try! Swift Tokyo 2017 - Everything a Swift Dev Needs to Know About Machine Learning

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try! Swift Tokyo Conference 2017 - try! Swift is an immersive community gathering about Swift Language Best Practices, Application Development in Swift, Server-Side Swift, Open Source Swift, and the Swift Community in Tokyo.

Topic - Everything a Swift Dev Needs to Know About Machine Learning

Speaker - Alexis Gallagher

Bio - Alexis is as an independent consultant, building all sorts of systems with Swift, Clojure, bash, a heartfelt sincerity, a nagging skepticism, and the motley wisdom from his past adventures in science, finance, and comedy.

Abstract - The news says machine learning is the Next Big Thing. But machine learning is happening way over there, on servers, in universities and in big companies with big data. What is it really, and what does it mean for over here, on mobile, in Swift? Are we –gulp– legacy tech? This talk will present a fast, concrete, down-to-earth survey of machine learning, from the perspective of iOS & Swift, summarizing the main techniques, tools, and learning resources. It’ll outline how TensorFlow is like AVFoundation, how model training is like UI design, and how you can use iOS to gather big (enough) data and to exercise modern models using fast native code.

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