try! Swift Tokyo 2017 - Building Your Own Tools

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try! Swift Tokyo Conference 2017 - try! Swift is an immersive community gathering about Swift Language Best Practices, Application Development in Swift, Server-Side Swift, Open Source Swift, and the Swift Community in Tokyo.

Topic - Building Your Own Tools

Speaker - Orta Therox

Bio - Orta is the lead iOS developer at Artsy, building beautiful portfolio apps for some of the biggest Art galleries in the world. Encouraged by Artsy’s awesome commitment to open source, he regularly devotes time to working on and around the CocoaPods ecosystem, building tools like CocoaDocs, maintaining the Specs repository, and pruning documentation. If the CocoaPods team had fancy titles, he’d probably be called a community manager.

Abstract - You want to build your apps using the least amount of code, quickly, with the largest impact. You do this by finding the right abstractions, which takes years of practice. The Artsy mobile team have multiple apps with Swift, but that is not the future of our applications. This talk covers the build up to using Swift, and how that triggered the discussion that lead to our usage of React Native.

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