the microwave in 20-second pulses (be careful not to burn the chocolate), stirring well each time.
Add the chocolate-butter mixture to the whipped eggs, sift in the flour and mix until combined (you can use a mixer). Mix quickly, within 30 seconds the batter should be homogeneous. The less you mix, the more cracks will appear on the finished dessert.
Pour the batter into a baking form, I used a size of 18*25cm. The layer of batter should be about 3-4cm thick.
Send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 30-35 minutes. And be careful here!
After the twenty-fifth minute, keep checking constantly!
Test the brownies with a toothpick; the batter should not stick, but the toothpick should have chocolate on it. This means the brownies will have a soft, moist center. If overbaked, it will be more like a chocolate cake with a cooked-through center. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just a matter of preference—true brownies have a crispy crust on top and a moist center.
Take the form out, let it cool for about 15 minutes, and cut the brownies into cubes.
You can serve them immediately. I love warm brownies with a scoop of ice cream—it's just the ultimate delight! But I know there are those who prefer chilled brownies with hot coffee! Store the brownies in the refrigerator (you can reheat them in the microwave if you prefer).
That’s how easily and simply we can make a true chocolate dessert!
It will definitely conquer the heart and hearts of those who try it!
Cook with pleasure, bon appétit!
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Нам понадобится:
200гр - темный шоколад (у меня 75% какао)
200гр - сливочное масло 82,5%
150гр - яйца (3шт С0)
100гр - мука
300гр - коричневый сахар (можно использовать обычный)
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You will need:
200g - dark chocolate (I used 75% cocoa)
200g - butter (82.5% fat)
150g - eggs (3 large)
100g - flour
300g - brown sugar (you can use regular sugar)
A pinch of salt
Whisk the eggs, sugar, and salt for about 3 minutes.
Melt the chocolate and butter either in a bain-marie or in the microwave in 20-second pulses (be careful not to burn the chocolate), stirring well each time.
Add the chocolate-butter mixture to the whipped eggs, sift in the flour and mix until combined (you can use a mixer). Mix quickly, within 30 seconds the batter should be homogeneous. The less you mix, the more cracks will appear on the finished dessert.
Pour the batter into a baking form, I used a size of 18*25cm. The layer of batter should be about 3-4cm thick.
Send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 30-35 minutes. And be careful here!
After the twenty-fifth minute, keep checking constantly!
Test the brownies with a toothpick; the batter should not stick, but the toothpick should have chocolate on it. This means the brownies will have a soft, moist center. If overbaked, it will be more like a chocolate cake with a cooked-through center. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just a matter of preference—true brownies have a crispy crust on top and a moist center.
Take the form out, let it cool for about 15 minutes, and cut the brownies into cubes.
You can serve them immediately. I love warm brownies with a scoop of ice cream—it's just the ultimate delight! But I know there are those who prefer chilled brownies with hot coffee! Store the brownies in the refrigerator (you can reheat them in the microwave if you prefer).
That’s how easily and simply we can make a true chocolate dessert!
It will definitely conquer the heart and hearts of those who try it!
Cook with pleasure, bon appétit!
Thank you for watching this video to the end.
Like, subscribe to the channel, and write in the comments which dessert recipe you’d like me to film next!
Нам понадобится:
200гр - темный шоколад (у меня 75% какао)
200гр - сливочное масло 82,5%
150гр - яйца (3шт С0)
100гр - мука
300гр - коричневый сахар (можно использовать обычный)
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